
Recalling World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto

Today's Gospel reading brought back great memories of the World Youth Day held in Toronto in 2002. Form Matthew 7:21-29, we read: "Not every one who says to me …
Mary 17
SECRETS of the Virgin of REVELATION! Yolanda Nardizzi on the Visions of Bruno Cornacchiola Just how bad was Bruno Cornacchiola before his conversion? And what did he really see in his many visions? …More
SECRETS of the Virgin of REVELATION! Yolanda Nardizzi on the Visions of Bruno Cornacchiola
Just how bad was Bruno Cornacchiola before his conversion? And what did he really see in his many visions? What message ought we to take from his accounts? Yolanda Nardizzi joins A Catholic Take to discuss all this and more. #marianapparitions #revelation #endtimes #vatican
The Secrets of the Saints in the End Times - Secrets of the Saints in the End Times: Official Documentary (Entire Film)
Links, show notes & more from A Catholic Take - A Catholic Take - The Station of the Cross

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future …More
The Vatican has agreed to enter into a separate dialogue with the 'Anglican Church of North America' (ACNA), the 'Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches' (GSFA) and the 'Global Anglican Future Conference' (GAFCON).
The news comes in a report following a meeting of Anglican lay bishops ('Provincial Council') in Latrobe, Pennsylvania (20-25 June).
These three groups are mainly at odds with the English and North American Anglicans over their active promotion of moral decadence.
Tucho's "dialogue" will not include the lay Archbishop of Canterbury, the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada.
Curiously, it will not be conducted through the official Vatican bodies for 'ecumenical' dialogue, but with the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, headed by the homosexual activist Tucho Fernández, who is pushing for the pseudo-blessing of homosexual concubines.
Tucho and the Anglicans dream of a "communion between Rome and the Anglicans", but "without conversion", that is, …More
The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries …More
The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries, and inviting them to cross the Tiber.
Jan Joseph
Tucho rot op. Beste gelovigen geen geld meer doneren aan deze maffiaorganisatie.
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Live Mike
The establishment of the synodal papacy

New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A new Vatican document reveals the roadmap by which Francis intends to establish a new “synodal …
It's quite easy to understand. Since the RC Church's TRUE Sacred Magisterium limits the number of Cardinals of the Church to 70 for eternity ...... …More
It's quite easy to understand. Since the RC Church's TRUE Sacred Magisterium limits the number of Cardinals of the Church to 70 for eternity ......
"Postquam Verus - The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church" Const. of Sixtus V Dec 3rd, 1586

.....and the Traditional Latin Mass and the Missal of Pope St Pius V are commanded to be the Church's ONLY Lawful Missal..............
"Quo Primum - Promulgating the Tridentine Liturgy"Pope Pius V - 1570 APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION
Quo Primum - Papal Encyclicals

We KNOW and acknowledge as Latin-Rite Catholics that the last BINDING, RC Dogmatic Council took place at Trent (aka Tridentum) Those 2 documents (and many OTHERS) can not be cast aside as by the Will of God they remain forever binding. Those who exert authority over them have (as Fr Gregorio Hesse - Vatican Trained Canon Lawyer explains in this video) created a NEW Church which can never claim to be the TRUE Roman Catholic Church.
The Problems of the Novus …More
True Mass
It's an act of love. Never forget it people. An act of love.
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The lord of the Kings!! Trailer
Billy F shares from la verdad prevalece
Accept or Reject the New Mass?

Accept or Reject the New Mass?

Just days after Pope Benedict XVI issued Hard as it may seem to avoid laughing at the absurdity of claiming that allowing the ancient form of the Roman Mass the rather …
Total rejection of the protestanized New Mass!
pater pauperum
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Archbishop Viganò charged with schism: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr. In this episode: Archbishop Viganò charged with schism Spanish nuns excommunicated after sect claim Vatican defends …More
Archbishop Viganò charged with schism: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr.
In this episode: Archbishop Viganò charged with schism
Spanish nuns excommunicated after sect claim
Vatican defends use of Rupnik’s art
Church/State lines being blurred in Italy?
Pope shipping Gänswein off to Latvia
Another big Vatican real estate deal on the table?
Visit us at Crux | Taking the Catholic Pulse WHERE TO LISTEN Web cruxnow.com/podcast

