Poll: Farage Poised for Record Electoral Swing in Parliamentary Seat Race

Just over a fortnight ago, when Nigel Farage announced he was taking over as Reform UK leader and standing for election in Clacton …

Francis Discards the Psalms

"Not all the Psalms - and not every Psalm - can be repeated and made their own by Christians, and even less so by modern man," Francis waffled at the Wednesday audience on 19 June. Nobody knows what …More
"Not all the Psalms - and not every Psalm - can be repeated and made their own by Christians, and even less so by modern man," Francis waffled at the Wednesday audience on 19 June.
Nobody knows what "Christians" means for Francis and who his "modern man" is. While for Christians the Psalms are part of the Word of God, Francis believes that they "sometimes reflect a historical situation and a religious mentality that is no longer our own". The term "our own" refers to Francis, who in this case uses the pluralis majestatis.
Trying to reconcile fire and water, Francis then continued to fantasise: "This does not mean that the Psalms are not inspired, but in certain aspects they are linked to a time and a temporary stage of revelation, as is also the case with a large part of ancient legislation."
Francis has no authority to judge Scripture, on the contrary, Scripture judges him.
Billy F
You’re just a steward! You’re not the KING!!!!
All Saints
@SonoftheChurch He is just following the lead of his Protestant forefathers.
12 more comments
Canon 212
June 20, 2024: Vigano Brought Before the Sanhedrin
True Mass
Keep bringing it Frank. The world needs you. God Bless Vigano.More
Keep bringing it Frank. The world needs you.
God Bless Vigano.
Fr. Charles Murr: Why the Vatican Wants to DESTROY the TLM! Are the rumors true about an impending Vatican document that totally BANS the Traditional Latin Mass? Father Charles Murr rejoins A Catholic …More
Fr. Charles Murr: Why the Vatican Wants to DESTROY the TLM!
Are the rumors true about an impending Vatican document that totally BANS the Traditional Latin Mass? Father Charles Murr rejoins A Catholic Take to weigh in on why many in the Church hierarchy hate Traditional Catholics! #traditionalcatholic #vatican #rome #tlm
Full unedited conversation - Live News Today | Fr. Charles Murr responds to rumors on new FINAL SOLUTION to the TLM!
Links, show notes & more from A Catholic Take - A Catholic Take - The Station of the Cross
Jim Fern
I watched this earlier. Great truth in it all.
Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity

Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity

Catholic bishops have thrown a lifeline to the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Church, dismissing …
Sean Johnson

Is +Vigano Schismatic?

No doubt, tomorrow all the media around the world will report that +Vigano was excommunicated for the crime of schism, for questioning the legitimacy of Francis. But does questioning the legitimacy of …More
No doubt, tomorrow all the media around the world will report that +Vigano was excommunicated for the crime of schism, for questioning the legitimacy of Francis.
But does questioning the legitimacy of the Roman Pontiff (or papal claimant) always present a clear cut case of schism?
Not according to some of the more reknowned theologians and canonists.
Here’s what a few of them had to say on the subject:
1. “Finally, those who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider his person worthy of suspicion or doubtfully elected cannot be counted among the schismatics…” (Wernz-Vidal: Ius Canonicum , vol. vii, n. 398)
2. “There is no schism if one…refuses obedience to the extent that one…suspects the person of the pope or the validity of his election…” (Szal, Abbot Ignatius: Communication of Catholics with Schismatics , CUA, 1948, p.2)
3. “…is not a schismatic who refuses submission to the pontiff for having probable doubts concerning the legitimacy of his election or his power…” (de …More

BREAKING: Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for 'denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis …

(LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has instigated an “…
Are there any updates at the end of the day on June 20?
True Mass
Remember when Matt was selling those V is for Vigano tee-shirts? Sometimes the truth is too hot even for the good guys.
One more comment
Red alert!
John A Cassani
Even if it turned around overnight, it would be 20 years before it even starts making a difference for the economy. Of course, this map indicates far …More
Even if it turned around overnight, it would be 20 years before it even starts making a difference for the economy. Of course, this map indicates far worse for the state of souls.
Coming July 16, 2024 ... St. Pius X, pray for us!
De Profundis
An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called and arrested her. “I am Muslim … you will all pay for this,” she screamed as she was being arrested.
Another attention seeker. If she was actually a practising Muslim woman going to the mosque (ladies' section) she wouldn't be dressed like that. No …More
Another attention seeker. If she was actually a practising Muslim woman going to the mosque (ladies' section) she wouldn't be dressed like that. No doubt all done for clicks.
"American woman, stay away from me-ee; American woman, mama let me be-ee..."More
"American woman, stay away from me-ee;
American woman, mama let me be-ee..."
2 more comments
Live Mike
I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that …More
I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.

