Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil

Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil On 29 May 1874, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, the great Catholic author who wrote the reasons …
‘Insane Hearing!’ That contentious hearing devolved into chaos when Rep. MTG ("badbutchbody") (R-GA) refused to call Fauci a doctor, and was scolded by the chair. AmericaNewzMore
‘Insane Hearing!’
That contentious hearing devolved into chaos when Rep. MTG ("badbutchbody") (R-GA) refused to call Fauci a doctor, and was scolded by the chair.
TLM in Raleigh

The End of the Road

Yesterday the family and I started making our way home from the Atlantic coast all the way back to Texas. We had a blessed time visiting with our friends – four families in all with …
Mary 17
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988) The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by …More
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
In Loving Memory of Father John F. O'Connor, O.P.
(July 18, 1929 —December 14, 2006)
Fr. John F. O'Connor, O.P. was an American Catholic priest, who belonged to the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. He was notable for opposing and foreseeing the future pedophile crisis in the Post Vatican II Church and fought openly against the Freemasonic plots against the Catholic Church. He was severely persecuted for his bravery right up to his death.
On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O'Connor wrote:
"When I made my vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death will silence my witnessing to the Truth."
Phroggal shares this
May this wonderful, faithful Dominican rest in eternal peace.

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Francis has written the preface (published on and, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a …More
Francis has written the preface (published on and, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a Jesuit.
The foreword is pure sycophancy.
It begins by saying that Francis is "very grateful to Father James Martin, whose other writings I also know and appreciate".
Pope Francis adds that "there are many reasons to thank him, closely related to the way 'Come Forth' unfolds. It's always fascinating and never predictable".
"Father James makes the biblical text come alive" .
"Father James has the perspective of a man who has fallen in love with the Word of God".
"As we read James Martin's detailed analysis, we can practically feel the profound meaning of what Jesus is doing when he finds himself in front of a dead man who is really dead and whose body gives off a foul odour - a metaphor for the moral rot that sin produces in our souls".
It is the same moral rot that has contaminated the Vatican …More
And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in …More
And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in video and they still praise and defend the guy. Blind leading the blind, but what is even worse... priests denouncing such an apostate behavior are nowhere to be found. Sad...
Paul F
Another worthless book from the deceiver. Lazarus would turn in his grave.
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From The Remnant: BREAKING NEWS: Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan apologizes for deaths and injuries linked to COVID "vaccine", criticizes ban on Ivermectin

BREAKING NEWS: Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan apologizes for deaths …

Notably, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and …
Worker Bee shares from Wilma Lopez
This is a beautiful scene, for who have eyes to see.
Witnesses for the unborn in New York.
Thank you Lord for your brave children.
chris griffin
Heros all
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Andech´s elevation of the Three Host Monstrance - At the pontifical vespers on June 20, 2010, the Gothic monstrance with three hosts is ceremoniously brought from the Holy Chapel over the gallery to …More
Andech´s elevation of the Three Host Monstrance - At the pontifical vespers on June 20, 2010, the Gothic monstrance with three hosts is ceremoniously brought from the Holy Chapel over the gallery to the upper high altar. While Abbot Johannes begins the adoration, the monstrance is raised using a lifting mechanism. On the upper altar you can see the early Baroque Degler Madonna, the second image of the Virgin Mary in the pilgrimage church, and on the lower altar sits the late Gothic Madonna, which is the most venerated by pilgrims today
Canon 212
June 3, 2024: Catholic Media Realities
The Wandering Recluse
Thanks for the update, Frank!
DefendTruth shares this
Keep Your Mouth Shut

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Some faithful Catholics are voicing disagreement with the Editor of keep your mouth shut” following Viganò’s assertion that he has personal knowledge of reports that Pope Francis …
“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual …More
“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual abuse lest they commit a grave sin of omission.”
Boanerges Boanerges
Shame on you Sammons!
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JUNE 4 - THE FIRST READING breski1 second Letter of Peter 3,12-15a.17-18. Beloved: Wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the …More
second Letter of Peter 3,12-15a.17-18.
Beloved: Wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire.
But according to his promise we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, since you await these things, be eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at peace.
And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, also wrote to you,
Therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, be on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability. But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of eternity. (Amen.) Psalms 90(89),2.3- Before the mountains were begotten And the earth and the world were brought forth, From everlasting to everlasting …More
All That Is Needed To Be Holy... Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-3-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr.…More
All That Is Needed To Be Holy...
Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-3-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
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Champions League: Real Madrid in Front of Our Lady

Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium. It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, …More
Real Madrid won the Champions League for a record 15th time on Saturday, beating Borussia Dortmund 2-0 at London's Wembley Stadium.
It is the biggest European club soccer’s competition. A day later, on Sunday, the players, coach Carlo Ancelotti and club president Florentino Pérez visited Madrid's cathedral to pray before the statue of Our Lady of Almudena.
They were received by Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid who said: "I don't know which team Christ would be a fan of, but he is with the good, self-sacrificing and noble sportsmen" [exactly the type of sportsmen that don't exist in today's commercial sport, where everything is about money].
Team captain Nacho Fernández offered a copy of the Champions League trophy to the statue. Croatian player Luka Modrić laid a bouquet of flowers in front of Madrid's patron saint.
Louis IX
Luka Modric, an all time great and a Catholic gentleman.

