THE PLANDEMIC TERRORISM DOES NOT STOP - The European Union organizes the continuity of the plandemic: continue indefinitely with false vaccines, tests, digital passport, generalized social control, endless propaganda, etc; nothing is left out of the totalitarian and criminal project of the eugenic globalist elite.

"EU prepares for next pandemic phase."

Action must be taken by autumn to ensure vigilance and coordination of health preparedness, the Commission said Thursday as it set out proposals to manage the current COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for the next one (See here:…ystem/files/2022-04/covid-19_com_2022_190_en_0.pdf).

The EU executive says the EU has so far saved hundreds of thousands of lives thanks to COVID-19 vaccines, kept its single market operational, minimised travel restrictions and mobilised manufacturing capacity of critical products when supply chains were disrupted.

With current lower levels of COVID-19 infection, the Member States now have the opportunity to strengthen their surveillance, healthcare systems, and overall pandemic preparedness, says the Commission. In particular, it invites Member States to:

- Step up vaccination and boosting, taking into account the simultaneous circulation of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza;

- Set up integrated surveillance systems that are no longer based on the identification and reporting of all COVID-19 cases, but rather on obtaining reliable and representative estimates;

- Continue targeted testing and sequencing of sufficient samples to accurately estimate variant circulation and detect new variants;

- Invest in the recovery of healthcare systems and assess the wider health impacts of the pandemic, including on mental health and delays in treatments and care;

- Apply EU coordinated rules to ensure free and safe travel, both within the EU and with international partners;

- Support the development of the next generation of vaccines and therapeutics;

- Intensify collaboration against mis- and disinformation on COVID-19 vaccines;

- Continue to deploy global solidarity and improve global governance.

In addition, the Commission is announcing actions to ensure resilient supply chains throughout the pandemic, both for medical countermeasures and for critical products across all industrial ecosystems. It is also launching today a tender, under the EU FAB initiative, to reserve capacities for manufacturing mRNA, protein and vector-based vaccines. This will reserve newly created manufacturing capacity for use in future health emergencies. The tender is addressed to vaccine producers with facilities in the EU/EEA, who can send in their request to participate until 3 June 2022 16.00 CEST.

Medium and long term include the further enhancing of pandemic preparedness and strengthening response coordination between Member States, as well as at the global level, implementing the European Health Union proposals, tackling wider health impacts of the pandemic, including "long COVID" and the burden on mental health, and speeding up digitalisation in health.

Communication on COVID-19 sustaining EU preparedness and response

Coronavirus response

Factsheet: COVID-19 – Sustaining EU Preparedness and Response: Looking ahead

Factsheet: EU FAB

Source: EU prepares for next pandemic phase — | EU news, business and politics

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Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. "PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - Suite du documentaire "HOLD UP" (1. HOLD-UP - Re… - 13. "30 faits que vous devez savoir : Une fiche d’information sur le COVID." - 14. Comité d'investigation de Reiner Fuellmich - 15. LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA PANIQUE pour la Gouvernance Mondiale - 16. Des signaux de fréquences Bluetooth ou analogue chez les personnes aya… - 17. SPORTIFS PROFESSIONNELS ET OLYMPIQUES DÉCÉDÉS OU GRAVEMENT BLESSÉS AU … - 18. "VACCINS: UN PLAN MONDIAL" - Transcription audio de l’article du magaz… - 19. Scandale chez Merck: une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout - … - 21. Documentaire "Planet Lockdown" - Version doublée en français - Partie 1/4 - Source, avec les trois … - 22. Vaccins et virus – Nouveau Monde - 23. Une épidémie de mensonges - 24. "2013-2022: Neuf ans avec François" - 25. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 26. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi.
Miles - Christi - English
Related: 1. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 2. "Covid vaccines and the forthcoming mark of the beast" - Covid "vaccin… - 3. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko telling some truths about the plandemic, universa… - 4. "Netherlands MEP Robert Roos tells Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission some … - 5. Vacunas, tecnocracia y …More
Related: 1. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 2. "Covid vaccines and the forthcoming mark of the beast" - Covid "vaccin… - 3. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko telling some truths about the plandemic, universa… - 4. "Netherlands MEP Robert Roos tells Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission some … - 5. Vacunas, tecnocracia y transhumanismo - Para más información: 1. "Diec… - 6. "El verdadero propósito del pasaporte de vacunas" - Relacionado: 1. Th… - 7. "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" - The day does not seem very far away when digita… - 8. The true purpose of the vaccine passeport and the plandemic manipulati… - 9. Die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, ste… - 10. "Why human microchipping is so popular in Sweden" - Pastors and academ… - 11. "This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1" - The proposed global rollout of Vac… - 12. "HACIA EL CONTROL TOTAL" - Cristian Terheș, miembro del Parlamento Eur… - 13. "VACCINATE, VACCINATE, VACCINATE": Another criminal psychopath spreadi… - 14. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 15. "La necesidad europea de chips se duplicará en la próxima década" - Pr… - 16. Little by little, we are going towards the mark of the Beast - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1.… - 17. "Microchip implantable para el pase sanitario" - Relacionado: 1. "Swed…