HUGE VICTORY! Trudeau government backs down, allows Tommy Robinson to travel | MORE: Ezra Levant reports from Calgary after the Trudeau government backed down and …More
HUGE VICTORY! Trudeau government backs down, allows Tommy Robinson to travel | MORE:
Ezra Levant reports from Calgary after the Trudeau government backed down and allowed Tommy Robinson to continue his tour.
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Naomi Arai
If I were Tommy, I'd move OUT of Canada.
God Bless Tommy Robinson ! God Bless Canada!More
God Bless Tommy Robinson !
God Bless Canada!
Jesus at the University! SWNews On June 26, hundreds of attendees joined the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage event for youth and families around the campus of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake,…More
Jesus at the University! SWNews
On June 26, hundreds of attendees joined the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage event for youth and families around the campus of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Chicago. Bishop Lombardo leads the Eucharistic procession. Prior to the procession, the celebration of Holy Mass and Eucharistic adoration took place on the campus.
parangutirimicuaro shares from Irapuato
June 29 - Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio - Franciscan Saint of the Day Benvenuto Memorial 27 June (Franciscans) 30 October on some calendars Profile Soldier; he later said that soldiers became good monks as …More
June 29 - Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio - Franciscan Saint of the Day
27 June (Franciscans)
30 October on some calendars
Soldier; he later said that soldiers became good monks as they had learned discipline, endurance and obedience. Franciscan lay brother in 1222. At his own request, he was assigned to care for lepers, worked hard, was a beloved nurse, and was known as an ideal Franciscan.
Born 12th-century Gubbio, Italy Died 1232 in Corneto, Italy of natural causes buried at the parish church in Corneto relics translated to Deliceto, diocese of Bovino, Italy c.1243 Beatified 1697 by Pope Innocent XII (cultus confirmation)
June 29 - Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio - Franciscan Saint of the Day The life of Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio, Confessor, First Order (d. ~1232) for the June 29th Franciscan Saint of the Day. He was an accomplished …More
June 29 - Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio - Franciscan Saint of the Day
The life of Bl. Benvenute of Gubbio, Confessor, First Order (d. ~1232) for the June 29th Franciscan Saint of the Day. He was an accomplished knight of Gubbio, Italy who joined the Franciscans as a humble lay bother taking care of leper patients at a hospital and developed a deep prayer life and devotion to Mary, accompanied by many mystical experiences. Reflection is on conformity to God's will and overcoming self-will. More on Bl. Benvenute Bl. Benvenuto of Gubbio - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Text: Blessed Benvenute of Gubbio Read by Fr. Terrance Chartier, FI from Marion Habig's "The Franciscan Book of Saints" Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516

Secularised Sisters Strip Their Foundress of Her Habit

During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator". The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo).…More
During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator".
The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo). She is not called "Sister Lourdes" and will be in charge for the next six years.
It is noteworthy that the new Superior General can be seen in a photo with a picture of the Foundress, Blessed Sister Margarita Maria Lopez De Maturana (+1934). However, Blessed Sister Margarita is not shown as nun but dressed in her secular cloths before she entered religious life.
Blessed Sister was the superior of the cloistered convent of Mercedarian nuns in Berriz, Basque Country, Spain, founded in 1540. She received permission from the Holy See to convert the nuns into apostolic sisters.
As a sister, of course, she always wore the habit. However, after the failed Second Vatican Council, her sisters secularised, exchanging the religious habit for secular clothing. Now they are in the process of extinction. …More
Christopher Shahrazade
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns …More
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns after VAtican II. THey have 2 sisters on faculty (26 in 1960), and about 18 working total in our Archdiocese (over 500 pre-1960). They only have about 30 in their MOtherhouse, and 0 in training for the last 20+years. When they threw away their uniform, which was grey, they really began to collapse.
As for one of the contributors hoping that these Mercedarian sisters are not lesbians, it's been proven that the more radicalized/progressive an Oder becomes, its lesbian sisters behind it......just like as the CAtholic Church in general becomes more radicalized, its homosexuals behind it.....Tucho Fermandez, Cupich, Roche, Parolin......and Francis of course.
Naomi Arai
Why bother being a sister? Why not just live alone? I sincerely hope they are not lesbians…
One more comment
SACRILEGE: New York Priest Celebrates ‘Pride Mass’ on LGBT Flag Outside of Gay Monument

SACRILEGE: New York Priest Celebrates ‘Pride Mass’ on LGBT Flag Outside of Gay Monument

A New York City Catholic church, previously caught up in LGBT controversy, hosted a “Pride Mass” Thursday evening …
Liam Ronan
The priest reputedly said: "Where is Out at St. Paul supposed to go for their summer pilgrimage?” I have a good idea where they can go and precisely …More
The priest reputedly said: "Where is Out at St. Paul supposed to go for their summer pilgrimage?” I have a good idea where they can go and precisely where they are headed.
Billy F
The Sons of Sodom must be removed from the Melchizedek Priesthood!
Canon 212
The apostate Bergoglio challenges the True God and promotes the false god Allah of the false religion of Islam.

