The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019 I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It …More
The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019
I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It is a true miracle of the sun which Our Holy Mother blessed me with during our trip to Medjugorje Hercogovina.
la verdad prevalece

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a social media post Tuesday, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò accused Pope Francis of wanting to “normalize sodomy …

Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to. His alleged "Holy …More
During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to.
His alleged "Holy Spirit" cannot be "put in a box" or "locked up" (did anyone say that?), neither in concepts nor in treatises. This theory will be welcomed by many because it means that all the texts Francis produced during his time in Rome are rubbish and can be discarded.
Francis repeated that in the ecclesial sphere there is "a temptation to enclose the Holy Spirit in doctrines, institutions and definitions", although everyone works with "doctrines" and "definitions", whether they admit it or not. Francis, for example, buys into all the doctrines and definitions of the decadent oligarchs.
The "Spirit" creates and animates institutions, but He Himself cannot be "institutionalised", bubbled Francis, who has turned the Church not only into an "institution" but into a regime.
Forgetting everything he had …More
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
(Hear ye, hear ye, bla bla bla, bla bla, bla, bla bla, bla.)
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church …More
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church and defying God's laws.
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Pierre Henri
Bluegrasspatriot @kylawndog Did someone grow a pair....? BREAKING: The House Judiciary Committee has sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department for Hunter and James Biden for lying to CongressMore
Did someone grow a pair....? BREAKING: The House Judiciary Committee has sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department for Hunter and James Biden for lying to Congress
Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy....
English Catholic
It seems not a few people are being taken in by 'Souls and Liberty'. IT'S MICHAEL VORIS Who We Are | Souls and Liberty

Part 2: A former Presbyterian’s story of conversion to Catholicism

On this episode of Mother Miriam Live, Mother Miriam continues reading excerpts from an article in the Coming Home Network International

The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The popular U.K. media outlet the The medical journal conducted a data analysis of 47 …
Theresia Katharina
Ab der 3.Boosterung explodiert der Turbokrebs.

Jailed pro-lifer: We accept abuse and suffering because aborted children suffer even worse - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In the shadowlands of human history, even in the glare of the Middle Eastern sun, …
Cc Ss
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place. It’s like …More
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place.
It’s like enabling a person to steal then getting mad only when they go to pawn the merch. One is a direct result of the other.
Isn’t it the devil who turns everything upside down and convinces us that what is wrong is really right?
We are causing young women enormous confusion by letting the first sin slide as long as you don’t commit the other.

Praying Rosary Forbidden in Spain

When the government commands people not to pray, there is a problem. From Spain: Pedro Sanchez’s government has told the organisers of the daily Rosary in Madrid that …
Wilma Lopez shares from ComplicitClergy
So much for "spontaneous" blessings: Lexington Parish Now Offers APPOINTMENTS for Same-Sex Blessings

Lexington Parish Now Offers APPOINTMENTS for Same-Sex Blessings

from the scandal he createdearlier this year. A parish in the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky is offering blessings for same-sex couples by …
Sally Dorman

Jordan Peterson calls out ‘pride’ month as a 'celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’ …

(LifeSiteNews) — Anti-woke Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson slammed Prime Minister Justin …

Give me wings, God!

I run Lord I rush to Thy door life is moving too slowly I can’t wait When it will end! Lord give me wings Give me strength I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave …More
I run Lord
I rush to Thy door
life is moving too slowly
I can’t wait
When it will end!
Lord give me wings
Give me strength
I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave me a sign When to the bottom I was falling. But You saved me ! but You loved me ! so I run to Your feet and though my cross is heavy I want to be where You are but I will not cry, O Lord I know that tears will help nothing I know that with You on this mountain I have to climb but you know that I love You! Forgive me Lord though I nailed You to a tree Forgive me oh Lord That I have searched for You for so long But now Lord I am here although sometimes I think I’m dreaming For you, O Lord, love me so please don’t let me sleep so that I don’t miss the gates of heaven O Lord give me wings That I may soar where You are! O Lord I still run to Your door! O Lord when I stand before Your face I beg You not to cast me down into the abyss do not take You away from me Lord give me wings I will soar to …More

