Live Mike
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns …More
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns homosexuality without appeal. We are not dealing with a conspiracy theory." [...]
"Some theologians and canonists have criticized this document because it deprives diocesan bishops of the power to make a reliable judgment on present extraordinary phenomena, transferring it to the Dicastery of the Faith and ultimately to the Holy Father. However, this centralization of power is not the most problematic element of the text."

Does the Church Still Believe in the Supernatural? - From Fiducia supplicans to the norms on the …

The declaration https://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2023/12/fidelis-supplicans-and-upcoming.html). The …

Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to. His alleged "Holy …More
During his general audience on 5 June, Francis complained about a "dogmatic narrow-mindedness in the Church", but the few tourists in the square had no idea what he was referring to.
His alleged "Holy Spirit" cannot be "put in a box" or "locked up" (did anyone say that?), neither in concepts nor in treatises. This theory will be welcomed by many because it means that all the texts Francis produced during his time in Rome are rubbish and can be discarded.
Francis repeated that in the ecclesial sphere there is "a temptation to enclose the Holy Spirit in doctrines, institutions and definitions", although everyone works with "doctrines" and "definitions", whether they admit it or not. Francis, for example, buys into all the doctrines and definitions of the decadent oligarchs.
The "Spirit" creates and animates institutions, but He Himself cannot be "institutionalised", bubbled Francis, who has turned the Church not only into an "institution" but into a regime.
Forgetting everything he had …More
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
(Hear ye, hear ye, bla bla bla, bla bla, bla, bla bla, bla.)
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church …More
Bergoglio believes he is above God. This homosexual activist disguised as a Pope and alleged homosexual predator also never tires of attacking the Church and defying God's laws.
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NEWS FROM THE PEW: EPISODE 110: Trump Guilty, Fauci Trial, Rainbow Month
Putin warns Russia could supply weapons to others to strike Western targets Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say (yahoo.com) President Vladimir …More
Putin warns Russia could supply weapons to others to strike Western targets
Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say (yahoo.com)
President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their arms to attack Russian territory. Read more about this story in our article: f24.my/ANqr.y
🔔 Subscribe to France 24
Live Mike
Pray very hard!
JUNE 6 - SAINT NORBERT breski1 Norbert of Kingdown Norbert of Magdeburg Memorial 6 June Profile Born to the nobility, Norbert was raised around the royal court and served as almoner for Emperor Henry …More
Norbert of Kingdown
Norbert of Magdeburg
6 June
Born to the nobility, Norbert was raised around the royal court and served as almoner for Emperor Henry V. In the court he developed a very worldly view, and took holy orders as a career move, joining the Benedictines at Siegburg. A narrow escape from death led to a conversion experience, and he began taking his vows seriously. He tried to reform his order’s local house, then became a wandering preacher. He founded a community of Augustinian canons at Premontre, France; they became known as the Norbertines or Premonstratensians, and started a reform movement that swept through European monastic houses. Friend of Blessed Godfrey of Cappenberg. Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany. Reformed the clergy in his see, using force when necessary. Worked with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Hugh of Grenoble to heal the schism caused by the death of Pope Honorius II. Fought heresyMore
A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the verdict came in on the two WHO documents. Here’s what happened - the WHO has yet again been forced to extend the negotiation process for the Pandemic …More
A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the verdict came in on the two WHO documents.
Here’s what happened - the WHO has yet again been forced to extend the negotiation process for the Pandemic Treaty by a year, pushing it to the next World Health Assembly.
They ran out of time despite repeatedly moving deadlines, breaking all schedule rules, and negotiating until as late as 4am!
You have been part of this crucial victory, and I thank you on behalf of my team and the millions of citizens who have participated in this epic battle against the UN elites!
This victory also gives us more time to keep fighting and keep the pressure on.

