

While back, around the beginning of this disastrous pontificate, the resistance to the false prophet Bergoglio were just a few people, this circle of friends denounced the lies presented as truth, I …More
While back, around the beginning of this disastrous pontificate, the resistance to the false prophet Bergoglio were just a few people, this circle of friends denounced the lies presented as truth, I remember a woman who was struggling with that, I mean, she saw the lies alright but had a hard time calling Bergoglio what he demonstrated with his fruits: a false prophet.
This Hispanic woman (I can’t remember her name), went to Church and prayed and prayed, she kept on asking about Bergoglio, what to do about him? Then, an invisible someone told her one word: “fidelity”. From that moment on she spread that all through the internet and Bergoglians took the message as obedience to false prophet Bergoglio.
My comrade in arms back then, switched from denouncing the lies, to try to squash the resistance by the misunderstanding that fidelity was obedience.
Obedience is not fidelity, you could resist and be remain faithful at the same time, she misunderstood what fidelity is, to remain faithful …More
Fred Alan Medforth

Islamic Totalitarianism Wants to ‘Conquer France’, Warns Populist Leader Ahead of EU Elections

Mass migration will be the death of French civilisation and Islamic totalitarianism is seeking to “conquer …
Tom Morelli
Why Aren’t Election Audits Required In Every State?

Why Aren’t Election Audits Required In Every State?

Complex and critically important systems, ranging from the financial sector to elections, need to be able to have outcomes validated through audits. …

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his …More
Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his homosexual temptations with which he identifies.
After Francis reportedly complained on 20 May about too many homosexual clerics and the need to expel even half-homosexual, effeminate men from the seminary, Caruso told his story to IlMessaggero.it (29 May).
He also wrote a letter to Francis, who replied immediately. On Saturday, Francis wrote to Caruso:
"Do you know that clericalism is a plague? It is an ugly worldliness and, as a great theologian says, 'worldliness is the worst thing that can happen to the Church, even worse than the time of the concubine Popes'. Jesus calls everyone, everyone. Some people think that the Church is a customs office [where everybody is checked] and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation".
Caruso called Francis' …More
Boanerges Boanerges
All of this was planned PR: from faggotry "leak", the apology and now this, all is just a stage to facilitate the plague of sodomy everywhere in the …More
All of this was planned PR: from faggotry "leak", the apology and now this, all is just a stage to facilitate the plague of sodomy everywhere in the Church. Any comment from Mr. Sammons after false prophet doubles down on sodomy?
Bruceph Mildur
three things: 1) Bergoglio's is like a digestive tract. No matter what he puts in, what comes out is always the same. 2) Bergoglio is not the Pope. He …More
three things: 1) Bergoglio's is like a digestive tract. No matter what he puts in, what comes out is always the same. 2) Bergoglio is not the Pope. He is a poser, a pretender, a prima donna [and the reader may add other 'P' words without the need for entry here]. You cannot have two wives, two kings or two popes, period. And we did. Despite our lying eyes. 3) SonoftheChurch - go to the head of the class, take the rest of the year off, you've got A's in all subjects, and ought now be the recipient of 'Doctor of Letters'. A fundraising effort to erect a monument with your words carved upon it should be undertaken forthwith! Salutations!
12 more comments

Nolte: Disney+ Queering 4-Year-Olds During Pride Month

The Disney Grooming Syndicate is not playing around when it comes to sexualizing and queering children, including small children. When our editor …
Father Karl A Claver
Who scandalizes the little ones will be greatly punished by God.
Michi Gini

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán slams George Soros, ‘war speculators’ in powerful pro-family, pro-peace speech …

(LifeSiteNews) — With one week to go before the European Parliament holds its elections, Hungary’s …
English Catholic
It didn't take long after they got their Pandemic Treaty amendments pushed through at the last minute.

WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s time to get more aggressive and get rid of corrupt people like Tedros and corrupt organizations like the WHO.
English Catholic
2 more comments
Wilma Lopez
Watch the boy.
John A Cassani
Nothing will ever beat Giuliani’s son at his first inaugural in NYC back in the early nineties.
Typical response of Democrats to this type of statement!
Pierre Henri
Megatron NEW: Former Director of Israel’s Mossad admits that Israel armed Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in the Middle EastMore
NEW: Former Director of Israel’s Mossad admits that Israel armed Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in the Middle East
Italian Lover
Sin is followed by shame. Repentance is followed by boldness. -St. Chrysostom
C. S. Lewis once claimed that "it's the educated reader" who is mosty easily "gulled" by propaganda, whereas the common man "takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles …More
C. S. Lewis once claimed that "it's the educated reader" who is mosty easily "gulled" by propaganda, whereas the common man "takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results."
Bruceph Mildur
or for the horses. 🤫
Blessing for protection of storms and bad weather. FSSP RecklinghausenMore
Blessing for protection of storms and bad weather.
FSSP Recklinghausen

Archbishop Aguer: Vatican-established 'University of Meaning' is fraught with potential dangers - …

(LifeSiteNews) — A preliminary question: Is the “University of Meaning” a pontifical initiative or …
The Martyrs of Uganda must be smiling in heaven. See the beautiful singing on their feast day!
Sally Dorman
Young muslim kids stomp “Pride” flag as their mothers cheer them on. Muslims don't like "Pride" but "Pride" likes Allah. Who will win this battle?
Bruceph Mildur
Shucks, missed opportunity... for US soldiers to drive by throwing candy.
The enemy of my enemy….
De Profundis
Rep. James Comer says there is a “strong possibility” the Trump Justice Department would ARREST Dr. Fauci for perjury. “I would do that,” he says. Rep. Comer shared some more interesting news. Now …More
Rep. James Comer says there is a “strong possibility” the Trump Justice Department would ARREST Dr. Fauci for perjury. “I would do that,” he says. Rep. Comer shared some more interesting news. Now that Fauci has thrown his senior adviser under the bus, Comer wants to bring in Dr. David Morens for another hearing to see if the “tune” of his testimony has changed. “If Dr. Fauci is going to throw everyone else under the bus, then that may change their tune as to how they do their answers.”
Sean Johnson
How about a firing squad for genocide?
How to deal with heresy

WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories

According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with future challenges if unborn children undergo gene …
Everyday for Life Canada
Let Schwab try the sick experiment first.
Isn't this video of Fauci's statements about the efficacy of the vaccines enough to warrant his immediate arrest? Why hasn't he been detained yet?
Bruceph Mildur
me "Sandy, oh Sandy. My Dear, you don't seem to understand how the system works." Sandy "I know, right?"
All Saints
Good question. Don’t expect a good answer.