
Why Christians should NOT keep the Jewish Sabbath

KEEPING THE JEWISH SABBATH IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN!!!. Know how to defend yourself against groups such as Seventh Day Adventist's! Read ... Sundown To Sunday - Paperback Sundown To Sunday - eBookMore
KEEPING THE JEWISH SABBATH IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN!!!. Know how to defend yourself against groups such as Seventh Day Adventist's! Read ...
Sundown To Sunday - Paperback
Sundown To Sunday - eBook

Society of Saint Pius X Banned from Procession in Geneva

Society of Saint Pius X Banned from Procession in Geneva The Swiss Federal Supreme Court Nearly 18 months after an appeal was filed against the …
Noname Senki
Kálvin városa, ahol dokumentumokkal bizonyíthatóan Kàlvin inkvizíciója nagyságrenddel több embert végzett ki, mint a hírhedt spanyol: Spanyolországban …More
Kálvin városa, ahol dokumentumokkal bizonyíthatóan Kàlvin inkvizíciója nagyságrenddel több embert végzett ki, mint a hírhedt spanyol: Spanyolországban + a tengerentúli területeken.
Noname Senki
Betiltották az Úrnapi körmenetet! A Szent X. Pius Társaságnak megtiltották a genfi körmenetet Közel 18 hónappal azután, hogy fellebbezést nyújtottak …More
Betiltották az Úrnapi körmenetet!
A Szent X. Pius Társaságnak megtiltották a genfi körmenetet

Közel 18 hónappal azután, hogy fellebbezést nyújtottak be a genfi Corpus Christi körmenet betiltása
ellen, a Szövetségi Legfelsőbb Bíróság 2024. június 4-én kelt határozatában megerősítette ezt a tilalmat a Szent X. Pius Társaság számára, amely a svájci Carouge-i Szent József Oratóriumban található.
A Szent József Oratórium perjelének közleménye
2022-ben Genf kanton megtiltotta az összes vallási demonstrációt: a Szent Claire plébánia Corpus Christi körmenetét, a Szent József Oratórium körmenetét és a Cologny-i evangélikus templom tóba keresztelését.
A biztonsági minisztérium jogi osztálya a kantoni bíróságnak benyújtott indoklásában feltárta motivációit. A körmenetet szégyenletes módon "agresszív demonstrációnak", valamint "szimbolikus" és "pszichológiai" "erőszaknak" minősítették az "ateistákkal, [és] az LMBT közösséggel" szemben.
A hivatal arról is beszélt, hogy "komoly ellenőrzésre van szükség …More
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
🔥🔥Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Excommunicated From the Church by Order of Pope Francis, Issued a Grave Warning, Alleging That the Pope Is an Enthusiastic Collaborator in the Great Reset He claims …More
🔥🔥Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Excommunicated From the Church by Order of Pope Francis, Issued a Grave Warning, Alleging That the Pope Is an Enthusiastic Collaborator in the Great Reset
He claims that the pope's goal is to dismantle the Church and replace it with an organization inspired by Masonic principles.
He further contends that there is a sinister conspiracy between the deep state and the deep church and reminds us that the Pope is a Jesuit.
🔥🔥Erzbischof Carlo Maria Viganò, der auf Anordnung von Papst Franziskus aus der Kirche exkommuniziert wurde, warnte ernsthaft und behauptete, der Papst sei ein begeisterter Mitarbeiter beim Großen …More
🔥🔥Erzbischof Carlo Maria Viganò, der auf Anordnung von Papst Franziskus aus der Kirche exkommuniziert wurde, warnte ernsthaft und behauptete, der Papst sei ein begeisterter Mitarbeiter beim Großen Reset
Er behauptet, das Ziel des Papstes sei es, die Kirche zu demontieren und durch eine Organisation zu ersetzen, die von freimaurerischen Prinzipien inspiriert sei.
Er behauptet weiter, dass es eine finstere Verschwörung zwischen dem tiefen Staat und der tiefen Kirche gibt und erinnert uns daran, dass der Papst ein Jesuit ist.
The great Archbishop is right.
Mariusz Szymański
Latin Chant to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: FLOS CARMELI During our last musical mission in Spain, we had the grace to give a concert and record this video in the Basilica of the Tomb of St. Teresa of …More
Latin Chant to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: FLOS CARMELI
During our last musical mission in Spain, we had the grace to give a concert and record this video in the Basilica of the Tomb of St. Teresa of Avila, in Alba de Tormes. The sequence "Flos Carmeli" could be considered the most representative chant of the Carmelite Order, attributed to its Prior General Saint Simon Stock (13th century). To this day, Carmelites throughout the world sing with filial piety this hymn to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whose feast is celebrated on July 16.
With this video, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to St. Teresa for accompanying us in such a tangible way during our two missions in Spain, and to send a special greeting to the entire Carmelite Order.
Telegram: Harpa Dei
Soundcloud: If you would like …More

