Thank Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for Signing the Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill

>>> Click here to thank Gov. Abbott. Gov. Greg Abbott signed a Heartbeat Bill that recently went into effect, which stops nearly all procured abortions in the state of Texas. But pro-abortion backlash …More
>>> Click here to thank Gov. Abbott.
Gov. Greg Abbott signed a Heartbeat Bill that recently went into effect, which stops nearly all procured abortions in the state of Texas.
But pro-abortion backlash is loud and furious. From President Joe Biden to Vice-president Kamala Harris, there is a frantic pro-abortion lobby insisting that the sin of abortion is an untouchable “right.”
Yet Texas Gov. Abbott is standing firm.
He said:
“No freedom is more precious than life itself. Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion. Texas will always defend the right to life.”
Although the Heartbeat Bill Act in Texas alone will save about 100 babies per day, the pro-abortion movement is not about to give up.
For example: NARAL Pro-Choice America president Adrienne Kimmell, said: “NARAL and our 2.5 million members will continue fighting back against attacks on abortion access from statehouses to the Supreme Court.” Click here to urge Gov. Abbott to …More
Werte shares this
What It’s Like to Fight Abortion in Ireland Help us defund Planned Parenthood by clicking here: Pro-life vs pro-abortion. This video …More
What It’s Like to Fight Abortion in Ireland
Help us defund Planned Parenthood by clicking here:
Pro-life vs pro-abortion.
This video shows you what it’s like to debate the issue of abortion on the streets of Ireland. TFP Student Action’s sister organization, the Irish Society for Christian Civilization, toured Ireland this summer to oppose the sin of abortion. Young Catholic volunteers distributed at least 12,000 pro-life leaflets that contain seven reasons explaining why abortion is immoral, unethical, and contrary to the law of God.
Abortion is not a legitimate choice, but a serious sin against God and His plan for each person as well as the unity of the family, the basic cell and foundation of society.
#abortion #debate #Ireland
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chris griffin
Brave young people against the lies of Satan. Stay strong!
Werte shares this
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Moral Courage: The Virtue That Makes Weak Men Strong. What is moral courage? And why is it so important for every college student? In this video, we talk to Norman Fulkerson. He’s a TFP member, award …More
Moral Courage: The Virtue That Makes Weak Men Strong.
What is moral courage? And why is it so important for every college student?
In this video, we talk to Norman Fulkerson. He’s a TFP member, award-winning author and public speaker. With 35 years of experience fighting for moral values in the public square, Mr. Fulkerson is more than qualified to tell us why moral courage is so important.
Mr. Norman Fulkerson's book, "An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC"
Topics covered in this interview:
01:00 What is moral courage?
03:09 Handling negative peer pressure 07:40 Moral courage in a leftist classroom 11:45 Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira's moral courage 17:00 Being bold in your moral convictions 19:49 Col. John W. Ripley's moral courage Subscribe to the podcast: #manliness Site: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:
De Profundis shares this
Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now:…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/ As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American …More
Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now:…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/
As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American TFP joins those who deplore Marxism in all its forms to demand an end to the country’s communist dictatorship.
The time has come to rally around the abandoned Cuban people that have suffered this oppression for sixty-two years!
Thousands have been arrested in the current protests. Many were killed, and hundreds are missing. The government censors communication with the outside world and even blocks the Internet.
At this critical hour, the judgment of God and history will be severe should the anguished cries of protesters be ignored. The communist oppression in Cuba must be eliminated once and for all.
President Joseph Biden was recently forced to admit that “Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system. And I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”
The American TFP …More
De Profundis shares this
How, pray tell, do you propose Mr. Biden end Cuba's Communist regime? Send them flowers with a nice note saying "Pretty please" ? Your petition says "…More
How, pray tell, do you propose Mr. Biden end Cuba's Communist regime? Send them flowers with a nice note saying "Pretty please" ?
Your petition says "We ask you to take all the measures needed to effect this regime change". So, if necessary to meet your goal, you support direct military invasion, overthrow of a sovereign government, and occupation until a "proper" governing system is in place?
Please check with the Iraqis, the Libyans, and the Syrians to see if that usually works out okay.
Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now:…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/ As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American …More
Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now:…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/
As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American TFP joins those who deplore Marxism in all its forms to demand an end to the country’s communist dictatorship.
The time has come to rally around the abandoned Cuban people that have suffered this oppression for sixty-two years!
Thousands have been arrested in the current protests. Many were killed, and hundreds are missing. The government censors communication with the outside world and even blocks the Internet.
At this critical hour, the judgment of God and history will be severe should the anguished cries of protesters be ignored. The communist oppression in Cuba must be eliminated once and for all.
President Joseph Biden was recently forced to admit that “Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system. And I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”
The American TFP …More
chris griffin
How about ending abortion in Cuba.
