
ABSTRACT OF THE CATECHISM OF PERSEVERANCE by Mgr Jean-Joseph GAUME - FIRST PART Containing the history and explanation of religion from the beginning …

2nd LESSON Written teaching. Writing and tradition. How can we know God? We can know God by his word and by his works. Where is the word of God found? The word of God is found in Holy Scripture and in …More
Written teaching. Writing and tradition.
How can we know God?
We can know God by his word and by his works.
Where is the word of God found?
The word of God is found in Holy Scripture and in traditions.
Why did God write his law?
God wrote his law to prevent men from forgetting or altering it. What is Holy Scripture? Holy Scripture or the Bible, is the book which contains the word of God written by inspired authors. How many parts is the Bible divided into? The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old and New Testaments. What are the main books of the Old Testament? The main books of the Old Testament are: 1. the books of Moses , which are five in number: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; they are called the Pentateuch or the Law, because they contain the covenant; 2. the historical books , which contain the history of the people of God in general, such as the books of Joshua, that of Judges, the four books of Kings, the two books called Paralipomena, the …More

Press Release - Analysis of the content of "dirty rain" with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …

Press Release – Analysis of the content of “dirty rain” with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …
72 pages
Marek Wójcik shares from Marek Wójcik
🇬🇧 COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction

695. COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction - World Scam

Vienna 06/18/2024 In an ongoing Florida lawsuit filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone to stop all further distribution of Wuhan …
Naomi Arai
It sounds like all the upside down things a demon would say…

Interview with Andrea Grillo on the Traditional Liturgy: The Church isn’t a “high-society club” or …

QUIX) per la traduzione dell'importante intervista di MiL (QUI) al noto liturgista prof. Andrea Grillo. …

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico. Flavin was ordained a …More
James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico.
Flavin was ordained a priest in June 1987. He was a favourite of Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who appointed Flavin an episcopal vicar in 2014.
Flavin worked as a psychotherapist, specialising in internet addiction and treating priests with drug, alcohol or psychiatric problems. In 2019, Flavin took a sabbatical time.
In May 2020, he bought a $1 million house in Chicago and lived there with his male concubine. Flavin earned money as a "special assistant" to the then-president of Jesuit-run Loyola University in Chicago, Jo Ann Rooney, the first woman to lead the Jesuit institution from 2016 to 2022.
In 2021, the Archdiocese of Boston declared Flavin "on unauthorised leave". He was a "spiritual advisor" for the [good] film "Father Stu" (2022), produced by Mel Gibson.
Flavin is known to be friends with Father Thomas …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and …More
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , disrespectful young priests who dress in cassocks and habits rather than open necked clerical shirts and dirty slacks and love the Tridentine Latin MAss said with such devotion and piety with their minds and hearts focused toward the Heavens rather than towards the people on earth? They constantly remind people of sin which makes everyone especially homosexuals feel bad. What are they trying to prove? THat they are better than everyone else? HAHAHAHAHA!!
Now , if you think I actually believe that which I wrote about the true priests (not this guy, but the holy young men who are fighting for the …More
What a trade off; Eternal damnation for a passing pleasure.
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Canon 212
June 18. 2024: Good Time for a Global Exorcism
Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God. Mother Elena Aiello is a "blessed" of the Catholic …More
Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God
In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God. Mother Elena Aiello is a "blessed" of the Catholic Church and a nun from Calabria, who was the founder of the Secular Order of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Aiello began experiencing the stigmata each Good Friday from 1923 to not long before her death. The Blessed Sister also started experiencing visions of the Blessed Mother in 1927; she made predictions of future events following these visions. Blessed Aiello also experienced visions of Jesus Christ in addition to saints such as Francis of Paola and Thérèse of Lisieux. On January 28, 1928, she founded a new religious order that she named the Minim Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Elena Aiello received an important message from Our Lady on December 8, 1957: “The world today is honoring me, but my Motherly Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is …More
La Beata Elena Aiello nelle sue profezie rivelò: la Russia marcerà sull’EuropaMore
La Beata Elena Aiello nelle sue profezie rivelò: la Russia marcerà sull’Europa
Live MikeMore
Live Mike
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toya tang
Alfa Cytology has announced its molecular biology services for TME research. Alfa Cytology, a specialized biotechnology company headquartered in the United States, focusing on tumor microenvironment …More
Alfa Cytology has announced its molecular biology services for TME research.
Alfa Cytology, a specialized biotechnology company headquartered in the United States, focusing on tumor microenvironment (TME), has announced its molecular biology services for TME research. The launch of the service indicates that the company is developing towards precision and depth in TME research.
TME refers to the surrounding environment of tumor cells, which feed the latter as normal cells, molecules, and blood vessels. They make an influence on each other closely. Analyzing the biological components in TME helps to detect harmful substances in cells as early as possible, facilitating early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Molecular biology tools offer valuable insights into gene expression patterns, protein profiles, genetic alterations, epigenetic modifications, and functional properties of key molecules within the TME. By employing techniques such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), single-cell …More

Personalized Services and Customized Solutions

Scientific Excellence Customized Solutions Collaborative Approach Confidentiality and Data Security Alfa Cytology employs the latest research technology. …

Who are the REAL conspiracy theorists?

