SIDNEY: "It's a $1000 fine to be out unvaccinated and we will be issuing fines". See also: 1. There is a war in Australia. See also: 1. Australia: the horrifying co… - 2. Sanitary tyranny in Australia …More
SIDNEY: "It's a $1000 fine to be out unvaccinated and we will be issuing fines". See also: 1. There is a war in Australia. See also: 1. Australia: the horrifying co… - 2. Sanitary tyranny in Australia, children are separated from their paren… - 3. Australian Social Credit System. - 4. Pregnant Australian woman arrested at home for promoting anti-lockdown protest on Facebook. - 5. Australia: the horrifying compulsive vaccination of children - See als… - 6. Australia: vacunación masiva de menores, con prohibición de ser acompañados por los padres. (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 7. Melbourne: The Great Reset in action: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll b… - 8. Graphene oxide on the beach in Australia - See also: 1. There is a war… - 9. SIDNEY: "It's a $1000 fine to be out unvaccinated and we will be issui… - 10. Dr. Chant, Australian Minister of Health: "we need to get used to gett… - 11. "Don’t be complacent": Australian Government Department of Health - Th… - 12. Tirania plandémica en Australia - Ver también: 1. Australia: vacunació… (Spanish)

"NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has warned Sydneysiders they could be slapped with huge fines if they break relaxed COVID rules. The state reopened to fully vaccinated citizens on October 11 after three months in lockdown, with hospitality, retail, gyms and events only welcoming those who have had both jabs. Commissioner Fuller told Sunrise that officers are ready and waiting to assist businesses should the unvaccinated get abusive towards staff after being denied entry to venues."
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=lQqU9tVcCis

For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical …

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2. La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII.

Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 13. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi.
How did they turn into jack booted thugs?
Miles - Christi - English
Here is the answer: "What is happening today is the poisoned fruit of decades of dissolution, of rebellion against the Law of the Lord, of sins and vices that cry out for vengeance in the sight of God. Providence shows us how the world can become, when it abandons the Lordship of Jesus Christ and places under the bondage of Satan." - Mons. Vigano: Abp. Viganò: the ‘pandemic Sanhedrin’ is spinning …More
Here is the answer: "What is happening today is the poisoned fruit of decades of dissolution, of rebellion against the Law of the Lord, of sins and vices that cry out for vengeance in the sight of God. Providence shows us how the world can become, when it abandons the Lordship of Jesus Christ and places under the bondage of Satan." - Mons. Vigano: Abp. Viganò: the ‘pandemic Sanhedrin’ is spinning a ‘labyrinth’ of COVID lies
fascism is back
Miles - Christi
Much worse than that, it's communism...