72 pages

How to Recover From the ‘Crisis of Meaning’ in the West: John Vervaeke

[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] “People don’t know where to go to cultivate wisdom. I will ask my students: ‘Where do you go for information …
"You need to 'grow' your personhood?" What about growing in virtue? What about growing your relationship with the Sacred Heart?
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What No One Told You About Your Root Cellar - Ask a Prepper

When it comes to root cellars, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, there could be some root cellar secrets that you don’t know. Learn …

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly. The reason: The local …More
From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly.
The reason: The local bishop, Laurent Dognin, has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter from his diocese.
The fraternity ran a very successful apostolate in Saint Matthieu's, the most visited parish in Quimper. Monsignor Dognin even admitted that there were no objective reasons for closing this parish.
Before the start of the demonstration, a member of the congregation of Saint Matthieu asked the microphone: "Today Quimper, tomorrow which parish, which town, for what reason?"
Other participants said: "We are against those who want to destroy the Church from within and bury us all".
Three bell-ringers led the march through the streets of Quimper, carrying flags, banners and signs.
One of them referred to Dognin's desire to "welcome" homosexual activists in the diocese in the name of the "right to be …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does he not believe in hell?
Billy F
Secular Humanist Emasculated Men pretending to be Catholic Bishops!!!
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191. Let’s personally decide to live in Love

John invites us to be cautious when comes time to choose. We have the choice to follow Christ or another way. He tells us about people who were with the Apostles, but who are no longer with them: “They …More
John invites us to be cautious when comes time to choose. We have the choice to follow Christ or another way. He tells us about people who were with the Apostles, but who are no longer with them:
“They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us.” 1 John, chapter 2, verse 19
Sometimes, even in our churches, there may be people who are not with us, that is to say, who follow another doctrine than that of Jesus Christ.
Since we’re called not to judge, only God can know whether a person lives his faith authentically or not. We can, however, propose ourselves this question: “Does the person follow the Love of God and let the Holy Spirit work in his life?” Otherwise, here are some very good opportunities to pray. We have around us, in the church, an ideal place to practice observing and listening to the faith of others.
John knows Jesus:
“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world …More
The letter from the Dicastery for Divine Worship ordering the TLM in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, to cease. Link to original:
The letter from the Dicastery for Divine Worship ordering the TLM in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, to cease.
Link to original:
2 pages
Father Karl A Claver
The more research that is done the more we see the demonic influence that began with Jungmann, Bouyer, and Bugnini on destroying the TLM.
Tom Morelli

Changing the culture one stitch at a time - RADIANT

Consider this definition for a moment. Culture is how a group of people think, how they react and what they value. In a secular culture that moves more …
Leila Marie Lawler's article, "Bishop Barron's The Mass -- A 'Privileged Encounter'?", critiques Bishop Barron's film series on the Mass, highlighting various issues that she believes are ignored or …More
Leila Marie Lawler's article, "Bishop Barron's The Mass -- A 'Privileged Encounter'?", critiques Bishop Barron's film series on the Mass, highlighting various issues that she believes are ignored or inadequately addressed. She argues that any production about the Mass must grapple with significant challenges, including the decline in church attendance since the Second Vatican Council and widespread disbelief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist among Catholics.
Lawler contends that Bishop Barron's series fails to address these problems effectively. She points out that the Mass is portrayed as a "privileged encounter" with God, but this concept is not adequately explained. The series often juxtaposes beautiful pre-Vatican II churches with modern, less inspiring ones, inadvertently reminding viewers of the perceived loss of tradition and beauty in contemporary liturgy.
The article criticizes the film's lack of emphasis on key theological concepts such as sacrifice and sin, and it questions …More

Bishop Barron's The Mass -- A "Privileged Encounter"?

Discover more from Happy Despite Them Bishop Barron's The Mass -- A "Privileged Encounter"? That feeling when the point is missed, in its entirety,…
Sylvester Kobe
Bishop Banal hid his pectoral cross during his interview with the vile little manlet Shapiro, so routinely mocks the sufferings of Christ on social …More
Bishop Banal hid his pectoral cross during his interview with the vile little manlet Shapiro, so routinely mocks the sufferings of Christ on social media for laughs.
Bishop Barron sure loves that term "privileged". Didn't he once tell the Jewish Ben Shapiro that Christ was the privileged way to God (meaning there's …More
Bishop Barron sure loves that term "privileged". Didn't he once tell the Jewish Ben Shapiro that Christ was the privileged way to God (meaning there's other ways too - just common). The term smacks of elitist gnosticism.
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Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin’s address at the June 15-16 Summit on Peace in Ukraine, held in Switzerland

Cardinal Parolin: Dialogue is the only means to achieve peace - Vatican News

Cardinal Parolin: Dialogue is the only means to achieve peace Speaking during the Final Plenary Session of the high-level …
Good question Live Mike, may I suggest it's because these clowns including Jorge do not want peace.
Live Mike
Which Russian representative was invited to this dialogue?