“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths” As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you. But its source might… Because this headline is not from an independent …More
“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths”
As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you.
But its source might…
Because this headline is not from an independent news source like LifeSiteNews.
This headline is from the front page of The Telegraph, the mouthpiece of the British establishment.
The story continues:
“Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.”
This BMJ study is an important step forward in the fight for the truth about the abortion-tainted jab. The BMJ is one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, and it cannot be ignored. That’s why former British cabinet minister David Davis MP wrote: “This is a serious report, published by serious …More
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
They want to knock out psychological antibodies. Creating mental antibodies 🤡
Sie wollen psychologische Antikörper ausschalten. Geistige Antikörper bilden 🤡

How to Recover From the ‘Crisis of Meaning’ in the West: John Vervaeke

[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] “People don’t know where to go to cultivate wisdom. I will ask my students: ‘Where do you go for information …
"You need to 'grow' your personhood?" What about growing in virtue? What about growing your relationship with the Sacred Heart?
This is spam.
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Prepping must-haves: Essential items to include in your survival stockpile – NaturalNews.com

Emergencies highlight the need to start your survival stockpile now so you don't run out of important items …
WATCH: Cardinal Sarah Warns of Dangers of ‘Practical Atheism’ Even Within Church

WATCH: Cardinal Sarah Warns of Dangers of ‘Practical Atheism’ Even Within Church

More than 30 years ago, Pope St. John Paul II helped bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union, which had sought to …
Michi Gini

Bishop Eleganti: Papal primacy must not be defined by ecumenical 'negotiations' with non-Catholics -…

(LifeSiteNews) — To see the acceptance of the Roman Catholic papal primacy of jurisdiction by other …
Thomas Aquinas' most beautiful chant! Listen to full chant here: Adoro te devote | Thomas Aquinas' most beautiful chant! (Corpus Christi & the Sacred Heart) Download this song at: gregorianchantacademy.comMore
Thomas Aquinas' most beautiful chant!
Listen to full chant here: Adoro te devote | Thomas Aquinas' most beautiful chant! (Corpus Christi & the Sacred Heart)
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Special Thanks to my top Patreon and Coffee supporters: Sergio Ubach, Maurisa Mayerle, Mary Catherine Maxian, Andy Mozisek, John Lyssikatos, Sheila McBride Mullaly, Alicja and Herve Blanquart, Collen Lunt, Ted Naff, Andrew Hattrup, Paul Hattrup, Noreen Cabili, Shirley Dunnells, Chavel Dixon Chant recordings: St Michael the Archangel Prayer | Plainchant Interviews: Fr Ripperger: "Demons HATE Gregorian Chant!" - Interview w/ an Exorcist
Some people I admire and respect have said or they believe Medjugorje is diabolic. I have never been sufficiently convinced their reasons were compelling enough to write it off altogether. I did pass …More
Some people I admire and respect have said or they believe Medjugorje is diabolic. I have never been sufficiently convinced their reasons were compelling enough to write it off altogether. I did pass on the message to do the novena for Our Lady's intentions for world peace not least for the reason that I had a sense we were in a lot of danger yesterday morning while in prayer.. these elites are serious they want us dead. No doubt about that..
Live Mike
When God Himself walked the earth He warned his disciples there would come false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, and to take care so as not to be …More
When God Himself walked the earth He warned his disciples there would come false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, and to take care so as not to be deceived. St. Peter and St. Paul gave similar warnings.
Acts of the Apostles 20:29-30 - "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them."
2 Peter 2:1 - "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction."
Matthew 7:15-20 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."
Matthew 24:24-25 - "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Lo, I have told …
Maria delos Angeles
Julie Marie Jahenny also predicted there would be civil war in Paris. I also was shown at the beginning of hostilities with Ukraine there would be a …More
Julie Marie Jahenny also predicted there would be civil war in Paris. I also was shown at the beginning of hostilities with Ukraine there would be a World War.
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No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in …More
During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in three churches: St Michael, St Philip and the Cathedral St Patrick.
A day later he received the answer: Niet! The Vatican issued a decree forbidding the Mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Arthur Roche "allowed" it only for two years and only in the churches of St Michael and St Philip. The decree was signed by his secretary, Archbishop Vittorio Viola (pictured).
According to the Vatican, over the next two years, the faithful are to be led into the [decadent] Novus Ordo from which they have all been fleeing for decades.
Archbishop Viola writes: "While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are nonetheless constrained [by whom?] to deny this request. It is now opportune [!] that the direction given by the …More
Alex A
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's …More
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's followers, after all, they desperately look for validation.
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 …More
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 and soon to be abandoned by the SSPX. The younger look and listen as if in awe. Us old timers shake our heads and wonder what happened.
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Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility: Now Biden’s gaffes are “misinformation” too

Get ready for ‘Misinformation’ round 3. When Democrats, their activists and their media declared that disagreement …
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes …More
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes any amount of common sense, this tells you how much the person cares about his country.

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

Father Thomas Rosica entered Toronto's 'Splash Steam and Sauna' at 1610 Dundas Street West, a bathhouse for homosexual men, last Sunday, June 9, and left two hours later. This was witnessed by Shane …More
Father Thomas Rosica entered Toronto's 'Splash Steam and Sauna' at 1610 Dundas Street West, a bathhouse for homosexual men, last Sunday, June 9, and left two hours later.
This was witnessed by Shane D'Costa, a former member of the Toronto Newman Centre, to John Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com (17 June).
Rosica is a priest of the 'Congregation of St. Basil' and former executive producer of 'Salt + Light TV'. He was handpicked by Francis to be a media advisor at the Vatican, but left his post after being outed as a serial plagiarist.
In 2019, he was at a mental health and addiction treatment facility for clergy and religious.
D'Costa said he recognised Father Rosica, wanted to speak to him and followed him for "about two minutes" through a crowded street. He then saw him disappear through the door of the 'Splash Steam and Sauna'.
The establishment itself warns that "a certain amount of sexual activity is common throughout the premises". It offers a "dark room" and a "…More
All Saints
@Maria delos Angeles You only thought he was two-faced because he has enough nose for two people.
Maria delos Angeles
I always thought that guy was a two-faced creep
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