Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: "I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication."
Diocesan Priest on the Rotten "Fruits" of Vatican II: "For sixty years conservative Catholics have been insisting that the Council was fundamentally good and all the bad fruit that has arisen since then …More
Diocesan Priest on the Rotten "Fruits" of Vatican II: "For sixty years conservative Catholics have been insisting that the Council was fundamentally good and all the bad fruit that has arisen since then is incidental to Vatican II and not rooted in the Council itself. "Such a premise becomes more and more implausible as the bad fruit becomes more and more plentiful. Especially since it is the wicked shepherds themselves who claim that their fruit comes from the Council. It is preposterous to maintain that the ground under a good tree is covered with nothing but bad fruit and yet it must be a good tree. "For sixty years, wicked shepherds have been gathering the thorns and thistles of the Second Vatican Council and offering them to us as grapes and figs. Many Catholics have fed on these and now find them wanting and others have always recognized them for the bad fruit that they are. It’s time to cut down that bad tree! "Saint Boniface, you who felled the oak tree of pagans, pray that the …More

The Remnant Newspaper - Bad Fruit from a Bad Tree

These words brought to mind the sentiments expressed by a modernist rector of a diocesan seminary many years ago. He was lamenting the ever-increasing …
Djokovic unleashes after getting booed by Wimbledon crowd. Dude is completely authentic, and is afraid of no one.
Louis IX
One of the all time greats.
Live Mike
The man has courage... love that!
3 more comments
Megyn Kelly appears to stop short of calling First Lady Jill Biden a "power-hungry b**ch" for keeping her husband in office despite his clear mental decline. Kelly accused the renowned Doctor of using …More
Megyn Kelly appears to stop short of calling First Lady Jill Biden a "power-hungry b**ch" for keeping her husband in office despite his clear mental decline. Kelly accused the renowned Doctor of using her husband to fulfill her desire for power
Blaming Jill ?You think she the King maker 😂 You got to hand it to her changing diapers at her age not a small task.Her hand bag weighs a ton in …More
Blaming Jill ?You think she the King maker 😂
You got to hand it to her changing diapers at her age not a small task.Her hand bag weighs a ton in depends
I think medical doctors should be called Faucies and that would also clarify things. The only rear doctors are those of the Church.
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Trump should run this as a campaign ad.
Well the mistake she made is that Ole Joe cares about her (despite what his crazy wife is telling us). It's my experience that many bleeding-heart …More
Well the mistake she made is that Ole Joe cares about her (despite what his crazy wife is telling us). It's my experience that many bleeding-heart liberals who claim to be for - let's say - minorities only do so to "virtue signal'. I had one neighbor who back in the day was so excited about Obama that he compared it to the Second Coming! But when a homeless black man was loitering in the area, he called the cops!
Never seen so many Karen's in one spot
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NEW - Biden says he will beat Trump "again in 2020."
De Profundis shares this
You know things have gotten desperate when a candidate adds time travel to his list of campaign promises
The fundamental question is: who is choosing those monstrous candidates for you to choose, dear Americans?
6 more comments
he Norwegian Government on Friday made clear that Russian fishing vessels are welcome to visit the three ports of Tromsø, Båtsfjord and Kirkenes. Simultaneously, stricter control measures are introduced.