No Coexistence: When Crusaders Clash with Satanists at Historic Cross. This video features a clash between Catholics and satanists on July 10, 2021. Satan showed his ugly head and was crushed by the …More
No Coexistence: When Crusaders Clash with Satanists at Historic Cross.
This video features a clash between Catholics and satanists on July 10, 2021. Satan showed his ugly head and was crushed by the Virgin at the Bladensburg Cross Memorial in Maryland.
Followers of the Satanic Temple planned a rally at the Bladensburg cross to attack the controversial monument and to claim it as their own. However, Satan received a mighty blow when the temple members found Our Lady and nearly 130 prayer warriors already on the scene.
On July 10, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) hosted a Rosary rally in front of the Bladensburg Cross Memorial. The cross is a solemn landmark, which honors American veterans of World War I. It was the object of a 2019 Supreme Court battle where enemies of the cross tried to have it torn down. Fortunately, the Court ruled 7-2 in favor of this symbol of salvation.
Members of the Satanic Temple sought to dedicate the cross …More
chris griffin
God no longer blesses America, America stands condemned by God for the legal murder of 66 million babies.
Eva shares this
Boy's Chivalry Camp – Makes Catholic Mothers Rejoice, but Feminists Rage. Yes, real men oppose abortion. Please sign our petition to defund Planned Parenthood, here:…More
Boy's Chivalry Camp – Makes Catholic Mothers Rejoice, but Feminists Rage.
Yes, real men oppose abortion. Please sign our petition to defund Planned Parenthood, here:
TFP Call to Chivalry camps are a great experience for young Catholic men and their dads.
For decades, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has run camps for Catholic boys throughout the U.S. every year. TFP volunteers organize the camp with the intention of forming young men who embrace heroic virtue, promote the social Kingship of Christ in a chaotic world, and stand up for the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church.
#Chivalry #camp
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Tesa shares this
Choice? None.
Pride and the Occult: Two Colors of the Same Rainbow. Please sign your peaceful protest against Drag Queen Story Hour here: Moral values …More
Pride and the Occult: Two Colors of the Same Rainbow.
Please sign your peaceful protest against Drag Queen Story Hour here:
Moral values are Texas values!
About 50 prayer warriors joined the TFP Student Action volunteers to pray in defense of moral values in Tyler, Texas. The rosary rally was held in reparation to God for the "Downtown Drag and Pride Walk" organized by a business in Tyler called The Fickle Witch. Coincidentally, the pro-LGBT woman who gets confrontational in this video self identified herself as a witch. Clearly, the battle between good and evil, virtue and sin, is a battle between God and satan, Heaven vs. Hell. In addition to the rosary, participants prayed the Litany of the Sacred Heart to especially honor Our Lord Jesus Christ in the month of June.
#tyler #texas
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Jeffrey Ade
Right on!
Young Catholics Fight Socialism in California and Beyond. More and more young Americans are standing up against the evils of socialism. This video features a TFP Student Action campaign against socialism …More
Young Catholics Fight Socialism in California and Beyond.
More and more young Americans are standing up against the evils of socialism. This video features a TFP Student Action campaign against socialism in California and additional states, emphasizing the importance of prayer as a means to restore true freedom and return to order.
From the ideological or philosophical standpoint, there is no substantial difference between communism and socialism. The founders of modern communism, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, called themselves socialists.
The Soviet Union called itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Communist China, Cuba and Vietnam likewise define themselves as socialist regimes. Socialism can be applied in varying degrees. Thus, in practice, there can be a difference between an incomplete application of socialism and full-blown communism, which is socialism taken to its ultimate consequences.
Not only does Socialism not work, but communism-socialism is a wicked, anti-…
Jeffrey Ade
Sincere Catholic action! Men with hats!
Trying to bring back "fedoras" with sun-hats is not a good thing.
Fr. James Martin attacked the icon of Jesus and Mary, so please sign this peaceful protest In this video, you will see faithful …More
Fr. James Martin attacked the icon of Jesus and Mary, so please sign this peaceful protest
In this video, you will see faithful Catholics who recently gathered in New Jersey and Pennsylvania to oppose talks by pro-homosexual priest, Fr. James Martin, in those states.
In a tweet to 299,000 people, Fr. Martin approvingly posted a sacrilegious icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa with pro-homosexual rainbow-colored halos.
The photo shared by Fr. Martin was made by pro-abortion activists in Poland who openly attack God, the Catholic Church and moral values. Radical pro-abortion and pro-LGBT activist Elzbieta Podlesna, for example, posted copies of the desecrated icon of Jesus and Mary around St. Dominic’s Church in Plock.
According to Associated Press, the altered icon was displayed on “garbage bins and mobile toilets.”
#FrJamesMartin #rainbowJesuit
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DefendTruth shares this
Keep fighting.