Francis once again denigrates the Triune God

ROME — Francis asserted this week Christians, Jews and Muslims, all worship the one God and are “brothers and sisters.”“Jesus taught us to welcome one …
One of the first things Francis die was speak at the UN demanding the NWO. Now, he is facilitating the One World Religion.
One more comment
Statement by Monsignor CARLO MARIA VIGANO answering to the Vatican schismatic farce

Bishop Viganò’s J’Accuse. Bergoglio’s Errors and Heresies Make Null His Elevation to the Throne of …

Bishop Viganò’s J’Accuse. Bergoglio’s Errors and Heresies Make Null His Elevation to the Throne of …
Sean Johnson
My understanding had been that CEA was abrogated by the 1917 CIC (and that its appearance in the footnotes at Can. 188 is merely as an historical …More
My understanding had been that CEA was abrogated by the 1917 CIC (and that its appearance in the footnotes at Can. 188 is merely as an historical reference). Everything else in the letter is excellent, but even +Sanborn deters sedes from using CEA as a justification. Then again, Vigano is himself a canonist, so what do I know?
Fides Et Ratio
The Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of Paul IV established in perpetuity the nullity of the nomination or election of any Prelate – including the Pope …More
The Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of Paul IV established in perpetuity the nullity of the nomination or election of any Prelate – including the Pope – who had fallen into heresy before his promotion to Cardinal or elevation to Roman Pontiff. It defines the promotion or elevation as nulla, irrita et inanis – void, invalid, and without any value – “even if it took place with the agreement and unanimous consent of all the Cardinals; nor can it be said that it is validated by the receipt of the office, consecration, or possession […], or by the putative enthronement […] of the Roman Pontiff himself or by the obedience given to him by all and by the course of any duration of time in the said exercise of his office.” Paul IV adds that all the acts performed by this person are to be considered equally null, and that his subjects, both clerics and lay people, are freed from obedience with regard to him, “without prejudice, however, on the part of these same subjected people, to the obligation …More
4 more comments
The mainstream media are trying to stitch Reform UK up.
Michi Gini
...Presenting heterodox ideas in non-authoritative documents, and then later attempting to make them “official” teachings, is a strategy that has been used many times during the last decade. We have …More
...Presenting heterodox ideas in non-authoritative documents, and then later attempting to make them “official” teachings, is a strategy that has been used many times during the last decade.
We have seen it used, for example, to pursue Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried and “blessings” for same-sex “couples.”...

New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A new Vatican document reveals the roadmap by which Francis intends to establish a new “synodal …
sp2 . .
Only a person without an apostolic line of succession would even consider this.
great apostasy playing out before our eyes. Rome will lose the faith etc etc .Like the time Jerusalem was sacked by the romans so will rome be sacked …More
great apostasy playing out before our eyes. Rome will lose the faith etc etc .Like the time Jerusalem was sacked by the romans so will rome be sacked for its rejection of the faith
5 more comments
Love the Lord With Agape Love Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-28-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr. Robert …More
Love the Lord With Agape Love
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-28-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
Gab: Catholic Parents OnLine (@CatholicParentsOnLine
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Rumble: CatholicParentsOnLine Spiritustv: Catholic Parents OnLine | SpiritusTV Twitter: For access to a library of talks by Fr. Robert Altier go to: CPO Premium Streaming Media To order Fr. Altier's book, "God's Plan for Your Marriage" go to the website: God's Plan For Your Marriage Book – God's Plan For Your Marriage Book An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding of the Lamb by Father Robert Altier.
sp2 . .


Well - that afternoon assault upon me was a doozee ! The truth will be returned to you 1000 fold. You're gonna start speaking only the truth for years - till the cows come home.More
Well -
that afternoon assault upon me was a doozee !
The truth will be returned to you 1000 fold.
You're gonna start speaking only the truth for years - till the cows come home.

Cardinal O’Malley to the Roman Curia: Please, No Images of Rupnik Art

Five women who say they were abused by Father Marko Rupnik are asking Catholic bishops to remove his mosaics, reported (28 June). They say the artwork is inappropriate in places of worship …More
Five women who say they were abused by Father Marko Rupnik are asking Catholic bishops to remove his mosaics, reported (28 June).
They say the artwork is inappropriate in places of worship and re-traumatises victims: "It's not so much a 'removal culture' - the art was allegedly part of the abuse."
Separately, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, head of the Pope's Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, has also sent a letter to the heads of Vatican offices urging them to stop displaying his works.
He said the continued use of the works ignored the pain of the victims and could imply a defence of the Slovenian priest.
Cardinal O'Malley's letter comes days after the head of the Vatican's Dicastery for [Manipulated] Communication defended his office's use of Rupnik's art.
Picture: Sean O'Malley © Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bostony, Flickr CC BY-NC, #newsWaahmxiskw
Faith In The Ruins
Huh. Good on him. I just hope he won't shut down the TLM at the cathedral.
Liam Ronan
@John A Cassani I wrote to Cardinal O'Malley in 2017-2018 asking him to speak out on the efforts to revise our Irish Constitution to permit abortion. …More
@John A Cassani I wrote to Cardinal O'Malley in 2017-2018 asking him to speak out on the efforts to revise our Irish Constitution to permit abortion. I suggested he was perfectly placed to caution the Irish voters on the matter. He never replied.
3 more comments
Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance. Who is the real president here?
chris griffin
Biden is a heretic and a schematic and therefore excommunicated and outside the Catholic Church.
Církví Boha živého
6 more comments

