
Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

The Vatican should think twice before excommunicating Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, told ReligionNews.com (June 24). "I think the pope …More
The Vatican should think twice before excommunicating Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, told ReligionNews.com (June 24).
"I think the pope would be wise and prudent not to excommunicate Archbishop Viganò".
He added that “with this act, the Holy See will increase divisions even more.”
Mgr Schneider suggested that Vatican officials should invite Viganò privately, rather than in a judicial setting, to smooth over differences.
Viganò's public statements are not helpful, Mgr Schneider added: "I lament that Archbishop Viganò uses disrespectful language."
Schneider considers Viganò “in error, because he is voicing a new theory of the probably invalid theory of Francis’ illegitimate election.” Viganò's positions have “no foundation.”
The bishop has asked Mgr Viganò to avoid using "disrespectful language" about Francis.
"I think that today the church has so much internal division that it would be imprudent, even if there is some canonical …More
TOMMY ROBINSON HAS BEEN RELEASED! savetommy.com | His release conditions require that Tommy turn in his passport and remain in southern Alberta, and he cannot leave Canada! Tomorrow we work on fixing …More
savetommy.com | His release conditions require that Tommy turn in his passport and remain in southern Alberta, and he cannot leave Canada! Tomorrow we work on fixing that. Help us help Tommy by crowdfunding the best lawyer in Alberta at tommytrial.com
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Everyday for Life Canada
This is sadly how Justin Trudeau tries to silence those who have the courage to speak about freedom and democracy in Canada.

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Maria delos Angeles
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TN State Legislature Hearing
Big Picture is documenting the effort to stop the Great Taking.Show more This is a hearing in the TN state legislature to do just that. State legislatures around the country have begun to table bills to strike certain parts of Section 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code that disenfranchise the public.
The too big to fail banks are using everyone's stocks and bonds as collateral on their derivatives trades and the 1994 Section 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code legalized this fraud.
Please donate to the production of Stop It, the Great Taking film. Contributions make this selfless work possible. STOP IT! The Great Taking Film Show less
Denis Efimov
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Bergoglio under the banner of Antichrist, Viganò under the banner of Christ

The Catholic public has been informed that the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who is publicly known to have stood in rebellion against God by legalizing and blessing one of the gravest of sins, namely sodomy,…More
The Catholic public has been informed that the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who is publicly known to have stood in rebellion against God by legalizing and blessing one of the gravest of sins, namely sodomy, has “excommunicated” the former US nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, from his antichurch. There is no need to defend the Archbishop faithful to Christ before people who seek the truth. They already know him well as a courageous champion of Christ’s teachings, as one who has publicly pointed out the unity of the Deep Church and the Deep State, and whose highly moral speeches influence the political scene. It is a miracle of God that he is still alive today, because both of these Deep organizations, which promote the moral and physical destruction of individuals and humanity, see him as their arch enemy. That is also why if one reads the official mainstream news or the official church news à la mainstream, one will only read slander.
In 2018, former nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò publicly came out with …More
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What is the rosary?
Billy F
The Rosary, a elegant weapon for a more civilized age! ‘The Weapon’ Saint Padre Pio!More
The Rosary, a elegant weapon for a more civilized age!
‘The Weapon’ Saint Padre Pio!

ABSTRACT OF THE CATECHISM OF PERSEVERANCE by Mgr Jean-Joseph GAUME - FIRST PART Containing the history and explanation of religion from the beginning …

6th LESSON - Knowledge of God through his works. Third day of Creation . What did God do on the third day? On the third day God placed the sea in the bed he had prepared for it; he commanded the earth …More
6th LESSON - Knowledge of God through his works. Third day of Creation .
What did God do on the third day?

On the third day God placed the sea in the bed he had prepared for it; he commanded the earth to appear and produce green grass, plants and trees.
What do you notice about the extent of the sea?
It should be noted about the extent of the sea that it is neither too large nor too small. If it were larger, the earth would be an uninhabitable swamp, because we would have too much rain; and if it were smaller, we wouldn't have enough of it; the earth would be barren, and we would die of hunger.
How did God keep the water in the sea from becoming corrupt?
God prevented the water of the sea from being corrupted by two means:
The first is the ebb and flow . The sea is always rough; for six hours it pushes its waters from the middle towards the coasts, and for six hours, it recalls them from the coasts towards the middle. The second is the salt with which the sea water is penetrated . This …More
This is England. What have they done to you.
Juan Perez
Novus ordo, NFP. That is what they have done.

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Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Bans City’s Taxis From Displaying ENGLISH FLAGS During European …

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'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them' Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has made these previous comments which …More
'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them' Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has made these previous comments which criticised the Latin Mass
Edie Loughmiller
It's never too late to learn another language. Latin used to be taught in American public schools, and much of the vocab is similar to English and …More
It's never too late to learn another language. Latin used to be taught in American public schools, and much of the vocab is similar to English and Spanish. And, to help us along, the Missal gives us a good parallel translation.
All Saints
We don’t need to speak Latin, you dolt. You don’t need to know the language you need to know the Mass.
One more comment
Love the story. That is why they are called Marienkäfer in Germany! In Spanish they're called "mariquitas" which can be translated as "little Marys".More
Love the story. That is why they are called Marienkäfer in Germany!
In Spanish they're called "mariquitas" which can be translated as "little Marys".
De Profundis
British activist Tommy Robinson has been arrested by Canadian undercover police after giving a speech.
Sean Johnson
Never heard of him. Is he an activist for Indian fishing rights in the arctic circle?
Sally Dorman
Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, …More
Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, but trying to say that’s the Norm and everyone should conform to that, does not make any sense What we should be doing is making sure the Norm recognizes there are things that are not consistent with the Norm and that we need to learn how to tolerate those things…”
Sean Johnson
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said: “ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature …More
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said:
“ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment [of death]; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity].”
St. Pius V, Constitution Cum primum, April 1, 1566, in Bullarium Romanum
(Rome: Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, Mainardi, 1738), vol. 4, chap. 2, p. 284,
apud Atila S. Guimaraes, Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, TIA, 2004, pp. 19-20

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