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Agenda 2030

Drag Queens Mock Lord’s Supper At Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony (VIDEO) – Allah's Willing Executioners

The Paris Olympic organizers are facing significant backlash after appearing to allow a reenactment …
Sally Dorman shares from nie wieder
This is a brief segment of the Olympic opening ceremony at Sochi 🇷🇺 in 2014 featuring Bolshoi ballet. Seeing the French 🇫🇷 counterpart today, you can see why the Western media and Kremlinologists were …More
This is a brief segment of the Olympic opening ceremony at Sochi 🇷🇺 in 2014 featuring Bolshoi ballet. Seeing the French 🇫🇷 counterpart today, you can see why the Western media and Kremlinologists were dragging it through the mud back then.
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen …More
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen Glauben verhöhnen, nicht in seinem Land haben will?
Welcher Normalbürger ist noch stolz, EUROPÄER zu sein?????

French Bishops Find "Wonderful Moments of Beauty and Joy" in the Olympic Opening Ceremony

The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The bishops' secular creed: "We believe that …More
The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
The bishops' secular creed:
"We believe that the values and principles expressed and spread by sport and Olympism contribute to this need for unity and fraternity that our world greatly needs, with respect for everyone's beliefs, around sports that bring us together and promote peace among nations and hearts."
The statement claims that during the opening ceremony – which was condemned by virtually the entire sane online world, including homosexuals and other religions – there were "wonderful moments of beauty and joy". It was "rich in emotion, and universally praised."
Toward the end of the bishops' statement do they add an alibi condemnation: "Unfortunately, this ceremony included scenes of ridicule and mockery of Christianity , which we deeply regret."
The bishops think of all the Christians [not God?] who were hurt by the excesses …More
Sally Dorman
There seems to be a certain fixation (guilt complex) with decapitated Marie-Antoinette in France.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
That's it? French bishops “deplore scenes in which Christianity was ridiculed” during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
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THE GREEN SCAPULAR STORY filmstrip from 1960. In public domain.
Wilma Lopez shares from
New Front in the Liturgy Wars: Rome Requires Dominicans of the Holy Spirit to Hybridize Novus Ordo and TLM

Nuns of Pontcallec: Vatican Imposes Hybrid Rite And More Novus Ordo

The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec …More
The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec, France.
On July 25, the "synodal" Vatican imposed on the sisters ready-made decisions that will take effect on 1 December (communiqué on, July 25):
- The Vatican requires that the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar be used.
- The Novus Ordo must be celebrated in all houses, one week a month on weekdays, and Holy Mass remains for three weeks and the Sundays.
- The readings are to be taken from the Novus Ordo lectionaries.
- The Novus Ordo prefaces are to be used at all Masses.
The Vatican calls these measures "a step toward the discovery" of the Novus Ordo.
The sisters will retain the Latin, the Gregorian chant, and the celebration toward the altar [for now]. #newsWsighfilfz
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
Rorate published a full translation of the statement: In a press release of the summer of 2023, we briefly touched on the liturgical question, which …More
Rorate published a full translation of the statement:
In a press release of the summer of 2023, we briefly touched on the liturgical question, which is particularly sensitive in these times. We pointed out that the Holy See, without asking us to renounce the vetus ordo, was inviting us to reflect on how to show, in our conventual life too, and not just on a few external occasions, that we do not exclude the missal according to the Novus Ordo.
This reflection has progressed over the past year, and elements of it have been communicated to the Holy See. At the beginning of the summer, he asked us, as you may have heard, that Masses during our community retreat at the end of July be celebrated according to the novus ordo, except on Sundays. The liturgical dignity, piety and beauty we cherish will remain, all the more so as our preacher this year is accustomed to celebrating in Gregorian ad orientem. [This is a peculiar French turn of phrase that means a new Mass ad orientem and with …More
Jeffrey Ade
The Fatima Center!