Ecône, Switzerland, 27.06.24: Ordination of priests and deacons - FSSPX

His Eminence Bishop Bernard Fellay ordained today ten new priests (seven for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X and three Capuchins from Morgon, France) and three new deacons at the St. Pius X Seminary …More
His Eminence Bishop Bernard Fellay ordained today ten new priests (seven for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X and three Capuchins from Morgon, France) and three new deacons at the St. Pius X Seminary in Écône, Switzerland.
Ecône: Priester- und Diakonatsweihe (Programm und Livestream)
and here:
Ordination au Sacerdoce et au Diaconat - Écône - 27 juin 2024
Canon 212
June 27, 2024: Thank you Jesus for the 'Yoots' of the Ancient Mass
Naomi Arai
Thanks Frank
English Catholic
Nigel Farage in County Durham, England 27th June 2024 (Speeches start at about 07:40)
English Catholic
No Nigel Farage isn't a Catholic
Michi Gini
...“We’re not talking about abuse of minors,” he stunningly said. “Who am I to judge?” he also asked, noting that Rupnik is still under investigation by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of …More
...“We’re not talking about abuse of minors,” he stunningly said.
“Who am I to judge?” he also asked, noting that Rupnik is still under investigation by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF). Rupnik was expelled from the Jesuits in 2023, with his former superior, Father Johan Verschueren, S.J., affirming that the credibility of the sexual abuse allegations against him is “very high.”
Separately, Rupnik was automatically excommunicated by the Vatican in 2020 after the DDF unanimously ruled he was guilty of absolving one of his sexual accomplices. He subsequently had the penalty swiftly revoked – with much speculation over whether Pope Francis personally intervened to swiftly lift the excommunication.
Catholic World Report journalist Chris Altieri likewise exclaimed, “this is a communications disaster unlike any this scribbler has seen in twenty years… this is a crisis of government jeopardizing the whole Church’s ability to serve her core mission.”
Even Francis’ …

Vatican communications head slammed for downplaying Rupnik case: ‘We’re not talking about abuse of …

(LifeSiteNews) — The embattled pro–LGBT prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication, Dr.…
Faith In The Ruins
Zero fear of God with this group.
What about abuse of God and the sacraments?

Famous British Opposition Politician Asked Francis To Save the Holy Mass

The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion". On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway …More
The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion".
On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway told Telegraph.co.uk (26 June).
Describing himself as "a big fan of this Pope", Galloway believes that Francis "has a lot of enemies, so he has to rely on different factions. It's a very backstabbing place, rather like parliament." In other words, he has no idea what is going on in Francis' Vatican.
A brilliant rhetorician, Galloway is one of the few members of the British parliament who does not belong to the regime and war parties. He created his own party, the Workers' Party of Britain, and made international headlines when he won his seat in the Rochdale by-election with a significant majority from the Labour Party, which had held it for 14 years.
Galloway describes himself as a practising Roman Catholic. He goes to church every Sunday. His mother receives Holy Communion daily.
His …More
Galloway panders, repeatedly, to the Muslim vote bank. He used to present for the Iranian State propaganda outfit (Press TV). CINO - Catholic In Name Only.
Francis is stepping out of the way for the anti-Christ. Francis has to first get rid of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
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Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

