Felix Staratschek

Who are the REAL conspiracy theorists?

“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths” As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you. But its source might… Because this headline is not from an independent …More
“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths”
As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you.
But its source might…
Because this headline is not from an independent news source like LifeSiteNews.
This headline is from the front page of The Telegraph, the mouthpiece of the British establishment.
The story continues:
“Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.”
This BMJ study is an important step forward in the fight for the truth about the abortion-tainted jab. The BMJ is one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, and it cannot be ignored. That’s why former British cabinet minister David Davis MP wrote: “This is a serious report, published by serious …More
toya tang
Alfa Cytology has announced its molecular biology services for TME research. Alfa Cytology, a specialized biotechnology company headquartered in the United States, focusing on tumor microenvironment …More
Alfa Cytology has announced its molecular biology services for TME research.
Alfa Cytology, a specialized biotechnology company headquartered in the United States, focusing on tumor microenvironment (TME), has announced its molecular biology services for TME research. The launch of the service indicates that the company is developing towards precision and depth in TME research.
TME refers to the surrounding environment of tumor cells, which feed the latter as normal cells, molecules, and blood vessels. They make an influence on each other closely. Analyzing the biological components in TME helps to detect harmful substances in cells as early as possible, facilitating early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Molecular biology tools offer valuable insights into gene expression patterns, protein profiles, genetic alterations, epigenetic modifications, and functional properties of key molecules within the TME. By employing techniques such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), single-cell …More

Personalized Services and Customized Solutions

Scientific Excellence Customized Solutions Collaborative Approach Confidentiality and Data Security Alfa Cytology employs the latest research technology. …
Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Lifesite News is reporting: "Several 'credible' sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document 'banning …
True Mass
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them. Enough with V2 and all the filth.More
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them.
Enough with V2 and all the filth.
Maria delos Angeles
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of …More
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of the ritual of the Novus Ordo. This is allowed under the providential disposition of the CCanon Law 1983. This is as much as I can bear, as to be present for any of the Novus Ordo rite is literal torture. There is confession after the Mass.
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Some people I admire and respect have said or they believe Medjugorje is diabolic. I have never been sufficiently convinced their reasons were compelling enough to write it off altogether. I did pass …More
Some people I admire and respect have said or they believe Medjugorje is diabolic. I have never been sufficiently convinced their reasons were compelling enough to write it off altogether. I did pass on the message to do the novena for Our Lady's intentions for world peace not least for the reason that I had a sense we were in a lot of danger yesterday morning while in prayer.. these elites are serious they want us dead. No doubt about that..
Mary 17
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Sean Johnson
Rome, the SSPX, and the Resistance by Arsenius (Benedictine monk of Santa Cruz Monastery in New Freiburg, Brazil).

Rome, the Society and the Resistance

top of page *Articles published by third parties do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Monastery of Santa Cruz and their publication is for informative …
Alex A
What a weak and pathetic rebuff to the "Resistance" critics. AI would have done a far better job. If indeed, that is the best you can come up with, then …More
What a weak and pathetic rebuff to the "Resistance" critics. AI would have done a far better job. If indeed, that is the best you can come up with, then your tenure as 'Avant tout la resistance' will eventually fade into history.

Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility: Now Biden’s gaffes are “misinformation” too

Get ready for ‘Misinformation’ round 3. When Democrats, their activists and their media declared that disagreement …
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes …More
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes any amount of common sense, this tells you how much the person cares about his country.
Nicola D.B. shares from Maria delos Angeles
5G: Friend or Foe? - full-length documentary New documentary on wireless risks by Christine ZIpps. Film shines a light on an ever-expanding public health issue of significant global concern. FOR MORE …More
5G: Friend or Foe? - full-length documentary
New documentary on wireless risks by Christine ZIpps.
Film shines a light on an ever-expanding public health issue of significant global concern.
LINK to our WEBSITE: 5G: Friend or Foe – A Documentary
Johansson O, “Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields — A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment”, Pathophysiology 2009; 16: 157-177
Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment - PubMed
Johansson O, “Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment”, Rev Environ Health 2015; 30: 311–321 Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment - PubMed Redmayne M, Johansson O, “Could myelin damage from radiofrequency electromagnetic …More
Wilma Lopez
“We invited Harrison Butker to speak at our college. We won't bow to cancel culture.” - Stephen D. Minnis, President of Benedictine College
Frank Walker
June 18, 2024: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

