o 5480
The Apocalypse Conspiracy 2013 - Illuminati World War III Underway ---Unplug from the matrix - Visit https://blogdogcicle.blogspot.com/ - Truth will set you free --- Planned and executed by shadowy …More
The Apocalypse Conspiracy 2013 - Illuminati World War III Underway
---Unplug from the matrix - Visit https://blogdogcicle.blogspot.com/ - Truth will set you free ---
Planned and executed by shadowy multi-generational fascists bent on world domination and genocidal depopulation, the wars surrounding Israel and Nuclear Armageddon are being scripted to cast in stone a totalitarian one world government for the western and European oligarchy, and elite bankster class. The film paints a very bleak picture of the state of world affairs with few glimmers of hope, however viable options are presented, and the brutal truth is revealed on such issues as Syria, Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, Missile Defense, Depleted Uranium Munitions, Israel and Palestine, past and current wars, Economic Slavery, and the march to Nuclear Winter.
The balance of M.A.D. is more precarious than it was during the Cuban missile crisis, with preemptive nuclear war doctrine on the table, doomsday seed vaults and D.U.M.B.'s,…More

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his …More
Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his homosexual temptations with which he identifies.
After Francis reportedly complained on 20 May about too many homosexual clerics and the need to expel even half-homosexual, effeminate men from the seminary, Caruso told his story to IlMessaggero.it (29 May).
He also wrote a letter to Francis, who replied immediately. On Saturday, Francis wrote to Caruso:
"Do you know that clericalism is a plague? It is an ugly worldliness and, as a great theologian says, 'worldliness is the worst thing that can happen to the Church, even worse than the time of the concubine Popes'. Jesus calls everyone, everyone. Some people think that the Church is a customs office [where everybody is checked] and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation".
Caruso called Francis' …More
English Catholic
Francis has disobeyed the 1961 Religiosorum institutio - Papal Encyclicals and 2005 Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation for Persons with Homosexual …More
Francis has disobeyed the 1961 Religiosorum institutio - Papal Encyclicals and 2005 Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation for Persons with Homosexual Tendencies Vatican documents on this problem.
1961: "Advantage to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers."
2005: "In the light of such teaching, this Dicastery, in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practise homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called "gay culture"."
The whole thing is simply ignored anyway. There was that recent case of a homosexual being ordained for Westminster Diocese. Everyone at Westminster …More

WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories

According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with future challenges if unborn children undergo gene …
Tom Morelli
It didn't take long after they got their Pandemic Treaty pushed through at the last minute.

WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
English Catholic
Sandy Barrett
15000 Catholics worship our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament outside Sydney St Mary’s cathedral on Sunday marking the Feast of Corpus Christi
De Profundis
Candace Owens leaves room of believers STUNNED after revealing REAL reason she CONVERTED to Catholicism: “I am seeing the big picture. To become a student of history is to become Catholic.”
Trenut Noueu
KAKO JE SVE "NIČIM IZAZVANO" POČELO ... Comment tout a commencé (non provoqué) ... How it all started (unprovoked)

HOW EVERYTHING STARTED (UNPROVOKED) - Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (srb sub)

Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:01 / Duration 26:38 Loaded: 2.35% Stream Type LIVE Remaining Time -26:37 Chaptersdescriptions …
Queens Priest Supports Young Men Discerning a Call, Inspires Vocations The Diocese of Brooklyn welcomes these four new priests, but in the United States as a whole, fewer are following in their footsteps …More
Queens Priest Supports Young Men Discerning a Call, Inspires Vocations
The Diocese of Brooklyn welcomes these four new priests, but in the United States as a whole, fewer are following in their footsteps. Studies by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, or CARA, show permanent vocations are on the decline. However, factors like Catholic education and personal encouragement and support can boost them. One Diocese of Brooklyn priest has inspired vocations all over the globe, filling what he says is a void in support for young men discerning a call from God. Currents News' Jessica Easthope has Monsignor Cuong Pham's story.
U S Spacy shares from Everyday for Life Canada

Did you know that the leader of Tiannamen Square protest converted to Christianity?