The feisty nuns of Belorado, Spain, have kicked out the self-styled 'bishop' Pablo Rojas and his assistant José Ceacero. According to Spanish media, the move was recommended by the convent's lawyers.…More
The feisty nuns of Belorado, Spain, have kicked out the self-styled 'bishop' Pablo Rojas and his assistant José Ceacero.
According to Spanish media, the move was recommended by the convent's lawyers. This information was leaked by the nuns themselves, who are discussing the events with their families through phone calls and WhatsApp messages.
Rojas and Ceacero left the convent on Tuesday.
P. O'B
This bishop isn't exactly a sedevacantist. He is affiliated with the bizarre Palmarian Church. Look up that group -- strange enough even to make one …More
This bishop isn't exactly a sedevacantist. He is affiliated with the bizarre Palmarian Church. Look up that group -- strange enough even to make one run back to the Novus Ordo world.
Christopher Shahrazade
Very good. But if they don't like the Catholic Church as it is under heretic homo-loving Francis, they could affiliate themselves to the SSPX. Sedevacantism …More
Very good. But if they don't like the Catholic Church as it is under heretic homo-loving Francis, they could affiliate themselves to the SSPX. Sedevacantism is always the last option anyone should choose who is alienated from the Catholic Church as it is today. I know of Catholics who have quit the Church over Bergoglio, and have attended (but not joined), the Presbyterian "church" and others joined our neighboring Greek Orthodox Church. But most, like me and most of my family, have remained Catholic but go to Mass very rarely. The TLM is too far. s. Our house is closer to the Jersey Shore than it is to the nearest TLM parish. So driving to it would be ridiculous.
I think that the nuns should affiliate to the SSPX. It's obvious that the VAtican would not allow them to remain a traditionalist cloister of Poor Clares with the TLM. But going independant with no affiliation to anything would be bad.
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Bishop of Regensburg "Forbids" FSSPX Ordinations

Monsignor Rudolf Voderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, who is considered a "conservative", has "forbidden" the "unauthorised ordinations" at the Priestly Society of St Pius X seminary in Zaitzkofen …More
Monsignor Rudolf Voderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, who is considered a "conservative", has "forbidden" the "unauthorised ordinations" at the Priestly Society of St Pius X seminary in Zaitzkofen near Regensburg.
As reported by Bistum-Regensburg.de on 26 June, Voderholzer had nothing better to do than to write a letter to the seminary's rector, Father Pascal Schreiber, stating that the ordinations were "not permitted".
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, who is based in Ecône, Switzerland, will ordain a Hungarian and a Czech candidate to the priesthood in Zaitzkofen.
Monsignor Voderholzer expressed his hope that in the future the Priestly Society of St Pius X will make an honest effort "to return to full communion with the Catholic Church".
"Once again I feel obliged to protect the order of the Church and, as Ordinarius loci, to prohibit the unauthorised ordinations for the area of the Diocese of Regensburg, as in previous years," Voderholzer wrote in his letter.
Voderholzer has been …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't think I am, but Rudolf Voderholzer has no authority to forbid anything of the SSPX. They are not subject to a …More
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't think I am, but Rudolf Voderholzer has no authority to forbid anything of the SSPX. They are not subject to a Vatican II bishop. THey have their own.
Sean Johnson
😉 Must be +Williamson’s fault 😉

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

There are groups ready to do "anything" against him, Tucho Fernández told the oligarchs WashingtonPost.com (24 June) presenting himself as a victim. The controversial newspaper reveals that Tucho went …More
There are groups ready to do "anything" against him, Tucho Fernández told the oligarchs WashingtonPost.com (24 June) presenting himself as a victim.
The controversial newspaper reveals that Tucho went to Pope Francis with concerns that he was being watched.
The source of this information is an anonymous person [= likely Fernández himself, since he spoke to the newspaper].
These alleged fears were based on an innocent night-time photograph published in November by a Spanish-language Catholic blog, showing Tucho talking on the phone at a distance through a window of his home on the Vatican grounds, where many people have access, all owning mobile phones with cameras. The photo identifies the location of his well-known private quarters, about which Tucho has spoken extensively in public.
Now Tucho Fernández is trying to sell this harmless photo as an "invasion of privacy" and a "veiled threat".
Asked about Francis' use of the very vulgar Italian slur "frociaggine" for homosexual acts, …More
If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his …More
If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his boyfriend's flat, he's worried that someone is trying to catch him on video or take a photo. If he is doing those kinds of things in which many Catholics are suspicious of, I really hope someone in Rome does eventually that and exposes his scandalous behavior.
Tuchole should be worried! Fear Him who can kill the body and damn the soul!
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Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