18Jun 2024 Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism by fgwalkers@att.net ⋅ Leave a Comment ***I said ‘S-5’ when I meant S-500. I said ‘last week …

How to Recover From the ‘Crisis of Meaning’ in the West: John Vervaeke

[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] “People don’t know where to go to cultivate wisdom. I will ask my students: ‘Where do you go for information …
"You need to 'grow' your personhood?" What about growing in virtue? What about growing your relationship with the Sacred Heart?
This is spam.
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No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in …More
During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in three churches: St Michael, St Philip and the Cathedral St Patrick.
A day later he received the answer: Niet! The Vatican issued a decree forbidding the Mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Arthur Roche "allowed" it only for two years and only in the churches of St Michael and St Philip. The decree was signed by his secretary, Archbishop Vittorio Viola (pictured).
According to the Vatican, over the next two years, the faithful are to be led into the [decadent] Novus Ordo from which they have all been fleeing for decades.
Archbishop Viola writes: "While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are nonetheless constrained [by whom?] to deny this request. It is now opportune [!] that the direction given by the …More
Alex A
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's …More
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's followers, after all, they desperately look for validation.
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 …More
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 and soon to be abandoned by the SSPX. The younger look and listen as if in awe. Us old timers shake our heads and wonder what happened.
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Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

Father Thomas Rosica entered Toronto's 'Splash Steam and Sauna' at 1610 Dundas Street West, a bathhouse for homosexual men, last Sunday, June 9, and left two hours later. This was witnessed by Shane …More
Father Thomas Rosica entered Toronto's 'Splash Steam and Sauna' at 1610 Dundas Street West, a bathhouse for homosexual men, last Sunday, June 9, and left two hours later.
This was witnessed by Shane D'Costa, a former member of the Toronto Newman Centre, to John Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com (17 June).
Rosica is a priest of the 'Congregation of St. Basil' and former executive producer of 'Salt + Light TV'. He was handpicked by Francis to be a media advisor at the Vatican, but left his post after being outed as a serial plagiarist.
In 2019, he was at a mental health and addiction treatment facility for clergy and religious.
D'Costa said he recognised Father Rosica, wanted to speak to him and followed him for "about two minutes" through a crowded street. He then saw him disappear through the door of the 'Splash Steam and Sauna'.
The establishment itself warns that "a certain amount of sexual activity is common throughout the premises". It offers a "dark room" and a "…More
All Saints
@Maria delos Angeles You only thought he was two-faced because he has enough nose for two people.
Maria delos Angeles
I always thought that guy was a two-faced creep
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Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly. The reason: The local …More
From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly.
The reason: The local bishop, Laurent Dognin, has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter from his diocese.
The fraternity ran a very successful apostolate in Saint Matthieu's, the most visited parish in Quimper. Monsignor Dognin even admitted that there were no objective reasons for closing this parish.
Before the start of the demonstration, a member of the congregation of Saint Matthieu asked the microphone: "Today Quimper, tomorrow which parish, which town, for what reason?"
Other participants said: "We are against those who want to destroy the Church from within and bury us all".
Three bell-ringers led the march through the streets of Quimper, carrying flags, banners and signs.
One of them referred to Dognin's desire to "welcome" homosexual activists in the diocese in the name of the "right to be …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does he not believe in hell?
Billy F
Secular Humanist Emasculated Men pretending to be Catholic Bishops!!!
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Boy Becomes Hero of Homosex March in Vilnius (Video)