Tucho Fernández Revives the Glory of the of the Church of Bygone Days

There is another side to Tucho Fernández, Francis' official destroyer of the Catholic faith. For example, Tucho likes to wear the purple of the cardinals, whenever he gets the chance. He also needs a …More
There is another side to Tucho Fernández, Francis' official destroyer of the Catholic faith.
For example, Tucho likes to wear the purple of the cardinals, whenever he gets the chance.
He also needs a chauffeur and a car to cover the short walking distance from his private residence inside the Vatican to the palace of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, writes Caminante-Wanderer (26 June).
Now he has commissioned a portrait for the Dicastery's portrait gallery in Vatican City to immortalise himself.
Tucho Fernández hired Raúl Berzosa, a very talented and very expensive religious painter from Spain, whose school of art is classical realism, not exactly what one would expect from a "progressive prelate".
The artist presented the result on his Facebook page with the following words:
Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.
Oil on canvas, 60 x 70 cm. Canvas of the current Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Interestingly, Tucho is not depicted in the dull grey collared …More
Jan Joseph
Christopher Shahrazade
5 more comments

Former Anglican Lay-Bishop Becomes Priest

On 20 July, four men will be ordained Catholic priests in the Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, England. Among them is the former Anglican lay bishop Richard Pain, a father of two.…More
On 20 July, four men will be ordained Catholic priests in the Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, England.
Among them is the former Anglican lay bishop Richard Pain, a father of two. In July 2023 he became the first Welsh Anglican lay bishop to be received into the Church.
Other Anglican lay bishops who have converted in recent years are Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, Rev Jonathan Goodall and Peter Forster. The latter was never ordained a Catholic priest.
The British Ordinariate received its first bishop only a few weeks ago. Rev. David Waller was ordained a bishop by Tucho Fernández on 22 June.
Picture: Richard Pain © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAdhonvskmp
Maria delos Angeles
I am not sure whether to jubilate or commiserate - are they being bamboozled into the apostate antichurch of antipope Bergoglio or is this genuine?

Archbishop Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism

Anti Pope Francis: “I Might Go Down in History for Having Split the Catholic Church” (LifeSiteNews) — “When I think that we are in the palace …
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's vengeful character is typical of homosexuals. Argentinian Archbishop: Francis “Is A Vengeful Man”More
Bergoglio's vengeful character is typical of homosexuals.
Argentinian Archbishop: Francis “Is A Vengeful Man”
2 more comments

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future …More
The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future Conference' (GAFCON).
The news comes in a report following a meeting of Anglican lay bishops ('Provincial Council') in Latrobe, Pennsylvania (20-25 June).
These three groups are mainly at odds with the English and North American Anglicans over their active promotion of moral decadence.
Tucho's "dialogue" will not include the lay Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada.
Curiously, it will not be conducted through the official Vatican bodies for 'ecumenical' dialogue, but with the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, headed by the homosexual activist Tucho Fernández, who is pushing for the pseudo-blessing of homosexual concubines.
Tucho and the Anglicans dream of a "communion between Rome and the Anglicans", but "without conversion", that is, …More
John A Cassani
I doubt that this is any big deal, even in these days of “ecumania.” This is only happening because these groups are no longer in “communion” with …More
I doubt that this is any big deal, even in these days of “ecumania.” This is only happening because these groups are no longer in “communion” with the C of E. It is probably even less likely that anything will come of this under the current regime since these groups are far more conservative, rejecting same sex “marriage,” with some rejecting women’s “ordination.” Calvin Robinson is involved with the Anglican Church of North America, for instance.
The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries …More
The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries, and inviting them to cross the Tiber.
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Famous British Opposition Politician Asked Francis To Save the Holy Mass

The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion". On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway …More
The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion".
On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway told (26 June).
Describing himself as "a big fan of this Pope", Galloway believes that Francis "has a lot of enemies, so he has to rely on different factions. It's a very backstabbing place, rather like parliament." In other words, he has no idea what is going on in Francis' Vatican.
A brilliant rhetorician, Galloway is one of the few members of the British parliament who does not belong to the regime and war parties. He created his own party, the Workers' Party of Britain, and made international headlines when he won his seat in the Rochdale by-election with a significant majority from the Labour Party, which had held it for 14 years.
Galloway describes himself as a practising Roman Catholic. He goes to church every Sunday. His mother receives Holy Communion daily.
His …More
Galloway panders, repeatedly, to the Muslim vote bank. He used to present for the Iranian State propaganda outfit (Press TV). CINO - Catholic In Name Only.
Francis is stepping out of the way for the anti-Christ. Francis has to first get rid of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
13 more comments
June 28, 2024..🚑🇪🇺 ...DOC ULI...28/6/24…"..Hai-Alarm am Vils-Alp-See.."..🇪🇺🚑..🇨🇭🇦🇹🇩🇪