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

Francis is the elected Pope and there is no opposition from the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Father Serafino Lanzetta on (14 July). Therefore: "There is no doubt that …More
Francis is the elected Pope and there is no opposition from the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Father Serafino Lanzetta on (14 July).
Therefore: "There is no doubt that Francis is a legitimate Pope."
Müller's distraction from the heresies in Francis' Vatican: "Jesus didn't give us the guarantee that bishops and popes always do the best. Only in the case of the dogma ex cathedra is the Pope infallible".
This position virtually reduces papal infallibility to nothing, implying that there was no papal infallibility before its formal declaration in July 1870, and that there is no infallibility outside the very rare cases in which infallibility is formally invoked.
The Cardinal adds that it is a misunderstanding of a Pope's authority "to make him the Oracle of Delphi", which is true, but neither should the Pope be an oracle of nonsense.
Referring to the disputes between Peter and Paul [over whether pagans had to observe Old Testament customs and laws such as …More
When our pastors are so afraid or compromised, we should be the ones telling them: "race of vipers!" He is a pope alright, by his fruits we know... …More
When our pastors are so afraid or compromised, we should be the ones telling them: "race of vipers!" He is a pope alright, by his fruits we know... antipope that is.
True Mass
Good grief.
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Canon 212
July 15, 2024: What Do We Have Left If They Get Trump? The Catholic Press?

What Do We Have Left If They Get Trump? The Catholic Press? – The Stumbling Block

15Jul 2024 Canon212 Update: What Do We Have Left If They Get Trump? The Catholic Press? by ⋅ Leave a …
Ari B
@Sean Johnson did I miss something?
Sean Johnson
Every vote for Trump is a vote stolen from Mel Gibson.
Alejandrina Reyes
😡 😡
Robert T. Gabriele shares from Tom Morelli
Don't know if this is true, but putting it out there as an FYI....More
Don't know if this is true, but putting it out there as an FYI....
The Vatican's "Church of Accompaniment" is Fake News! Full video here: VATICAN CANCELS LATIN MASS: “We want gay blessings and empty pews.” Make this make sense: The same "merciful" Vatican that …More
The Vatican's "Church of Accompaniment" is Fake News!
Full video here: VATICAN CANCELS LATIN MASS: “We want gay blessings and empty pews.”
Make this make sense: The same "merciful" Vatican that promotes blessings of gay couples and silently allows Pride Masses and sacrilegious funerals of transgender idols to happen in some of its most prominent churches—this same Vatican just canceled the TLM for the Spanish version of the Chartres Pilgrimage, an annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Covadonga organized by a group of faithful lay Catholics devoted to the celebration of the Holy Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
There will be NO Latin Mass this year at the Shrine of Our Lady of Covadonga. The young people who made a pilgrimage to this Catholic site are not allowed that grace and comfort… why? Well, because the “Church of Accompaniment” is fake news, and Cardinal Muller will tell you what Vatican officials ACTUALLY think of the youth who love and attend …More
The Priest Who Prayed on Stage Moments Before Trump Shooting. Fr. Jason Charron prayed on stage just before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And incredibly, he told people in the crowd to …More
The Priest Who Prayed on Stage Moments Before Trump Shooting.
Fr. Jason Charron prayed on stage just before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And incredibly, he told people in the crowd to pray for the former president, saying "there are people who want to shoot him, there are people who want to kill him." Moments later a bullet grazed the former president's right ear. EWTN's Colm Flynn interviewed Fr. Jason Charron.
May we all pray for Trump and his saftey.
Everyday for Life Canada
Reminds me of the telling line from Romeo and Juliet, “A greater power than we can contradict hath thwarted our intents..”
Luciano Costa
. 🙏 😇
JULY 16 - OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL breski1 16 July Entry The Church celebrates on this day the feast of the Scapular of Mount Carmel. The scapular, which derives its name from the Latin word scapulæMore
16 July
The Church celebrates on this day the feast of the Scapular of Mount Carmel. The scapular, which derives its name from the Latin word scapulæ, meaning shoulders, is a dress which covers the shoulders. It is mentioned in the rule of Saint Benedict as worn by monks over their other dress when they were at work, and it now forms a regular part of the religious dress in the old Orders. But it is best known among Catholics as the name of two little pieces of cloth worn out of devotion to the Blessed Virgin over the shoulders, under the ordinary garb, and connected by strings. The devotion of the scapular, now almost universal in the Catholic Church, began with the Carmelites. The history of its origin is as follows: During the thirteenth century the Carmelite Order suffered great persecution, and on 16 July 1251, while Saint Simon Stock, then general of the Order, was at prayer, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, holding …More

Bad Fruit from a Bad Tree - 08.07.24

The Gospel of last Sunday reads: “At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will …More
The Gospel of last Sunday reads: “At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them.”
These words brought to mind the sentiments expressed by a modernist rector of a diocesan seminary many years ago. He was lamenting the ever-increasing numbers of conservative Catholic candidates entering the seminary, despite his best efforts to bar their entry or vet them out. In exasperation he once said that it would be better to have no seminarians at all rather than have conservative Catholic priests.
At first glance this view seems to be counter intuitive. After all, without seminarians there really is no reason for a seminary to exist, along the lines that there is no purpose for an airport if there are no planes. But, if your ultimate goal is not filling the seats in a seminary classroom but rather replacing the Church with a counterfeit, that prefers facilitators and …More
Live Mike
Gunman spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots were fired - Nicole Ford, WPXI-TV Pittsburgh