Francis responds to a young man expelled from the seminary for being gay: "The Church must be open to all. Brother, continue with your vocation"

Warning: article taken from a pro-Francis leftist site, "Religion Digital" In a letter written to a 22-year-old young man, a history student in Florence and expelled from the seminary for revealing …More
Warning: article taken from a pro-Francis leftist site, "Religion Digital"
In a letter written to a 22-year-old young man, a history student in Florence and expelled from the seminary for revealing his homosexuality, Francis invites him to "move forward" with "his vocation."
"Some think that the Church is a customs office and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation," Francis wrote, in his own handwriting, to the young man, as Caruso himself reveals to Il Messaggero, from whose website he had sent an email to Bergoglio, lamenting the phrase that there was already "too much faggot" in the seminaries leaked during the closed-door meeting that the Pope held with the Italian bishops.
An open door, waiting for the Synod to rethink what, to date, seems immovable, and to allow entry to the seminary to anyone (male) who commits to living celibacy, regardless of their sexual condition? It seems strange, since the most widespread interpretation of …More
Pray for a holy Pope. A very holy Pope. One who will bring us holy priests, and bishops. The ancient prayer for the Pope, sung regularly in the Vatican …More
Pray for a holy Pope. A very holy Pope. One who will bring us holy priests, and bishops. The ancient prayer for the Pope, sung regularly in the Vatican in Latin and found in prayer books and hymnals everywhere, is paraphrased from Psalm 41:3: “May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.”
Billy F
All the Sons of Sodom must be removed from The Melchizedek Priesthood!!!
8 more comments

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May. The …More
To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May.
The blasphemy took place in an Evangelical Reformed parish in Warsaw. The main actors were Michał Jabłoński, the preacher of the parish, and Halina Radacz, a preacher of the Evangelical Community of the Augsburg Confession.
Świeżyński stood at a table covered with a rainbow flag and "prayed". Already back in May, Świeżyński pseudo-blessed homosexual concubines during an official event in a Protestant parish in Warsaw, saying that he had "nothing to reproach himself for" because he gave the blasphemous blessing according to the norms of Francis' "Fiducia supplicans", although this text speaks, at least in theory, of "spontaneous blessings".
Świeżyński told (owned by Polish oligarch Michał M. Lisiecki) that he hoped Francis' "Fiducia Supplicans" would pave the way for similar blasphemies …More
Jesus will separate the lambs from the goats
Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie... Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. AmenMore
Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie...
Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. Amen
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Spectacular Corpus Christi Procession in London (Video)