During a recent homosex march in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, a young boy went up to a float and asked for a homosex flag. The homosexual activist was more than happy to seduce the minor, and …More
During a recent homosex march in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, a young boy went up to a float and asked for a homosex flag.
The homosexual activist was more than happy to seduce the minor, and gave him one.
What happened next, can be seen in this video:
Christopher Shahrazade
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Everyday for Life Canada
That’s the kind of child we must all raise. No words. Just action.
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Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on CrisisMagazine.com (17 June) an in-depth analysis of Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Main points: - Those who live a life that is displeasing …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on CrisisMagazine.com (17 June) an in-depth analysis of Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Main points:
- Those who live a life that is displeasing to God cannot effectively receive God's blessing without first repenting of their sinful lifestyle.
- A priest is not authorised to give blessings that would be offensive to God, for example a priest cannot bless a philosophy professor who declares that he is going to give a lecture promoting atheism.
- Turning a blind eye to homosexual sin and going so far as to bless a person who identifies with it is tantamount to blessing an abomination.
- By the logic of 'Fiducia Supplicans', a priest could legitimately bless a married man and his mistress, a priest living in open concubinage, a murderous and unrepentant gang member, or a dictator starving millions of innocent people.
- Those who support such "blessings" are de facto encouraging homosexual concubines to continue their sin, for which …More
What's not addressed is the push by Francis to priests whose faith is so weak... with such an "authority" recomending blessing the unrepentant it seems …More
What's not addressed is the push by Francis to priests whose faith is so weak... with such an "authority" recomending blessing the unrepentant it seems more easy for such to bless them. I talked to a filipino priest and he was "open" to bless gay unions despite the gigantic apostasy, they dont see it as a heresy even less apostasy.
Sandy Barrett
The teaching in seminaries has not been anything like Catholic for decades especially around the Incarnstion, Resurrection, The Eucharist and in Mariology
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Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

An attempt is imminent to implement another Vatican decree with a strict, radical and definitive solution banning the Roman Mass, RorateCaeli.blogspot.com has learned from "highly credible sources" …More
An attempt is imminent to implement another Vatican decree with a strict, radical and definitive solution banning the Roman Mass, RorateCaeli.blogspot.com has learned from "highly credible sources" close to Cardinal Roche and Francis.
The blog has been right before, for example when it announced the publication of Traditionis Custodes.
The Vatican ideologues who imposed Traditionis Custodes are frustrated by its slow results, especially in the United States and France.
They "want to ban the Mass and close it down everywhere and immediately" and they need to do it "while Francis is still in power".
"They want to make it as wide, final and irreversible as possible". It is very unlikely that a new document will have more luck than Traditionis Custodes.
aadschutte shares this
Credo .
Is this Brittany? 😍
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Francis Was "Star Guest" at a Homosex-March in Rome

Not surprisingly, several homosexuals dressed up as 'Francis' to mock him at a homosexual propaganda march in Rome, reports NcrOnline.org (16 June). The propagandists held signs on which they protested …More
Not surprisingly, several homosexuals dressed up as 'Francis' to mock him at a homosexual propaganda march in Rome, reports NcrOnline.org (16 June).
The propagandists held signs on which they protested against Francis' expletive "frociaggine" but simultaneously used it. This word is one of Bergoglio's favourite terms, which he pronounced twice in May.
"There is too much frociaggine in this march," read one sign carried by a man dressed in a white cassock and draped in a rainbow flag with a blasphemous crucifix.
Another sign read: "You are so right, there really is frociaggine everywhere, especially in the toilets and between the sheets of the Vatican."
A third sign read: "Today Rome is a river of frociaggine, not only in its seminaries."
There is little doubt that Francis enjoys the attention of such dubious figures.
Picture: LaNuovaBq.it, #newsIoefzewxdn
Nothing more to add!
Christopher Shahrazade
This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active …More
This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active homosexuals from a highly respected, honorable and venerable institution and office into a shady, filthy organization which exists in the dark shadows, on the prowl to abuse young men and to hold up the most disgusting of sins and lifestyles as people worthy before God. He applauds sin. Rather than being appalled by this image of Francis for gay day, Francis and his Vatican are probably proud to be included with a parade of their favorite people.

