SCOTT MORRISON, Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA: "We are proud of our Democracy. We believe in Human Rights and the rules of the Law. We will continue within the International Human Rights System. Respecting …More
SCOTT MORRISON, Prime Minister of AUSTRALIA: "We are proud of our Democracy. We believe in Human Rights and the rules of the Law. We will continue within the International Human Rights System. Respecting individual rights and freedoms is intrinsically within our values as a People and as a Nation. SO VACCINATE AND THERE WILL BE SPECIAL RULES FOR YOU THAT YOU CAN ENJOY. We will face this pandemic with DIÁLOGO. Thank you." - See also: 1. There is a war in Australia. See also: 1. Australia: the horrifying co… - 2. Sanitary tyranny in Australia, children are separated from their paren… - 3. Australian Social Credit System. - 4. Pregnant Australian woman arrested at home for promoting anti-lockdown protest on Facebook. - 5. Australia: the horrifying compulsive vaccination of children - See als… - 6. Australia: vacunación masiva de menores, con prohibición de ser acompañados por los padres. (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 7. The Great Reset in action: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”: M… - 8. Graphene oxide on the beach in Australia - See also: 1. There is a war… - 9. Melbourne: The Great Reset in action: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll b… - 10. George Christensen, Australian MP, speaking in Parliament against the … - 11. AUSTRALIA - Queensland police officers will be suspended without pay i… - 12. A police woman in Victoria, Australia, decides to resign live due to t… - 13. Australian nurse: "the hospitals are full of vaccinated people with ad… - 14. Tirania plandémica en Australia - Ver también: 1. Australia: vacunació… (Spanish)

For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical … - 11. Freedom Alliance Ireland against Plandemic. Lockdowns Are Quietly Imp… - 12. COVIDLAND - EPISODE 1: THE LOCKDOWN - Covidland: The Lockdown is part … - 13. "MONOPOLY: WHO OWNS THE WORLD" - Stop World Control: stopworldcontrol.…

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2.
La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII. - 11. "El relato pandémico" - Nicolás Ponsiglione - Este es un libro muy rec…

Pour plus d'information: 1.
Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. "PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - Suite du documentaire "HOLD UP" (1. HOLD-UP - Re… - 13. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 14. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi.
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