Live Mike
Crusade for the Family Prayer - Fr. John Hardon Mary, Mother of God, at your request, Jesus worked His first miracle. He changed water into wine for …More
Crusade for the Family Prayer - Fr. John Hardon
Mary, Mother of God, at your request, Jesus worked His first miracle. He changed water into wine for the wedding guests at Cana in Galilee. Over the centuries you have not ceased to obtain countless signs and wonders for the poor, exiled children of Eve. We therefore ask you to intercede with your Divine Son for the miraculous graces which the modern world so desperately needs: For the conversion and reconversion of whole nations to Jesus Christ and His teaching on marriage and the family; For the heroic preservation among Christians of our faith in the indissolubility of marriage, marital fidelity and the loving acceptance of children, as the bedrock of the Christian family; For the courage of martyrs in all of us followers of Christ, that we may witness to His power to overcome the powers of darkness that are bent on destroying the human family and the moral law. Mary, Mother of the Holy Family, and Mother of our families, pray for us. Amen.
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Doctor Destroys Transgenderism with Simple Science Oppose “Drag Queen Story Hour” for kids as young as 3-years-old. Sign your peaceful protest here:…/drag-queen-story-hour-…More
Doctor Destroys Transgenderism with Simple Science
Oppose “Drag Queen Story Hour” for kids as young as 3-years-old. Sign your peaceful protest here:…/drag-queen-story-hour-protest
Doctor Destroys Transgenderism with Simple Science
You can read the full transcript of the entire interview here:…etella-on-transgender-ideology
Accurate medical information is important in the discussion about gender theory. Transgenderism is at variance with biological reality and children at young ages are being lead to believe that gender is fluid. The ramifications of this new phase of the sexual revolution are alarming. The doctor in this interview will give you good reasons to defend sound science and believe in biology.
#transgenderism #debate
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Praying for order in every state of the union (Best Clips) Register your prayers for the police today -- here:…dge-to-protect-police-officers In early June, the American TFP set …More
Praying for order in every state of the union (Best Clips)
Register your prayers for the police today -- here:…dge-to-protect-police-officers
In early June, the American TFP set out with an ambitious goal. They planned to pray the rosary publicly at every state capital and in as many US territories as possible. In the face of the overwhelming chaos and confusion that currently reigns in America, these prayers would ask the Blessed Mother to bring her blessings and restore order over this land.
After four months of efforts, the goal was reached on September 19, 2020, when the final rosary rally was held at the State Capitol Building in Honolulu at the feet of the famous statue of St. Damien of Molokai that stands there.
Thousands of Catholics from every state in the union joined forces in this daring spiritual crusade. Their hope was renewed. May Our Blessed Lady continue to watch over America throughout the difficult days through which it is passing.
#rosary #prayerMore
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter Sign your prayer for the police today:…dge-to-protect-police-officers Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution …More
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter
Sign your prayer for the police today:…dge-to-protect-police-officers
Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.
Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.
But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter.” Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for …More
Young Catholics Who Fight the Good Fight Meet for New Year To send a prayer to the police officers who serve with honor, please click here:…dge-to-protect-police-officers To get …More
Young Catholics Who Fight the Good Fight Meet for New Year
To send a prayer to the police officers who serve with honor, please click here:…dge-to-protect-police-officers
To get more information about TFP Student Action's next conference for young Catholic men, click here:
#Revolution #Counterrevolution
Twitter: Attribution: Sinfonia Number 5 by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
What It’s Like to Fight Socialism on Campus Sign a prayer for the police here:…rooms-at-catholic-universities Socialism denies men of their God-given right to own private property …More
What It’s Like to Fight Socialism on Campus
Sign a prayer for the police here:…rooms-at-catholic-universities
Socialism denies men of their God-given right to own private property. After all, two of the Ten Commandments protect this right. However, the presence of TFP Student Action volunteers at the liberal arts college set off some sparks.
Those driving to the college brimmed with excitement. It was the first college campaign of the semester and TFP volunteers practiced their debating skills during the trip. Supplied with flyers, 10 Reasons to Reject Socialism, denouncing the evils of Marxist ideology, the TFP members took their stand near the campus cafeteria. On site, they said a prayer, raised their banner, which read, “May God protect America from socialism,” and waited.
As lunchtime approached, the TFP pamphleteers busied themselves among the students. “God is dead!” yelled one student as he passed. Bringing God into a debate concerning society jarred the …More
Death Knell for Darwin -- Dr. Behe Explains Intelligent Design Post your comments. Michael Behe, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, admits that he went through all his school years believing that Darwinian …More
Death Knell for Darwin -- Dr. Behe Explains Intelligent Design
Post your comments.