Francis greets nun who has served homosexuals and trans people for 56 years

At the conclusion of the general audience this Wednesday, June 5 , Francis greeted an 81-year-old nun in St. Peter's Square who, for 56 years, has served homosexuals and "trans" people in Rome. According …More
At the conclusion of the general audience this Wednesday, June 5 , Francis greeted an 81-year-old nun in St. Peter's Square who, for 56 years, has served homosexuals and "trans" people in Rome.
According to Vatican News , this is Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, a nun of the Little Sisters of Jesus, who for some years has maintained an exchange of letters with the Holy Father.
The nun — who lives in a caravan in Luna Park in Ostia Lido with another nun named Anna Amelia, to serve the LGBT community — comments that what she is interested in is “going where the Church finds it most difficult.” go". "In this world we see all kinds of people pass by and the heart opens, we are all human people, you cannot have a strict judgment," he adds.
At the meeting with the Pope, the nun is accompanied by Ada, who is celebrating her birthday and received a rosary as a gift from the Pontiff.
The nun shares with Vatican News that, some time ago, the family of a homosexual American doctor, who would have been …More

The new Mass a Mass of a different “faith”? -

In the newspaper La Croix on February 10, 2022 and July 12, 2023, an allegedly "committed Catholic couple", Aline and Alain Weidert, made an interesting contribution. Their thesis: the religion whose …More
In the newspaper La Croix on February 10, 2022 and July 12, 2023, an allegedly "committed Catholic couple", Aline and Alain Weidert, made an interesting contribution. Their thesis: the religion whose most important act of worship is the traditional Mass may well not be the same as the religion of the new Mass. It is the "Mass of another faith", which may not even be celebrated in the name of the same God.
google-translation from
The couple's reasoning is based on the increase in private Masses, which is justified by the effects of the Cross on the souls of the dead, which in turn leads to the doctrine of the Mass as a sacrifice of atonement. This is, apart from a few nuances, entirely correct [1]. We should be grateful to Mr and Mrs Weidert for placing the problem at the level of doctrine. Contrary to what we have often heard, the decision to celebrate the old Mass is not a question of charisma or sensitivity, not a question of "positive attachment" which makes it pointless to …More
Billy F
That Auditorium needs to be razed! The ground salted and exorcised!!!
We must pray, offer sacrifice, pray the rosary. Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Church, pray for us!
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Gunman in custody after attacking U.S. embassy in Lebanon A gunman is in custody after opening fire outside the U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. An embassy guard was hurt during the shooting. NBC News …More
Gunman in custody after attacking U.S. embassy in Lebanon
A gunman is in custody after opening fire outside the U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. An embassy guard was hurt during the shooting. NBC News' Raf Sanchez reports on the incident and the tensions rising in the Middle East. » Subscribe to NBC News
Juan Perez
That looks like a man
Sen. Rand Paul also believes Fauci should be in prison; in his closed door meetings he 'forgot' over 100 times why the Covid scam was (mis)handled the …More
Sen. Rand Paul also believes Fauci should be in prison; in his closed door meetings he 'forgot' over 100 times why the Covid scam was (mis)handled the way it was.Dr. Anthony Fauci deserves to go to prison over ‘dishonesty’ on COVID-19 origins: Sen. Rand Paul
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Father John Ibould, exorcist How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?More
Father John Ibould, exorcist
How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?
44 pages
Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left His Name Off Sex Abuser List

Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left …

After hiding the names of sexually abusive priests and religious brothers for years, the Augustinian …
John A Cassani
That is a huge settlement to be paid to a single victim, and, he’s not the only religious priest not to appear on anyone’s list of accused priests.

Prophecies of Saint Hildegard on Protestantism

Extract from “History of Saint Hildegard, her life, her works and her revelations”, by Father Jacques RENARD: Let us recall here two or three responses which go beyond the sphere of individual facts …More
Extract from “History of Saint Hildegard, her life, her works and her revelations”, by Father Jacques RENARD:
Let us recall here two or three responses which go beyond the sphere of individual facts to take on a character of general importance and great interest, since they are nothing less than the clear announcement of Protestantism , therefore made several centuries ago. 'advance.
The clergy of Cologne, whom the saint had visited, begged her to give them in writing “the words of life that she had addressed to them in person through the inspiration of God, and to attach to them what had been revealed to her about them (Ep. XLVIII). » The response is a long letter where, with the energetic accents of the Prophets, she reproaches them for their vices, their forgetting of the glory of God, their neglect of the care of souls, at the same time as she announces punishments to them.
"Out of the living light I heard a voice saying, O daughter of Zion, the crown of honor shall be upon the …More
@Oratorium Rzymskokatolickie Polska This contribution is very telling in terms of the current Church and the results of the Council.