Alleged Trump shooter spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots fired, sources say

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And would you believe the FBI can't crack the murderers phone, yet they had no problem intercepting Tucker Carlson's phone frequency, nor did they have …More
And would you believe the FBI can't crack the murderers phone, yet they had no problem intercepting Tucker Carlson's phone frequency, nor did they have any issues hacking phones from the folks @ J6. 🤔
Live Mike
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Father Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought
342 pages
Francis, McCarrick, and Illusions of Change…

Francis, McCarrick, and Illusions of Change…

Recently, Pope Francis excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the man who blew the proverbial whistle on Ted McCarrick’s many proclivities. He helped …
Michele Sasi

Stop the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass

Stop the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass Stop the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass Warum ist diese Petition wichtig? James MacMillan My name is Sir James …
Ari B
They banned it before. They'll do it again. That's why I attend at non diocesan the SSPX.

Famous Mexican Producer Defends the Mass: Many Mexicans Long for Roman Rite

Mexican actor and producer José Eduardo Verástegui published an open letter to Francis on 14th July asking him "not to forbid" the Roman Rite Mass. Verástegui recently produced the successful film "…More
Mexican actor and producer José Eduardo Verástegui published an open letter to Francis on 14th July asking him "not to forbid" the Roman Rite Mass.
Verástegui recently produced the successful film "Sound of Freedom" (2023) about the rescue of children from sex traffickers.
The actor tells Francis that the Mass is "rich" and "devout": "In the land of Guadalupe, there are many of us who want the Tridentine Mass not to be suppressed, but to be preserved for the spiritual benefit of Catholics who want to receive Holy Communion every day at the traditional Mass."
Verástegui goes on to ask Francis to "allow every priest who wants to celebrate it to do so" [as was the case until Traditionis Custodes in 2021]: "In Mexico we have many who wish with all their heart to be able to do so with your permission."
la verdad prevalece
Verástegui like many Catholics, needs to wake up and find out about Bergoglio's hatred for the Latin Mass in Argentina. How Bergoglio himself disobeyed …More
Verástegui like many Catholics, needs to wake up and find out about Bergoglio's hatred for the Latin Mass in Argentina. How Bergoglio himself disobeyed Pope Benedict when he freed the Latin Mass and how in Argentina he persecuted Catholic priests and faithful and closed several parishes that celebrated the Latin Mass. That is why he was called the 7 Plagues of Egypt for the Church of Argentina.
RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio (
And how his puppet, the homosexual Tucho Fernandez, hates the Latin Mass and how he persecuted it in Argentina. Kissing Expert Archbishop Forbids Latin Mass –
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No Name: Pro-Biden Vatican Condemns "Violence" after Assassination Attempt on Trump

The Vatican has condemned the attack on Donald Trump on 13 July, while carefully avoiding mentioning Trump's name. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told of his "concern" at the "…More
The Vatican has condemned the attack on Donald Trump on 13 July, while carefully avoiding mentioning Trump's name.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told of his "concern" at the "episode of violence that hurts people and democracy, causing suffering and death".
The Holy See "joins the US bishops in praying for America, for the victims and for peace in the country, so that the motives of the violent will never prevail". Francis made no comment on the incident during his Sunday noon Angelus.
Washington's Cardinal Wilton Gregory (pro-Biden) issued a statement on 14 July:
"I ask the people of the Archdiocese of Washington and all people of good will to keep former President Trump and all those killed or injured in last night's violence in our prayers. May those who work to keep our country safe be strengthened in their duties."
Picture: Evan Vucci, wikipedia, #newsMqflfuxvkh
Sandy Barrett shares this
Absolutely shocking that Pope Francis didn’t mention this at the Angelus, that he didn’t pray for America, and it is quite frankly embarrassing that …More
Absolutely shocking that Pope Francis didn’t mention this at the Angelus, that he didn’t pray for America, and it is quite frankly embarrassing that the Holy See Press statement doesn’t even mention Donald Trump’s name.
So Francis's hatred of the United States has so infected the Vatican that they issue a statement de facto eliminating the hated Trump since the bullet …More
So Francis's hatred of the United States has so infected the Vatican that they issue a statement de facto eliminating the hated Trump since the bullet didn't do it for them. Great way for Christ's church to represent Him here on earth.
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J.D Vance, Best-Selling Author Opens Up About His Painful Childhood And The Future Ahead | NBC News From a troubled childhood in the rust belt to success in Silicon Valley, J.D. Vance, best-selling …More
J.D Vance, Best-Selling Author Opens Up About His Painful Childhood And The Future Ahead | NBC News
From a troubled childhood in the rust belt to success in Silicon Valley, J.D. Vance, best-selling author of "Hillbilly Elegy" opens up about his story to Megyn Kelly.
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