
Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne was packed with more than 850 worshippers for the - for now - last Roman Mass on 19 June. The Mass had been banned by the Vatican's Dicastery against the Liturgy …More
St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne was packed with more than 850 worshippers for the - for now - last Roman Mass on 19 June.
The Mass had been banned by the Vatican's Dicastery against the Liturgy which, in the spirit of Francis' extremist centralism, even interferes in the Mass schedule of the local churches. The Vatican's bureaucrats prefers empty Eucharists to packed Masses.
Local faithful write on social media that they now face a short "interlude", "We'll be back soon!"
Lisi Sterndorfer

Pope’s Anti-TLM Theologian Shows His Pro-Contraception Cards

loss of reverence for Godis bound up with moral driftin every sphere of life. It is not hard, after all, to see that the The name of Andrea …
Day 24: Symbolical Vision - Eve of Mary’s Birth Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 24 Volume …More
Day 24: Symbolical Vision - Eve of Mary’s Birth
Father Edward Looney reads and comments on The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Day 24 Volume 1 THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN • Chapter 4: Symbolical Vision • Chapter 5: Eve Of Mary’s Birth LEARN MORE - USE COUPON CODE ACE25 FOR 25% OFF • The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Four-Book Set - https://bit.ly/3QVreIs • The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - https://bit.ly/4bPsxRm • The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich Two-Book Set - https://bit.ly/3yxaLE5 • The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - https://bit.ly/3wTRsUL • Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich - https://bit.ly/4brYEXb • The Mystical City of God Four-Book Set -https://bit.ly/44Q9nZb • Our Lady of Good Help: Prayer Book for Pilgrims - …More
BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

The pro-LGBT advocacy group Outreach, run by Father James Martin, S.J., published an op-ed blasphemously arguing that the …
Liam Ronan
@ComplicitClergy More properly to the lance that pierced the Sacred Heart.
The Raccolta by Ambrose St John Copyright 1910 Edition Prayer to St. Michael - Pope Leo XIII Motu Proprio - September 25, 1888 Book Source: The Raccolta : or, Collection of indulgenced prayers and good …More
The Raccolta by Ambrose St John
Copyright 1910 Edition
Prayer to St. Michael - Pope Leo XIII
Motu Proprio - September 25, 1888
Book Source: The Raccolta : or, Collection of indulgenced prayers and good works : Vatican. Poenitentiaria apostolica : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Fred Alan Medforth

Why do people think Cleopatra was black?

Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SA 4.0(cropped). By George M. Hollenback In the trailer for the disastrous Netflix documentary Some of the Cleopatra-was-black business …
Liam Ronan
Personally I blame the American comedian, Steve Martin, who released a song called "KIng Tut" (1978) and called Tut his (Martin's) favorite 'honky'. …More
Personally I blame the American comedian, Steve Martin, who released a song called "KIng Tut" (1978) and called Tut his (Martin's) favorite 'honky'. King Tut - SNL
John A Cassani
Cleopatra’s mother was probably her aunt also, as the Ptolemies retained that particular Egyptian royal tradition. Cleopatra is said to have been the …More
Cleopatra’s mother was probably her aunt also, as the Ptolemies retained that particular Egyptian royal tradition. Cleopatra is said to have been the only one of the Greek Pharaohs to have mastered the Egyptian language.
Pierre Henri
A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's diseaseMore
A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease

A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease

Abstract The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic extend to concerns about vaccine side effects, particularly …
Shows an insight into who King Charles really is; his real goals and agenda. And it is not FOR you. Shows the clip of King Charles bragging about being descended from Vlad the Impaler. What really went …More
Shows an insight into who King Charles really is; his real goals and agenda. And it is not FOR you. Shows the clip of King Charles bragging about being descended from Vlad the Impaler. What really went on with Lady Di will be the subject of another post maybe..
Maria delos Angeles
Tell me, @Louis IX you are not descended from anyone interesting or renowned are you?
Louis IX
Vlade the Impaler was a hero to his people and deadly to his enemies.
One more comment
Daily IVE Homilies, June 18, 2024 - He Wants Us To Be Saints 00:00 Intro 00:11 Gospel 01:00 Homily Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate …More
Daily IVE Homilies, June 18, 2024 - He Wants Us To Be Saints
00:00 Intro
00:11 Gospel
01:00 Homily
Jesus said to his disciples:
"You have heard that it was said,
You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." Mt 5:43-48 Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time The Daily IVE Homilies are homilies by our Priests at the Institute of The Incarnate Word (Instituto del Verbo Encarnado) based on the daily Gospel readings of the Catholic Church. The charism of the Institute of the Incarnate Word is the grace …More
Tom Morelli
🤔 Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot TwistMore
🤔 Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist

Dallas Jenkins Defends 'The Chosen' Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist

The Chosen Director Dallas Jenkins has defended a plot twist in season four of his hit Jesus show, featuring the Savior choosing not to …
Billy F
I have never watched it from the beginning.
Servum Tuum Domina
Chosen is not based on the Authentic Catholic Gospels - why bother with fake drama
2 more comments
850 souls turn out to the last Latin Mass in Melbourne plead with their Archbishop to support the Traditional Latin Mass
Christopher Shahrazade
Instead of "begging for table scraps from radical liberal gay bishops regarding their rulings on the TLM, they should defy they and expand the TLM …More
Instead of "begging for table scraps from radical liberal gay bishops regarding their rulings on the TLM, they should defy they and expand the TLM everywhere.
Sean Johnson
Another self-inflicted penalty, as those ill-formed conservatives who place false obedience above the faith beg for table scraps from their enemies (…More
Another self-inflicted penalty, as those ill-formed conservatives who place false obedience above the faith beg for table scraps from their enemies (whereas in fact, it is their duty to adhere to tradition regardless of what faithless prelates decide in Rome and elsewhere). The dream of authentic traditionalism within the confines of the conciliar apparatus is quickly vanishing: Will these servile folks now go to the Novus Ordo, or will they seek out tradition? Likely the former, since their ill-formed consciences are placing “legality” (only good in normal times, but not amidst a state of necessity) above the faith.
6 more comments
Wilma Lopez
Yet another Jesuit

A pedophile priest recorded his crimes. The Jesuit Order covered up the findings of the investigation

When the Bolivian ecclesiastical investigators entered the room belonging to the Spanish Jesuit priest …
Everyday for Life Canada
And this pontificate is obsessed with getting rid of the Latin Mass, UN goals, cancelling loyal priests and environmentalism. Something is terribly …More
And this pontificate is obsessed with getting rid of the Latin Mass, UN goals, cancelling loyal priests and environmentalism. Something is terribly amiss here. Say a prayer for the countless abused children who are now adults.
Former Boston Archbishop, Cardinal Bernard Law was vilified by The Boston Globe and SNAP, but before that he was a champion of justice in the Civil Rights Movement.

Cardinal Bernard Law on the Frontier of Civil Rights — Beyond These Stone Walls

Cardinal Bernard Law on the Frontier of Civil Rights By coincidence, and it was not planned this way, but the date of this …

The True Face of Zionism

Nahun Goldman, a Polish-born Zionist who was for a long time president of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reveals to us in this passage from his work The spirit of Militarism …More
Nahun Goldman, a Polish-born Zionist who was for a long time president of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reveals to us in this passage from his work The spirit of Militarism the true face of Zionism
“The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and reorganization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly the destruction of the old established order, secondly design and imposition of the new order. The first steps require elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy, ethical barriers and social definitions; only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is destruction. All the stratifications and social formations that the old system created must be destroyed, individuals must be torn from their ancestral environment …More
Dr Bobus
Hilary Clinton was of almost same opinion.
Traditionis Custodes: 3 Years Later Subscribe to The Remnant, edited by Mr. Michael Matt: The Remnant Newspaper - Subscribe Os Justi press, edited by Peter Kwasniewski: osjustipress.com Next month …More
Traditionis Custodes: 3 Years Later
Subscribe to The Remnant, edited by Mr. Michael Matt: The Remnant Newspaper - Subscribe
Os Justi press, edited by Peter Kwasniewski: osjustipress.com
Next month marks three years since TC. Where does the Trad movement stand now?
Join the Crusade: onepeterfive.com/crusade/
Just Stop Oil climate LARPers spray Stonehenge with orange paint.
Louis IX
And diesel generators will be required to sandblast or pressure wash these stones of their vandalism. ( and where is the respect for indigenous cultures …More
And diesel generators will be required to sandblast or pressure wash these stones of their vandalism. ( and where is the respect for indigenous cultures and ancient religious practices? (These folks lead very conflicted lives)
Liam Ronan
@DefendTruth Beasts who have swarmed across the earth from the abyss.
One more comment
De Profundis
PM Trudeau repeats the false claim of “unmarked graves” found at residential schools, despite the fact that there has been no evidence of human remains found.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
What is the date of this video? The timeline of his comment makes a difference as to if he continues to make a false claim.
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, and the gene therapy shot is safe and effective. He’s a liar. You can’t believe anything this narcissist says.
Title: Never commit the grave mistake #God #ChristianlifeMore
Title: Never commit the grave mistake
#God #Christianlife
Trenut Noueu
NE BRINITE, NAĆI ĆEMO LJUDE KOJI ĆE PRAVILNO DA VAS "OBRAZUJU" (SVIĐALO SE TO VAMA, ILI NE). ... Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous trouverons des personnes qui vous "éduqueront" correctement (que vous le …More
NE BRINITE, NAĆI ĆEMO LJUDE KOJI ĆE PRAVILNO DA VAS "OBRAZUJU" (SVIĐALO SE TO VAMA, ILI NE). ... Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous trouverons des personnes qui vous "éduqueront" correctement (que vous le vouliez ou non) ... Don't worry, we'll find people who will properly "educate" you (whether you like it, or not) ...
Helen Clark, Member of Club de Madrid | Fmr Co-Chair of The Independent Panel - June 18 2024
The Evergetinos: Vol. II - Hypothesis III, Part II: Avoiding Laziness & Sloth For more the audio only please visit The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis III, Part II | Philokalia Ministries & to …More
The Evergetinos: Vol. II - Hypothesis III, Part II: Avoiding Laziness & Sloth
For more the audio only please visit The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis III, Part II | Philokalia Ministries & to support Fr, who does a lot of podcast here HOME | PhilokaliaMinistries please visit Supporting Philokalia Ministries & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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