On the ground in Geneva, we were everywhere – from intense pressure on delegates and decision-makers to high-energy protests - our van was even stopped by the police, but that never deterred us.
Our two-year-long campaign has been a whirlwind of relentless effort - and it’s paying off!
The UN was infuriated by our presence
- because CitizenGO has been the …More
English Catholic
Everyone reading this: Please have a Mass offered or pray a rosary for the defeat of the World Health Organisation Treaty, coming up in 2025. If the …More
Everyone reading this: Please have a Mass offered or pray a rosary for the defeat of the World Health Organisation Treaty, coming up in 2025. If the treaty is passed, the sovereignty of every country regarding so-called health issues will be passed to the WHO, which means that no country will be able to exempt itself from any WHO diktat (abortion, mandatory vaccines etc).
These some of the WHO people who need our prayers:
Director General: WHO Director-General
Regional Directors: Regional directors
Headquarters Leadership Team: WHO Headquarters Leadership Team
UK Ambassadors to WHO: Simon Manley / Gordon Brown
Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left His Name Off Sex Abuser List

Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left …

After hiding the names of sexually abusive priests and religious brothers for years, the Augustinian …
John A Cassani
That is a huge settlement to be paid to a single victim, and, he’s not the only religious priest not to appear on anyone’s list of accused priests.
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
UK Member of Parliament Craig Mackinlay Developed Mysterious Vaccine-Induced Disease (Sepsis) This is what happened when Craig Mackinlay returned to the Houses of Parliament for the first time after …More
UK Member of Parliament Craig Mackinlay Developed Mysterious Vaccine-Induced Disease (Sepsis)
This is what happened when Craig Mackinlay returned to the Houses of Parliament for the first time after losing his hands and feet to sepsis.
The Conservative MP for South Thanet says he's been through eight months of hell.
COVID-19 mRNA shots destroy the immune system, which astronomically increases the risk of sepsis and septic shock, which often leads to amputations.
Britischer Parlamentsabgeordneter Craig Mackinlay entwickelte mysteriöse impfinduzierte Krankheit (Sepsis) Dies geschah, als Craig Mackinlay zum ersten Mal in die Houses of Parliament zurückkehrte, …More
Britischer Parlamentsabgeordneter Craig Mackinlay entwickelte mysteriöse impfinduzierte Krankheit (Sepsis)
Dies geschah, als Craig Mackinlay zum ersten Mal in die Houses of Parliament zurückkehrte, nachdem er seine Hände und Füße durch Sepsis verloren hatte.
Der konservative Abgeordnete für South Thanet sagt, er habe acht Monate Hölle durchgemacht.
COVID-19-mRNA-Schüsse zerstören das Immunsystem, was das Risiko für Sepsis und septischen Schock astronomisch erhöht, was häufig zu Amputationen führt.
[OFFICIAL TRAILER] Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist Jesus Thirsts Film: The Miracle of the Eucharist 🎥 Coming To Theaters Nationwide 🗓️ June 4, 5 & 6 Only! gloria.tvMore
[OFFICIAL TRAILER] Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist
Jesus Thirsts Film: The Miracle of the Eucharist
🎥 Coming To Theaters Nationwide
🗓️ June 4, 5 & 6 Only!
The Holy Mass: Offertorium and Canon Missae in pictures - St Thomas Aquinas Seminary /fsspx (USA)
The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019 I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It …More
The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019
I captured this video of the sun strongly pulsating during Mirjana's monthly apparition to Our Lady on July 2, 2019. The pulsating starts around 1:12 It is a true miracle of the sun which Our Holy Mother blessed me with during our trip to Medjugorje Hercogovina.
Never seen this before and it looks legitimate.
These apparitions may be supernatural but they are not from God. No Problem With Heresy, the Devil Provides Wonders at Medjugorje Medjugorje -- A False …More
These apparitions may be supernatural but they are not from God.
No Problem With Heresy, the Devil Provides Wonders at Medjugorje Medjugorje -- A False Apparition
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Priest, 45, Killed in Colombia

A priest has been killed in a brutal attack in Colombia. Two criminals ambushed the Rev. Ramón Montejo Peinado, 45, in a parking space in Ocaña on Tuesday. They reportedly threatened him with a knife …More
A priest has been killed in a brutal attack in Colombia. Two criminals ambushed the Rev. Ramón Montejo Peinado, 45, in a parking space in Ocaña on Tuesday.
They reportedly threatened him with a knife in order to steal his car. The victim was the parish priest of San José de Buenavista in Ocaña. He was on his way to a prison where he works as a chaplain.
The priest resisted the thieves who stabbed him. While fleeing in the priest's car, they ran over him. He died shortly afterwards.
The police immediately launched a manhunt and arrested one of the murderers.
Montejo's death has caused great "despair and sorrow", said Archbishop Jorge Alberto Ossa Soto, the diocesan administrator of the diocese of Ocaña.
A political motive for the crime cannot be ruled out, given the priest's commitment to the victims of Colombia's decades-long civil war.
Chris Sky: 15 Minute Cities HAVE ARRIVED in Canada!More
Chris Sky: 15 Minute Cities HAVE ARRIVED in Canada!

New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, …More
When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers of Essen, told Tagespost.de (4 June).
Schepers confuses science with homosexual propaganda. According to his theory, humanity is "not" male and female, but rather an "ellipse with two poles" with "the possibility of what lies in between". He should admit that he could only get away with such a fantasy among some media activists in decadent Western countries, not in the rest of the world.
"With this model I remain in the bipolarity of the sexes and still have the possibility to include these people in the image of humanity".
Schepers claims that there are people who are born in the "wrong" body. He thus revives the old Gnostic ideology that the body is a prison for the soul: "I have met them. They are stories of suffering". In the end, these people have "a …More
Do watch the short video posted above by Pierre Henri, in English(subtitled in French). She is so clear about the evil agenda changing our very humanity …More
Do watch the short video posted above by Pierre Henri, in English(subtitled in French). She is so clear about the evil agenda changing our very humanity; brain washing, denying God and most basic truths about humanity.
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Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy....
All Saints
One is known by the company one keeps. Strike two!
James Manning
It's like he's in a race to ruin his credibility.
One more comment

Viganò Provides No Evidence

Monsignor Carlo Viganò told LifeSiteNews.com that "for now I don't intend to elaborate further" on his May 29 accusation that Francis was allegedly a practicing homosexual and an "abuser like McCarrick." …More
Monsignor Carlo Viganò told LifeSiteNews.com that "for now I don't intend to elaborate further" on his May 29 accusation that Francis was allegedly a practicing homosexual and an "abuser like McCarrick."
The archbishop made the accusation on Twitter. He didn't cite any evidence, saying only that he was given the information by "one of Francis' former novices".
Many asked Viganò to provide his proof, otherwise his accusations would be similar to those of the anti-Catholic Belgian Jesuit Jos Moons, who wrote on the same 29 May that "Pope Benedict was probably gay".
Live Mike
It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an …More
It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an agent of TRUTH, would provide the irrefutable evidence and/or the open, unimpeachable, comprehensive testimony of identified witnesses that could sustain, confirm and validate with factual proof the unspeakable and unprecedented allegations he has made against the reigning Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ; allegations by which the Archbishop has charged Pope Francis with acts of sodomy and the serial sexual violation and abuse of Novices whose formation was directly under the supervision of the accused. Surely His Excellency (as a man of integrity who holds others accountable for their words and actions) understands an allegation of that nature, the truth and veracity of which portends both earth-shattering and eternity-impacting consequences with ramifications and reverberations that shall most assuredly disrupt and enflame every …More
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Naomi Arai
Fun, isn't it?

Almost All Recent Global Warming Caused by Green Air Policies – Shock Revelation From NASA – The …

The world of climate science is in shock following extraordinary findings from a team of high-powered …

Millions March in Uganda for the Martyrs, Victims of Homosexual Lust

A massive crowd of four million people (Fides.org) participated in the celebration of the feast of St Charles Lwanga and his companions on June 3rd at their sanctuary in Namugongo, Uganda (EWTN.com …More
A massive crowd of four million people (Fides.org) participated in the celebration of the feast of St Charles Lwanga and his companions on June 3rd at their sanctuary in Namugongo, Uganda (EWTN.com videos below).
The shrine is about 20 km from the capital, Kampala. Francis sent no Apostolic Delegate for this huge event. The celebration marked 60 years since Paul VI canonised a total of 22 Catholics killed between 1885 and 1887 on the orders of King Mwanga II of Buganda.
Mwanga II had fallen into homosexual sins and wanted to force Charles Lwanga and his companions to participate in homosexual lust, but they preferred to die. Many of the pilgrims had walked for days and weeks to get to the event.
They came from Botswana, South Africa, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African countries.
Speaking at the march, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said: "People who talk about the issue of homosexuals don't know that Uganda is a land of martyrs. If you want to play with Uganda …More

Trans-Identified Male Investigated For Murder Of Trans-Identified Female Partner In Norway

A trans-identified male is being investigated by Norwegian authorities for the brutal murder of his partner, a …