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

Francis is facing an investigation into his personal authorisation of alleged illegal eavesdropping during a Vatican investigation into the sale of a £300 million central London property, Telegraph.co.uk …More
Francis is facing an investigation into his personal authorisation of alleged illegal eavesdropping during a Vatican investigation into the sale of a £300 million central London property, Telegraph.co.uk reported (16 June).
Lawyers for Raffaele Mincione, an Italian financier based in England, convicted of defrauding the Vatican, have lodged a complaint with Prof Margaret Satterthwaite, the UN special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers.
During the trial it emerged that Francis himself had given investigators powers allowing them to tap phones, intercept emails and arrest anyone they wanted without the approval of a judge.
In the complaint, the lawyers named Francis as a perpetrator of human rights abuses.
And: "This unwarranted authorisation of prosecutors by an absolute monarch has given the green light to surveillance without the articulation of specific reasons, ongoing judicial or other independent and impartial oversight, or a mechanism for challenging the implementation …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
A British financier who was convicted of fraud in the Vatican’s “trial of the century” has asked the UN to investigate Pope Francis for alleged illegal …More
A British financier who was convicted of fraud in the Vatican’s “trial of the century” has asked the UN to investigate Pope Francis for alleged illegal wiretapping.
Billy F
The Pontificate of Disorder and Chaos! It is crazy to say, I'm praying for the conversion of the Pope!!! Praying for the protection and restoration of …More
The Pontificate of Disorder and Chaos! It is crazy to say, I'm praying for the conversion of the Pope!!! Praying for the protection and restoration of the Vineyard!
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Dublin Church Cancels Homosex Concert

A propaganda performance entitled "Pride in the Name of Love" ["love" meaning sin] by the 'Dublin Gay Men's Chorus' was due to take place at St Andrew's Church in Dublin on 23 June. The church cancelled …More
A propaganda performance entitled "Pride in the Name of Love" ["love" meaning sin] by the 'Dublin Gay Men's Chorus' was due to take place at St Andrew's Church in Dublin on 23 June.
The church cancelled the event and issued the following statement:
"St Andrew's Parish is happy to welcome groups from all backgrounds to perform in the church. However, the congregation is disappointed that the nature of this event was not made clear at the time of booking. We have learned that it will be presented in form and content not as a simple choral recital, but as a Pride Festival event in a context that is not compatible with our mission as a Roman Catholic parish church. In these circumstances, the parish is unable to facilitate the performance on 23 June".
The homosexual activists are now whining.
However, other homosexual activists calling themselves "Glória LGBT+ CHOIR" have already performed twice at St Andrew's. Thankfully, they will no longer abuse this church 'in solidarity' with the 'Gay …More
Ireland produced countless saints when it was under oppression by the British. Today, the Irish embrace a most disgusting sin as if it were a virtue. …More
Ireland produced countless saints when it was under oppression by the British. Today, the Irish embrace a most disgusting sin as if it were a virtue. Go figure.
Father Karl A Claver
This church must be exorcised because of this demonic event.
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I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for …More
I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for Breaking Curses of the Occult, over this land and the peoples of this land; to help break some of this influence. I feel metaphysically certain that that is what has happened, as this came to me in prayer and while researching what might have been happening/have happened with Kate M and Princess Di. For one thing, our government seems to be captured, and the wrong people do not seem to come to justice and want our death and destruction.


Act of Denouncing Evil I reject the evil that has infiltrated my life because I have distanced myself from Jesus; I have abandoned the mysteries, …
Maria delos Angeles
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things …More
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things can pass on in families for generations until purified by the Precious Blood of Jesus. There is no indication he believes in Christ or Christianity as the One True Faith.