Oslo prolongs Russia's permission to call on ports in Northern Norway

Oslo prolongs Russia's permission to call on ports in Northern Norway ADVERTISEMENT “It’s a fundamental interest for Norway to …
Hunter is back at The White House on the one year anniversary of cocaine being found there
Liam Ronan
@DefendTruth Pardon me.
He is gone.
How many young Ukrainian men died because of this piece of sh@$ 500000 and counting🥵More
How many young Ukrainian men died because of this piece of sh@$
500000 and counting🥵
De Profundis shares this
Joe Biden tried to talk without a teleprompter at the White House tonight. It’s a catastrophic disaster. You can see the pain in the faces of his staff …More
Joe Biden tried to talk without a teleprompter at the White House tonight. It’s a catastrophic disaster. You can see the pain in the faces of his staff. They finally pull him away…
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REPORTER: "You didn't mention the travel, the jetlag, the foreign trip.. So, I think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling to hear the president mentioning that as his explanation. When …More
REPORTER: "You didn't mention the travel, the jetlag, the foreign trip.. So, I think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling to hear the president mentioning that as his explanation. When you took the podium yesterday did you not know that?! KJP: "That is my bad.." The lies are all being exposed 👏
Joe now says they are working him too hard. He needs to rap things up by 4, allow for naps and less meetings. Basically a part time schedule.
I'll guess that lying increases KJP's appetite.
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Fr K Robinson SSPX blesses Steve Bannon on his way to jail.
Steve Bannon receives a blessing in Latin before heading to jail.
True Mass
Political prisoners in America.
His Eminence Cardinal Zen has utterly destroyed, annihilated and obliterated the notorious idolatry and Pachamama defender "Catholic", Michael Lofton.

I am accused of not following the “Hermenentics of continuity” when criticizing the “Fiducia supplicans”!?

I must confess that I have often wasted my time following the program “Reason and Theology” of Michael …
A middle age woman should not be forced to be trapped in an elevator with a mentally ill man wearing a dress, who is bigger and stronger than she is and inherently unsettling. Getting off the elevator …More
A middle age woman should not be forced to be trapped in an elevator with a mentally ill man wearing a dress, who is bigger and stronger than she is and inherently unsettling. Getting off the elevator was the correct thing to do.
Hugh N. Cry
Yes, flee from the freaks!
When propaganda is anti-effective.
An Act of God cancels NYC Pride …as city warns of severe thunderstorms.
Opera 369
Where has all the BEAUTY gone ?!
Alex A
How can anyone with a modicum of decency take a child to such vulgarity is beyond my comprehension. Thank GOD for the THUNDERSTORM WARNING!
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The video on the left is from the debate two nights ago. The video on the right is yesterday morning in North Carolina. Why does he look like a different person?
Politics is one of the filthiest of businesses and it generally attracts those who make poor leaders.
Ivan Tomas
Because he is perhaps possessed by a legion?
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Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance. Who is the real president here?
Joe appears to be filling his diaper again.
Her choice of clothing is quite interesting.
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No, this is not an SNL skit. This is CNN.
All Saints
I don’t know who is more sick in the head. The pink plastic guy or the lady on the left interviewing this freak, with a straight face pretending that …More
I don’t know who is more sick in the head. The pink plastic guy or the lady on the left interviewing this freak, with a straight face pretending that it is normal and acceptable.
Ave Crux
The fact that this news commentator is not only not horrified by this spectacle but actually entertains this very disturbed person with a sympathetic …More
The fact that this news commentator is not only not horrified by this spectacle but actually entertains this very disturbed person with a sympathetic point of view is just another proof of the collective psychopathy which has seized hold of the human race and darkened so many minds. It is clearly diabolical.
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Tucker Carlson reveals the truth about Mike Pompeo. 'Pompeo threatened to arrest me if I revealed the CIA killed President Kennedy. Pompeo also plotted to assassinate Julian Assange.'
Naomi Arai
God protect Julian. He's in more danger than ever now.
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This is England. What have they done to you.
And every British politician who supported this should relocate their home and family to the center of this open market if they love it so much.
I've always thought I'd like to visit the UK and experience it's rich history. But at this rate, it's turning into some 3rd world country that I have …More
I've always thought I'd like to visit the UK and experience it's rich history. But at this rate, it's turning into some 3rd world country that I have no desire to see.
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The one in the long is Tyler Cherry, Biden's new communications director. It's not Halloween but his wedding, celebrated by Biden's Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, whose communications director Ms. …More
The one in the long is Tyler Cherry, Biden's new communications director. It's not Halloween but his wedding, celebrated by Biden's Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, whose communications director Ms. Cherry was before moving on with Biden
You've heard of the old saying: "Personnel is policy!" This is Biden's idea of america!
wanka wstanka
Cyrk przyjechał czy relacja z zakładu psychiatrycznego?
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