Catholics of all countries, let us unite in the Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary (the 5 Joyful Mysteries, the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries and the 5 Glorious …

The hell festival in Clisson (France) has the honors of the website of the union of Ukrainian Orthodox journalists: Four days of hell: 850 children in France will participate in a satanic rock festival …More
The hell festival in Clisson (France) has the honors of the website of the union of Ukrainian Orthodox journalists:
Four days of hell: 850 children in France will participate in a satanic rock festival
A "church" of Satan, called The Sanctuary, was installed on the grounds of the Hellfest 2024 event, the top of which is topped with a black-winged goat sculpture.
The Hellfest 2024 rock festival will take place in Clisson, in Loire-Atlantique, from June 27 to 30 and will be open to 850 children.
More than 60,000 people are expected every day. 180 groups will perform on six stages, two of which are called Altar and Temple ("Altar" and "Church" - Editor's note).
One of the main exhibits of the festival will be a structure called Guardian of Darkness, created by La Machine.
This chimera of steel and wood with the face of a woman and the body of a scorpion will welcome festival-goers every evening from 10 p.m. to midnight. Next year, it will become a permanent attraction of the festival.
In …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Bergoglio not attending this year? 🤔

Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on (17 June) an in-depth analysis of Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Main points: - Those who live a life that is displeasing …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on (17 June) an in-depth analysis of Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Main points:
- Those who live a life that is displeasing to God cannot effectively receive God's blessing without first repenting of their sinful lifestyle.
- A priest is not authorised to give blessings that would be offensive to God, for example a priest cannot bless a philosophy professor who declares that he is going to give a lecture promoting atheism.
- Turning a blind eye to homosexual sin and going so far as to bless a person who identifies with it is tantamount to blessing an abomination.
- By the logic of 'Fiducia Supplicans', a priest could legitimately bless a married man and his mistress, a priest living in open concubinage, a murderous and unrepentant gang member, or a dictator starving millions of innocent people.
- Those who support such "blessings" are de facto encouraging homosexual concubines to continue their sin, for which …More
What's not addressed is the push by Francis to priests whose faith is so weak... with such an "authority" recomending blessing the unrepentant it seems …More
What's not addressed is the push by Francis to priests whose faith is so weak... with such an "authority" recomending blessing the unrepentant it seems more easy for such to bless them. I talked to a filipino priest and he was "open" to bless gay unions despite the gigantic apostasy, they dont see it as a heresy even less apostasy.
Sandy Barrett
The teaching in seminaries has not been anything like Catholic for decades especially around the Incarnstion, Resurrection, The Eucharist and in Mariology
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Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das Haupthindernis für den Frieden in Palästina von Medea Benjamin und …

U.S. Marines und IDF-Soldaten beim gemeinsamen Manöver Intrepid Maven, 28. Februar 2023. Foto: US-…
Father Karl A Claver
Biden and his war chest COULD have stopped the war even before it began. Not only is Biden senile, but he is also wicked and evil.

The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 59 — THE WILL OF THE ANGELS 1. Is there a will among the angels? 2. Is the will of the angel identical to his nature, or also to his intelligence? 3. Do angels have free will? 4. Do the …More
1. Is there a will among the angels?
2. Is the will of the angel identical to his nature, or also to his intelligence?
3. Do angels have free will?
4. Do the irascible and the concupiscible exist in them?
Article 1 - Is there a will among angels?
According to the Philosopher, “the will is in reason.” Now there is no reason among angels, but something superior to it. There is therefore, among the angels, not a will, but a faculty superior to the will. 2 . The will comes from the appetite, according to Aristotle, and the appetite supposes an imperfection since its object is what we do not possess. Now angels, especially blessed angels, have no imperfection. It therefore seems that there is no will in them. 3 . According to Aristotle again, the will is a moving engine; in fact it is moved by the desirable object when it falls under the apprehension of the intelligence. But the angels are immobile because they are incorporeal. In the opposite …More

Elite Scientists Link Sudden Cardiac Deaths to mRNA Shots - Slay News

An elite team of Japanese scientists has just uncovered a smoking gun after conducting a major study on the autopsies of people who …

10 Survival Crops You Can Grow Without Irrigation - Ask a Prepper

We can only store so much food for a SHTF situation, and what we do manage to store won’t last forever. Eventually we’ll need to begin …

Why do Priests put a piece of Hostia in the Chalice?

Why do Priests put a piece of Hostia in the Chalice? The symbolism of this act reminds us of the unity of the Church and the spiritual connection between each celebration. It comes from the primitive …More
Why do Priests put a piece of Hostia in the Chalice?
The symbolism of this act reminds us of the unity of the Church and the spiritual connection between each celebration.
It comes from the primitive church and a custom intended to mean unity with the Pope and the local bishop.
The symbolism of this act also points to the unity of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Hostia.
Because both the Host and the Consecrated Wine contain the whole presence of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
It's a reminder that every priest's action at Mass has its roots in nearly 2,000 years of history and tradition.

Just a thought

What would have the remaining Apostles have done if St Peter started to act like Judas? Where are those Apostles today?More
What would have the remaining Apostles have done if St Peter started to act like Judas?
Where are those Apostles today?
Pope Accused of Illegally Wiretapping Phones

Pope Accused of Illegally Wiretapping Phones

The Pope faces UN investigation over his personal authorisation of allegedly unlawful wiretaps during a Vatican investigation into the “corrupt” sale of a …
Wilma Lopez
@Liam Ronan Francis has taken away offices but has he suspended anybody beyond that?
Liam Ronan
@ComplicitClergy I am genuinely surprised Francis has not tracked down Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò yet.

mRNA Jab ‘Off Switch’ Discovered by Scientists – Media Blackout

“The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna biodistribution studies refute the assertion that nanolipid-bound study declared in the ‘Conclusions’…
Naomi Arai
I studied physiological biochem at the doctorate level, and I can say, while, yes, there are some really smart, capable people, I would have a hard time …More
I studied physiological biochem at the doctorate level, and I can say, while, yes, there are some really smart, capable people, I would have a hard time trusting this “remedy”. I suppose if I had taken the clot shot, which I had not(the reason why I was expelled from my PhD program), then perhaps I’d try anything to remedy it…

The Katechon

If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed, could this be the Katechon???
"If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed" --- Impossible.More
"If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed"