AÏE! Dr Peter McCullough, Pete Santilli Show, 23/05/2024, EXTRAITS

Francis Believes Our Lady “Unites” Christians and Muslims

During his visit to the Montorio prison in Verona on 18 May, Francis claimed that "the figure of Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam". He added of Our Lady that "she unites us all"…More
During his visit to the Montorio prison in Verona on 18 May, Francis claimed that "the figure of Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam".
He added of Our Lady that "she unites us all", which is not true since Islam denies that Our Lady is the Mother of God.
Raymond Ibrahim points out on LifeSiteNews.com (31 May) that the Vatican is trying to convince "Catholics" through conferences or publications that Islam is a "sister faith". To do this, it recasts biblical figures with entirely different, anti-biblical attributes.
For example, Islam presents the Virgin Mary as "married" to Muhammad in paradise. In a hadith included in the corpus of the famous Ibn Kathir (1300-1373), Muhammad declared that "Allah will marry me to Mary in Paradise".
Saint Eulogius of Cordoba, a bishop and martyr in Muslim-occupied Spain, wrote: "I will not repeat the sacrilege which that impure dog [Muhammad] dared to utter about the Blessed Virgin, Queen of the World, Holy Mother of our venerable Lord …More
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
A question frequently asked is, "Does your mind control your body or does you body control your mind?" In the case of Francis, considering that he is …More
A question frequently asked is, "Does your mind control your body or does you body control your mind?" In the case of Francis, considering that he is constantly babbling contradictions and nonsense, it is obvious that his body is controlling his mind. He has a body that functions at the animal level, anything goes to survive. There is no logic or reason whatsoever because his heart is as cold and hard as a stone.
Father Karl A Claver
Our Lady would never be for remorseless people who ridicule Her Son.
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France: Three people planned a violent action against an internet user who had published a ‘blasphemous …

On May 28, three people were arrested in Nîmes (Gard) following a police operation, as reported by …
June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! NIAGARA, ONTARIOMore
June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Sean Johnson
My pride flag:
Louis IX
Here in Ohio as well.
Prayer Is Foundational For Doing God's Will Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-4-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul holytrinitysspmn.org You can also find …More
Prayer Is Foundational For Doing God's Will
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-4-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul holytrinitysspmn.org
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
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Melissa Ohden shares how she survived an abortion at 31 weeks.
Bruceph Mildur
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will …More
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will be easy. This congeniality business has gone too far.

Mexico's woke new president Claudia Sheinbaum is strongly pro-abortion and pro-LGBT - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Claudia Sheinbaum, who pitched herself as a successor to Mexico’s outgoing leftist president …
Sean Johnson
From a comment under the article at LSN which bears reflection: “ Mexico had a Jewish head of State in Mexico in the 1920s when Plutarco Elias Calles …More
From a comment under the article at LSN which bears reflection:
“ Mexico had a Jewish head of State in Mexico in the 1920s when Plutarco Elias Calles was in power. His ancestors were Sephardic Jews from Spain. And he was also a FreeMason. Calles instigated the Mexican Civil War through laws that secularized society, and persecuted the Catholic Church. So many Cristeros died for their faith. Including Jose Sanchez del Rio. This 15 year old boy wanted to die for Christ. But First he was tortured. The US supported the regime and indirectly had financial interests in the Persecution.”
Father Karl A Claver
She won by AMERICAN Mexicans voting in the USA.
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PORQUE DEUS PERMITE O MAL? + Pax! Welcome my friends to Karmel: The Secret Garden of the Virgin Mary, protected by the high white mountains, from the great Prophet Elijah. May everything be for the …More
+ Pax! Welcome my friends to Karmel:
The Secret Garden of the Virgin Mary, protected by the high white mountains, from the great Prophet Elijah.
May everything be for the greater glory of the Good God and the salvation of souls! Heaven is our Homeland! Let’s not lose the way. We’ll protect each other. We’ll fight for each other. For the glory of the Good God and the Salvation of souls!
Performed by the Carmelite Hermit Nuns of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
Foederis Arka Kloster (Monastery)
info@karmelmonastery.org karmelmonastery.org INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: Karmel in the North And TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook for FRANCE Abbaye Marie-Reine Donation: Donate to Maria Inês dos Santos Becker ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sally Dorman
Demonstrators who participated in Campaign Life’s second annual National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day(s) from May 31 to June 4 protested Catholic schools for flying the flag during June and for permitting …More
Demonstrators who participated in Campaign Life’s second annual National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day(s) from May 31 to June 4 protested Catholic schools for flying the flag during June and for permitting the LGBT ideology to take root in classrooms

Schools, dioceses targeted by Pride flag walkout

Parents, grandparents and community members carried signs bearing these messages at pray-in events throughout Ontario organized by Campaign Life Coalition …
Sean Johnson
My pride flag:
Wilma Lopez
Cascioli: “After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay seminarian not to give up. An inconceivable contradiction, which turns …More
Cascioli: “After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay seminarian not to give up. An inconceivable contradiction, which turns into a victory for the LGBT lobby.”

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay …
Boanerges Boanerges
Is anyone surprised here? My only surprise is that they still call him pope. That's so offensive to the papacy
Billy F
Forked tongue!!!
2 more comments
Tom Morelli
Pierre Henri
Revealed - NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with EuropeMore
Revealed - NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe

Revealed: NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight Russia

Revealed - NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers …
I believe that God will use Russia to chastise the world. It doesn't seem far off
Prepare for the warning of our Lady at Fatima to soon come to fruition: MANY NATIONS WILL BE ANNIHILATED!!
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Maria coredemptrix
FSSP 2024- Archbishop Terrence Prendergast from Ottawa-Cornwall: Ceremony of Ordinations to the Holy Priesthood
Maria coredemptrix
Maria coredemptrix
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Memorial of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions (d. 1886), the companions numbering twenty-one other Ugandan martyrs. This photograph was taken a year before their martyrdom. St. Charles is number 13.
All Saints
What kind of demon-possessed inhumans could do what they did to these people? It is beyond anything I can imagine.

WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
De Profundis
‘Pfizer pushed for mandates AFTER they knew the mRNA vaccine was causing serious harm. Everybody needs to understand that the people in control are psychopathic in nature when it comes to business …More
‘Pfizer pushed for mandates AFTER they knew the mRNA vaccine was causing serious harm. Everybody needs to understand that the people in control are psychopathic in nature when it comes to business interests’

Manichaeism, Schism and Heresies; Continuation of Satan worship within Christianity

Excerpt from “Histoire Satan” by Father Lecanu: Organized in a secret society, like the Gnostics, the Manichaeans had a triple sign of recognition: speech, gesture and touch ( Signa oris, manuum et sinusMore
Excerpt from “Histoire Satan” by Father Lecanu:
Organized in a secret society, like the Gnostics, the Manichaeans had a triple sign of recognition: speech, gesture and touch ( Signa oris, manuum et sinus . (August.) — Manicheorum alter alteri obviam factus, dextras dant sibi ipsis signi causa (Epiphan.)). Covered under the outward appearance of Christianity, the vigilant eye of the pastors of the Church often had difficulty in discerning them, unless they betrayed themselves by the manifestation of one of the superstitions which were special to them, such as Sunday fasting in honor of the sun.
Their stubbornness in the practices of magic cannot be disputed, notwithstanding what Beausobre said about it in his History of Manichaea . Saint Augustine accuses them positively; Saint Leo says the same thing of the Priscillianites (Epist. 91 ad Turb. episc. Hisp), one of the principal sects of Manichaeism, in particular, and of all in general. The scholar Mosheim had no difficulty in …More
Thousands Bunch Up For Ireland’s First-Ever Gigantic Rosary Rally SWNews The whole of Ireland conglomerated like the beads of the Rosary on June 1 to honor Our Lady of Knock by participating in ‘All-…More
Thousands Bunch Up For Ireland’s First-Ever Gigantic Rosary Rally SWNews
The whole of Ireland conglomerated like the beads of the Rosary on June 1 to honor Our Lady of Knock by participating in ‘All-Ireland Rosary Rally 2024’, the first ever gigantic Rally in the history of Ireland. The Rally started at 11.45 am on Saturday from Knock Museum and concluded at 12.30 pm. The spiritual journey culminated at the Holy Eucharistic celebration at 3 pm, presided over by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.
Michi Gini

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán slams George Soros, ‘war speculators’ in powerful pro-family, pro-peace speech …

(LifeSiteNews) — With one week to go before the European Parliament holds its elections, Hungary’s …
Bruceph Mildur
Don't worry Viktor. There's no need for Hungary to volunteer. The war will come to you. And when it does, may you and Hungary serve up a genrous portion …More
Don't worry Viktor. There's no need for Hungary to volunteer. The war will come to you. And when it does, may you and Hungary serve up a genrous portion of what they came for!