Yesterday, Sunday, there was a glorious Corpus Christi procession through the centre of London. The celebrant was the Apostolic Nuncio to the United Kingdom, Monsignor Miguel Maury Buendía, 68. The …More
Yesterday, Sunday, there was a glorious Corpus Christi procession through the centre of London.
The celebrant was the Apostolic Nuncio to the United Kingdom, Monsignor Miguel Maury Buendía, 68. The Eucharist and start of the procession was at Corpus Christi Church in Maiden Lane, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary.
The procession wound its way along The Strand, passing Trafalgar Square with Lord Nelson himself watching from his tower, then along Pall Mall with its prestigious gentlemen's clubs and past the famous Piccadilly Circus to stop at the Walsingham Ordinariate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory.
After a few hours, the procession continued past the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral to St James's Spanish Place, through the busy shopping area of Oxford Street, which was part of the route taken by Catholic martyrs during the time of the Reformation, to the gallows at Tyburn, where they were hanged, dragged along the ground by a horse and quartered as traitors [=…More
Sandy Barrett
Sally Dorman
The Revolution has failed. Tradition is the future.
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Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France. He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s. …More
Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France.
He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s.
The accuser says there are many more accusers who say that Radier came to the boys' dormitory almost every night to commit his crimes.
After 48 hours in police custody, Radier was charged with rape, released and placed under judicial supervision with an obligation to report to the police once a month.
Pending the outcome of the investigation, Radier has been banned from having contact with minors. During a search of his home, the public prosecutor's office took hard disks, which has yet to be examined.
Another case of sexual abuse among FSSPX priests is that of Father Arnaud Rostand, who admitted in court two months ago to having abused several minors. A year ago, Father Pierre de Maillard was convicted of abusing 27 minors. Father Matthew Stafki was sentenced to prison for abusing his 6-…More
sp2 . .
@john333 Agreed! There was a Cardinal bothering me. He said to me ( in nasty words ) every-time I Rump Range I kill a Man!
The Wandering Recluse
Any abuse which happens is a sad thing and needs to be dug out like a cancer. I think the mistake falls when we start to point fingers at the SSPX, or …More
Any abuse which happens is a sad thing and needs to be dug out like a cancer. I think the mistake falls when we start to point fingers at the SSPX, or the FSSP, or even the Novus Ordo when speaking about sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is a human thing, it isn't a Carmelite or Franciscan thing, It isn't a SSPX thing or a FSSP thing. Is it more prevalent in some areas? Yes, certainly, but our focus need to be on the offense, the offender, and the victim.
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Sally Dorman shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
Early in her life, Owens says she chose to reject the mainstream narrative fed to black Americans, which told her that she must view herself as a “victim” who must align with the Democratic Party. …More
Early in her life, Owens says she chose to reject the mainstream narrative fed to black Americans, which told her that she must view herself as a “victim” who must align with the Democratic Party.
However, as time went on, Owens realized “there’s something darker happening here,” and began to search for the truth behind what she was seeing.
Her journey to Catholicism began when she met her husband, George Farmer, a Catholic convert. During their marriage, Owens grew curious as to what drove him to the Catholic Church and why he was so dedicated to his faith.
Owens recalled that her husband used to say, “to become a student of history is to become a Catholic.” Owens admits she never understood the meaning of this phrase until later when she herself began to delve into history.
CANDACE OWENS Shares Conversion Story to Catholicism for 1st Time! Candace Owens tells her conversion story of coming into the Catholic Church for the first time during our Welcome Home Candace Owens …More
CANDACE OWENS Shares Conversion Story to Catholicism for 1st Time!
Candace Owens tells her conversion story of coming into the Catholic Church for the first time during our Welcome Home Candace Owens Event in Phoenix, AZ on May 30th, 2024.
God bless her and all catholics on the side of our Lord Jesus
Sally Dorman
Despite her realization that the Catholic faith may be true, Owens revealed she felt tempted to stay in her sphere as a standard conservative Christian …More
Despite her realization that the Catholic faith may be true, Owens revealed she felt tempted to stay in her sphere as a standard conservative Christian but that “it didn’t sit right” with her or her husband.
“I had to pray… because suddenly I understood that my entire career, which I felt like was going into this nice easy spot, was going to be upended because everything else that we were talking about was nonsense,” she said.
“I understood what this meant,” Owens added. “I understood the attacks that I was going to endure for my faith.”
However, Owens revealed that she was grateful for the persecution which she endured because “persecution is the beginning of the Christian faith.”
In November, Owens received what she described as the most aggressive backlash she had ever endured when she wrote “Christ is King” on X, formerly known as Twitter.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” she recalled, explaining that her statement was quickly twisted as something “antisemitic” and “hateful.”
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A Bishop Corrects Francis' Homosexual Exaggerations

Francis' statement about homosexuality in the Church is an example of his "spontaneity" that can sometimes "play tricks on him", Bishop José Luis Retana of Salamanca, Spain, told …More
Francis' statement about homosexuality in the Church is an example of his "spontaneity" that can sometimes "play tricks on him", Bishop José Luis Retana of Salamanca, Spain, told (29 May).
"I believe that he cannot make the statement in this way," Mgr Retana clarified: "It can happen that a person who takes refuge in his homosexuality can enter a seminary. In my 15 years as rector of the seminary, this has only happened to one person".
A situation of homosexual seminarians is "not usual", said the former rector of a seminary: "It cannot be said that the seminaries are full of homosexuals, at least I cannot confirm that."
Perhaps Francis based his statement on his experience with the Argentinean Jesuits. The Jesuits are one of the most decadent religious communities in the Church.
Picture: José Luis Retana, #newsCinuzuldfg
John A Cassani
If a bishop denies that his seminary is full of homosexuals, it is probably full of them. I remember looking through some documents on …More
If a bishop denies that his seminary is full of homosexuals, it is probably full of them. I remember looking through some documents on years ago. There is a letter from Cardinal Medeiros of Boston to either the CDF or Congregation for Clergy or Catholic Education where he acknowledged that St. John’s Seminary had been overrun as of the late 60s or early 70s, but that he had cleaned it up. That was in the late 70s, and he died in 1983. It wasn’t cleaned up, by any stretch of the imagination, until around the time the sex abuse scandal became public.
P. O'B
The statement of this bishop is opposed to the reality.
Denis Efimov
On Ratzinger's and Tucho's omissions regarding private revelations

A Conspicuous Omission in the New DDF Document on Private Revelation - Guest Article

How often have we heard, concerning supernatural phenomena: “The faithful are not obliged to give an assent of faith …