Fatima: What You Can Do | The Fatima Center

What You Can Do Personally Spiritual Reading Padre Pio insists … “Nourish Your Soul” “Draw Great Fruit from Spiritual Reading” Pope St. Pius X on the …
Wilma Lopez
Great work there (including Christ Ferrara)
Synod's poll about synodality. 😂 😂 😂
Live Mike shares from Elista
The Forecast and Plans of the Globalist Luciferian Elite for us all... "And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the …More
The Forecast and Plans of the Globalist Luciferian Elite for us all... "And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." - The Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) 6:8 DRA
Falls Sie noch Zweifel haben, was bei der Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Spiele vor sich geht Ein einzelner Reiter auf einem fahlen Pferd ist direkt aus dem Buch der Offenbarung „Und ich sah, und …More
Falls Sie noch Zweifel haben, was bei der Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Spiele vor sich geht
Ein einzelner Reiter auf einem fahlen Pferd ist direkt aus dem Buch der Offenbarung
„Und ich sah, und siehe, ein fahles Pferd; und der auf ihm saß, dessen Name war Tod, und die Hölle folgte ihm nach. Und es wurde ihnen Macht gegeben über den vierten Teil der Erde, zu töten mit dem Schwert und mit Hunger und mit dem Tod und mit den Tieren der Erde.“
Offenbarung 6, 8
Wilma Lopez
Looked at the pages, but don't get it. Can you explain?
One more comment
It’s almost always working class men (of color) who have to clean up behind the graffiti of liberal elites: climate change, Gaza protests on college campuses, etc. Put that in the slow cooker…
De Profundis
Catholic Kansas City Chiefs player Harrison Butker has called out the alleged mocking of Jesus’ Last Supper by drag queens at the Paris Olympics. He quoted Galatians 6:6, which says, “Be not deceived …More
Catholic Kansas City Chiefs player Harrison Butker has called out the alleged mocking of Jesus’ Last Supper by drag queens at the Paris Olympics. He quoted Galatians 6:6, which says, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.”
charisma shares this
A Kansas City Chiefs katolikus játékosa, Harrison Butker is felszólalt a párizsi olimpián a transzvesztiták által Jézus utolsó vacsorájának …More
A Kansas City Chiefs katolikus játékosa, Harrison Butker is felszólalt a párizsi olimpián a transzvesztiták által Jézus utolsó vacsorájának állítólagos kigúnyolása miatt. Idézte a Galata levél 6,6 versét, amely szerint
"Ne áltassátok magatokat, Isten nem hagy magából gúnyt űzni."
Virginie Fortin shares from Luca Diste
In this scene from the Olympic opening ceremony, the famous painting of The Last Supper is recreated, but Jesus is replaced with an obese woman, while queer and trans figures (including a child!) depict …More
In this scene from the Olympic opening ceremony, the famous painting of The Last Supper is recreated, but Jesus is replaced with an obese woman, while queer and trans figures (including a child!) depict her apostles. Overt pagan and satanic symbolism.
...Non è possibile, poi, non riflettere sulla gravità della rappresentazione blasfema dell'Ultima Cena nella quale appaiono drag queen, personaggi vestiti in modo provocante e scandaloso. Ancora una …More
...Non è possibile, poi, non riflettere sulla gravità della rappresentazione blasfema dell'Ultima Cena nella quale appaiono drag queen, personaggi vestiti in modo provocante e scandaloso. Ancora una volta si attacca la religione cattolica. In uno Stato che non ha alcun rispetto della Chiesa Cattolica, in uno Stato in cui i sacerdoti vengono sgozzati durante le Sante Messe, in uno Stato in cui il 99% dei cantieri delle cattedrali prende incredibilmente fuoco, in uno Stato in cui i cattolici sono realmente discriminati...
...Il comitato organizzatore di questa cerimonia non deve forse rispondere di quanto accaduto? Lo Stato francese non deve forse rispondere di quanto è stato messo in atto? Proprio Emmanuel Macron, il paladino dei diritti di tutti, anche di coloro che vogliono uccidere i propri figli, non si indigna innanzi a questo grave e gratuito attacco alla sensibilità di milioni di cristiani? Auspichiamo vivamente che anche S.E.R. Mons. Laurent Ulrich prenda posizione e condanni …
And they believe they are the truth...
Vincent Capuano
These are the sons of the French Revolution. They blasphemed then and continue the practice today.
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In Summa Theologiae II-II.13.3, St. Thomas Aquinas approvingly quotes an authority who judges that “in comparison with blasphemy, every sin is slight,” and he then goes on to say the following:

Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States -

Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race today and endorsed his pro-abortion vice president…
Father Karl A Claver
This horrendous creature will probably receive many votes from the miserable bishops and ignorant Catholics.
Everyday for Life Canada
Perhaps she can push for retroactive abortions too.
Opening ceremony Greek 2004. When you have a millennial culture and identity you don’t need to offend anyone
According to Traditionis Custodes this is just as beautiful as the original
Josefa Menendez
Josefa Menendez
Van a tener que responsabilizarse ante Jesús por lo que están haciendo
Tom Morelli
The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats

The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats

The Democratic Party ruling class’s bloodless coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, who also happens to be …
PCTV Headlines
PCTV stands with the church on the boycott and will not be covering the event this year. Moreover, we will be paying special attention to sponsors that have yet to apologize. Olympics Boycott Paris 2024More
PCTV stands with the church on the boycott and will not be covering the event this year. Moreover, we will be paying special attention to sponsors that have yet to apologize.
Olympics Boycott Paris 2024
Normand Thomas

230. Living right

Solomon is the son of David and he becomes king of Israel. He is at a stage in his life where he understands the need to become one of God’s friends. He wants to follow a straight path and become more …More
Solomon is the son of David and he becomes king of Israel. He is at a stage in his life where he understands the need to become one of God’s friends.
He wants to follow a straight path and become more anchored in the truth. He wishes to do well as a child who knows he’s loved. Solomon has a special relationship with God.
King Solomon gives us a very good idea of a person who lives a conversion. He leaped faithfully. He asks God:
“Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong. For who is able to govern this vast people of yours?” 1 Kings, chapter 3, verse 9
Judgment is not a method of judging recklessly the negative experience of the lives of others. Instead, it’s a way of being awake to what others are living, praying for them and guiding them to God when necessary.
We could say, “Give us a heart of judgment to love our neighbour, to discern between good and evil. To help in the good and to deliver evil to God. Who could …More
WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

Omaha’s Archbishop is among the clergy members named in a lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of St. Louis and Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski alleging …
I just used the link for the first time, and everything is fine now; the link, the article, and the video.
The Wandering Recluse
@ComplicitClergy WARNING: At least on my end, the link to the article as been hijacked and it opens to a porn channel! God Bless