Did you know that the leader of Tiannamen Square protest eventually converted to Christianity? The story is old but …

Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil

Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil On 29 May 1874, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, the great Catholic author who wrote the reasons …
TLM in Raleigh

The End of the Road

Yesterday the family and I started making our way home from the Atlantic coast all the way back to Texas. We had a blessed time visiting with our friends – four families in all with …
Keep Your Mouth Shut

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Some faithful Catholics are voicing disagreement with the Editor of keep your mouth shut” following Viganò’s assertion that he has personal knowledge of reports that Pope Francis …
“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual …More
“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual abuse lest they commit a grave sin of omission.”
Boanerges Boanerges
Shame on you Sammons!
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Canon 212
June 3, 2024: Catholic Media Realities
The Wandering Recluse
Thanks for the update, Frank!
DefendTruth shares this
Mary 17
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988) The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by …More
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
In Loving Memory of Father John F. O'Connor, O.P.
(July 18, 1929 —December 14, 2006)
Fr. John F. O'Connor, O.P. was an American Catholic priest, who belonged to the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. He was notable for opposing and foreseeing the future pedophile crisis in the Post Vatican II Church and fought openly against the Freemasonic plots against the Catholic Church. He was severely persecuted for his bravery right up to his death.
On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O'Connor wrote:
"When I made my vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death will silence my witnessing to the Truth."
Ivan Tomas
Thank you @Mary 17. Holy priest O'Çonnor, ora pro Ecclesiam!More
Thank you @Mary 17.
Holy priest O'Çonnor, ora pro Ecclesiam!
Phroggal shares this
May this wonderful, faithful Dominican rest in eternal peace.
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
World Health Organization Whistleblower and International Public Health Scientist, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Describes the Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda 1. Put people into a "sick mode"…More
World Health Organization Whistleblower and International Public Health Scientist, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Describes the Four Key Goals of the WHO’s Globalist Agenda
1. Put people into a "sick mode" using fear.
2. Compel people to get "an injection" into their bodies.
3. Gain "total control of the population by the agenda of technology, QR codes, and genome editing digitization."
4. Achieve transhumanism.
Die Whistleblowerin der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und internationale Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger beschreibt die vier Hauptziele der globalistischen Agenda der WHO 1. Versetzen …More
Die Whistleblowerin der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und internationale Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger beschreibt die vier Hauptziele der globalistischen Agenda der WHO
1. Versetzen Sie Menschen mit Angst in einen "kranken Modus".
2. Zwingen Sie die Menschen, "eine Injektion" in ihren Körper zu bekommen.
3. Erlange "totale Kontrolle über die Bevölkerung durch die Agenda der Technologie, QR-Codes und Digitalisierung der Genombearbeitung."
4. Transhumanismus erreichen.

Expelled Carmelite Nun Founds Autonomous Monastery

Sister Loretta-Maria has founded an "autonomous" Carmelite convent in Florida, independent of any diocese. The structure will be a purely private institution, a lay association of women living with …More
Sister Loretta-Maria has founded an "autonomous" Carmelite convent in Florida, independent of any diocese.
The structure will be a purely private institution, a lay association of women living with private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Sister Loretta-Maria was one of a handful of Carmelite nuns who lived for six years at the Carmelite convent in Savannah, Georgia. The monastery was closed by the Carmelites in late 2022, in accordance with the Vatican instruction "Cor Orans" issued in April 2018.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider supports the project and has sent a letter with his blessing, writing: "The desire of the sisters is to serve the Holy Roman Catholic Church as an autonomous monastic community for the greater glory of God, the salvation of souls and the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass."
And: "May the blessing of the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, descend upon this work and remain forever!"
The convent will begin with the construction of …More
‘Insane Hearing!’ That contentious hearing devolved into chaos when Rep. MTG ("badbutchbody") (R-GA) refused to call Fauci a doctor, and was scolded by the chair. AmericaNewzMore
‘Insane Hearing!’
That contentious hearing devolved into chaos when Rep. MTG ("badbutchbody") (R-GA) refused to call Fauci a doctor, and was scolded by the chair.

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a …More
Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a Jesuit.
The foreword is pure sycophancy.
It begins by saying that Francis is "very grateful to Father James Martin, whose other writings I also know and appreciate".
Pope Francis adds that "there are many reasons to thank him, closely related to the way 'Come Forth' unfolds. It's always fascinating and never predictable".
"Father James makes the biblical text come alive" .
"Father James has the perspective of a man who has fallen in love with the Word of God".
"As we read James Martin's detailed analysis, we can practically feel the profound meaning of what Jesus is doing when he finds himself in front of a dead man who is really dead and whose body gives off a foul odour - a metaphor for the moral rot that sin produces in our souls".
It is the same moral rot that has contaminated the Vatican …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Where is Sammons to see this?
And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in …More
And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in video and they still praise and defend the guy. Blind leading the blind, but what is even worse... priests denouncing such an apostate behavior are nowhere to be found. Sad...
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Worker Bee shares from Wilma Lopez
This is a beautiful scene, for who have eyes to see.
Witnesses for the unborn in New York.
Thank you Lord for your brave children.
chris griffin
Heros all
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