Michael Behe, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, admits that he went through all his school years believing that Darwinian evolution explained what we see in biology only because his instructors told him that it did and the academic atmosphere did not allow for any challenge. After he joined the faculty of Lehigh University, he came across a study that offered convincing arguments against Darwinian Theory. Somewhat disturbed for being fooled for so many years, he ran laboratory tests that indicated that Darwin’s hypothesis could not adequately explain the complexity of nature.
Prof. Behe had an enormous advantage over the earlier naturalists because of the vast explosion of knowledge on the cell, life’s most fundamental unit, during the last half of the twentieth century. Powerful technologies revealed elaborate microscopic worlds inside the cell including a variety of molecular machines, carrying things …More
Pro-Abortion Mob Attacks Brave Catholics in Poland Post a comment to encourage the brave pro-life Catholics in Poland. Pro-abortion mobs mobilized against the Catholic Church after the Polish constitutional …More
Pro-Abortion Mob Attacks Brave Catholics in Poland
Post a comment to encourage the brave pro-life Catholics in Poland.
Pro-abortion mobs mobilized against the Catholic Church after the Polish constitutional tribunal approved a measure to restrict abortion last month. Anti-family activists used physical violence against peaceful Catholics, invaded Churches, defaced statues of the Saints, and interrupted Sunday Masses.
Young TFP member, Stanislaw Sadowski, who was leading a rosary in front of the historic Holy Cross Basilica in Warsaw was attacked by a man who pulled his microphone away and damaged his loudspeaker. Catholics yelled “aggressor” to alert law enforcement officers about the incident. The police intervened while a larger mob of feminists and LGBT advocates waved coat hangers and chanted obscenities against the Church.
Another TFP volunteer was struck by a metal selfie stick. The pro-abortion attacker attempted to flee but police officers quickly moved in, forming a protective …More
Las proabortistas llevan un rayo en las mascarillas, y ya sabemos que el rayo es el símbolo de SATÁN.
I'll just leave this here. Single edged, blade is about 2.5cm, The little hole fits a hard-plastic instant-release sheath.The serrations are razor sharp …More
I'll just leave this here. Single edged, blade is about 2.5cm, The little hole fits a hard-plastic instant-release sheath.The serrations are razor sharp and designed for slicing meat. ;-)
LGBT Mob Can’t Debate – But They Do Bark Like Dogs Join the protest against Drag Queen Story Hour for kids here:…/drag-queen-story-hour-protest When the pro-LGBT movement lost …More
LGBT Mob Can’t Debate – But They Do Bark Like Dogs
Join the protest against Drag Queen Story Hour for kids here:…/drag-queen-story-hour-protest
When the pro-LGBT movement lost the public debate with young Catholics in Warsaw, Poland, they resorted to barking, yelling and spitting. As you can see, sinful behavior has an impact on human conduct. This video reveals how the sexual revolution debases the individual who gives in to his base animal passions. Not convinced? Then watch them bark like dogs.
It is very embarrassing.
The young Catholics in this video are peaceful volunteers with TFP Student Action (Europe) who defend moral values in the public square. Please pray for them.
#LGBT #lose #debate
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Check both crowds , which ones are doing the will of God ?
Should Pro-Abortion Biden Receive Holy Communion? Save innocent lives by DEFUNDING Planned Parenthood here:…und-planned-parenthood-forever To oppose the sin of abortion, TFP …More
Should Pro-Abortion Biden Receive Holy Communion?
Save innocent lives by DEFUNDING Planned Parenthood here:…und-planned-parenthood-forever
To oppose the sin of abortion, TFP Student Action volunteers joined the March for Life in Philadelphia on Jan. 23, 2021 with their bagpipes and drums. During the march, TFP members asked pro-life Catholics what they thought about President Joe Biden who presents himself as both pro-abortion and Catholic. Should Biden receive Holy Communion? Should our Catholic bishops deny him Holy Communion? What about excommunication? The responses to these and other additional questions were most interesting.
#Biden #Catholic
What Americans Really Think About the Police (Not Seen on CNN) Sign your prayer for the police today:…dge-to-protect-police-officers Just as St. Michael cast the demons out of …More
What Americans Really Think About the Police (Not Seen on CNN)
Sign your prayer for the police today:…dge-to-protect-police-officers
Just as St. Michael cast the demons out of Heaven and restored order, police officers have the duty to restore order on earth.
But, unfortunately, police officers all over the country are under attack by neo-Marxist rioters, anarchists, leftist media and government officials who want to defund and abolish law enforcement altogether.
Please help TFP Student Action launch a nationwide prayer campaign to support our police officers at this time of civil unrest and lawless revolution.
“More than 700 law enforcement officers have been injured on the job during nationwide protests…” (The New York Post)
Some law enforcement officers lost their lives, others are in critical condition. Yet, despite their great courage, those who serve are receiving little public gratitude. The unappreciated must do the incredible and face the unthinkable to …More