Employees of the Roman Curia are hearing the same information about a document intended to crack down on Mass in the Roman Rite, but none of those contacted by PillarCatholic.com (26 June) has seen the …More
Employees of the Roman Curia are hearing the same information about a document intended to crack down on Mass in the Roman Rite, but none of those contacted by PillarCatholic.com (26 June) has seen the text.
The information about the anti-Mass manifesto comes from a single official in the Dicastery for Divine Worship, led by Cardinal Roche. It is common practice in the Vatican to leak scandalous information in order to lessen the impact of the scandal when it breaks.
Curial officials are said to be "paying attention to American Catholic media of all kinds" because they fear [= know] that the document will provoke a backlash.
One official said the new measures were not aimed at total annihilation, which he called "practically unworkable", but rather a kind of "quarantine". Catholics would be forced into "reservations" [FSSP, ICRSS].
PillarCatholic.com adds that Cardinal Roche is "frustrated" with the implementation of 'Traditionis Custodes' and 'Desiderio desideravi'.
A third manifesto …More
Here is one link regarding the truth of the testimony of Dr. Dollinger and his conversation with Pope Benedict XVI on the real contents of the 3rd Secret …More
Here is one link regarding the truth of the testimony of Dr. Dollinger and his conversation with Pope Benedict XVI on the real contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima - A Further Confirmation of Father Dollinger’s Claim about Cardinal Ratzinger and Fatima
Others can be found in the archive of articles that Dr. Hickson has written for One Peter Five. Here is the link to the archive of her articles: Author: Maike Hickson
There are actually quite a few articles in the archive on the real 3rd Secret of Fatima - in addition to those having to do with Dr. Dollinger.
Pray for our Priests! It's not just the laity these "men" hold in contempt but also the priests, and the authority of the Bishops. In short the "men" …More
Pray for our Priests!
It's not just the laity these "men" hold in contempt but also the priests, and the authority of the Bishops. In short the "men" behind any document restricting the TLM persecute the Catholic Faith and those that love it.
Pray for our priests!
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Gänswein: Removal from Vatican Like Exile, Bitter Personal Experience

Archbishop Georg Gänswein experienced his time in Freiburg as an "exile," he told Die-Tagespost.de (June 26). He had followed Francis' instruction to return to his home country without a task: "It was …More
Archbishop Georg Gänswein experienced his time in Freiburg as an "exile," he told Die-Tagespost.de (June 26).
He had followed Francis' instruction to return to his home country without a task: "It was a bitter personal experience."
He had hoped and prayed that one day a new task would await for him: "Now it's here. It is quite possible that there is a divine logic behind the appointment as Apostolic Nuncio, which makes use of the papal pedagogy."
Gänswein is looking forward to his new assignment. He sees it as a vote of confidence from Francis.
The new mission will take him to countries where the current political situation is a delicate challenge.
He will first travel to the Vatican to receive the necessary information, advice and instructions from the Secretariat of State under Cardinal Parolin.
Picture: Georg Gänswein © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsCuqurdwqlk
He was fired by Francis because he's not a flower-picking effeminate.
Liam Ronan
Is he fluent in Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian or, more to the point, Russian?
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Details of the New Document Prohibiting Masses in the Roman Rite

There is indeed a Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes (2021), it is supported by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and has been presented to Francis, writes …More
There is indeed a Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes (2021), it is supported by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and has been presented to Francis, writes Diane Montagna on RemnantNewspaper.com (25 June).
The document prohibits all priests who do not belong to recognised institutes from celebrating Mass in the Roman Rite.
It prohibits bishops from celebrating or authorising the celebration of Mass in their dioceses. All existing permissions granted by the Vatican will be suspended.
Personal parishes run by institutes such as the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter or the Institute of Christ the King would be allowed to continue.
The document is being drafted as an "apostolic constitution". Drafting began in February 2023, just weeks after the death of Benedict XVI.
The first version was mainly written by Vittorio Francesco Viola, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy. Viola wears the episcopal ring of the inventor of the Novus Ordo, Archbishop …More
Jan Joseph
Maar de Sint Petrus broederschap en het instituut Christus Koning mogen niet het aantal parochies uitbreiden, dus de Pius X broederschap gaat een …More
Maar de Sint Petrus broederschap en het instituut Christus Koning mogen niet het aantal parochies uitbreiden, dus de Pius X broederschap gaat een spectaculaire groei tegemoet.
Dus de gelovige priesters die het universele Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden met die prachtige mooie Tridentijnse Romeinse Heilige Mis moeten overstappen van de Rooms Katholieke kerk naar de Sint Pius X broederschap.
🙏 🙏 🙏
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