Attendite a falsis prophetis

Attendite a falsis prophetis Attendite a falsis prophetis Announcement regarding the start of the extrajudicial criminal trial for schism (Art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC) The …
Keeping the Good Archbishop in prayer --
Sandy Barrett shares from Don Cesare Toscano
This is the prelate prosecuting Archbishop Vigano with the trumped up charges of schism: Monsignor John Kennedy of the Archdiocese of DublinMore
This is the prelate prosecuting Archbishop Vigano with the trumped up charges of schism:
Monsignor John Kennedy of the Archdiocese of Dublin
Questo è il prelato che sta perseguendo l'arcivescovo Vigano con le accuse inventate di scisma Monsignor John Kennedy dell'arcidiocesi di Dublino,More
Questo è il prelato che sta perseguendo l'arcivescovo Vigano con le accuse inventate di scisma
Monsignor John Kennedy dell'arcidiocesi di Dublino,
All Saints
And don’t EVER let anyone get away with telling you otherwise.
Pierre Henri
"Y'all might want to start paying attention...Pray for Idaho!" The globalist oligarchs are starving us into submission to them!! Credit: genxmarinevetbruhMore
"Y'all might want to start paying attention...Pray for Idaho!"
The globalist oligarchs are starving us into submission to them!!
Credit: genxmarinevetbruh
Billy F
No Kawinkidinks! The Global Parasite Class want to control all food. The Marxists like to starve people! Truly evil!
Wilma Lopez

EXCLUSIVE: Dom Alcuin Reid’s Response to Prof. Grillo’s Interview

Dom Alcuin Reid Amidst the ‘liturgy wars’ of over a decade ago, Father John Baldovin SJ published an article: “Idols and Icons: …
James Manning
Pearls before swine and whatnot.
Simon North
The sides are drawn. Stop dialoguing with these Modernist heretics. Answering Grillo is like trying to use reason with a monkey. Grillo, Roche, Viola …More
The sides are drawn. Stop dialoguing with these Modernist heretics. Answering Grillo is like trying to use reason with a monkey. Grillo, Roche, Viola et. al. are deformed creatures who, for decades, have given spiritually starving Catholic souls stones when they sought bread. It's time for Catholic swordsmen - not wordsmiths.
The College Student Who Stole $7.5M via SIM Swapping Joel Ortiz grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, and his mother was an immigrant from Puerto Rico with a 100% disability due to a back injury. Joel …More
The College Student Who Stole $7.5M via SIM Swapping
Joel Ortiz grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, and his mother was an immigrant from Puerto Rico with a 100% disability due to a back injury.
Joel Ortiz was arrested at LAX, dressed head to toe in ostentations and gaudy Gucci, as he was about to fly to Europe with $250,000 in cash converted from cryptocurrency that he’d stolen from at least 40 victims a few months earlier to the tune of $7.5 million. Tracked by REACT, a Santa Clara, California cybercrime unit, his irresistible urge to gloat and his over-the-top trail of lavish spending and flaunting of riches on social media made him an easy catch. But how did this one-time high school Valedictorian and Information Technology student at UMass, a kid who grew up in Boston public housing, get here? Was this smart and tech-savvy but socially awkward loner really the mastermind or was he being manipulated by a larger criminal Community?
From The Remnant: Satan and Francis Continue to Have Laughs at the Expense of God and Traditional Catholics

Satan and Francis Continue to Have Laughs at the Expense of God and Traditional Catholics

As we read in the Gospels, Christ the King’s enemies laughed at Him on various occasions during His ministry, …
Harry Jones

Viganò, Invoking Lefebvre, Faces the Vatican Summons

“It does not seem to me that Viganò is adhering to the Holy See in the way that Archbishop Lefebvre did his whole life – notwithstanding the latter’s criticisms and resistance.” Viganò, Invoking …More
“It does not seem to me that Viganò is adhering to the Holy See in the way that Archbishop Lefebvre did his whole life – notwithstanding the latter’s criticisms and resistance.”
Viganò, Invoking Lefebvre, Faces the Vatican Summons
Sean Johnson
Weird that 1P5 thinks Vigano attributes a position to Lefebvre that the latter did not hold, when Vigano invokes him as saying we cannot be in communion …More
Weird that 1P5 thinks Vigano attributes a position to Lefebvre that the latter did not hold, when Vigano invokes him as saying we cannot be in communion with this conciliar church. Not only did Lefebvre say exactly that in his book Spiritual Journey just a couple months before he died, but all the SSPX superiors declared it in their July 6, 1988 letter to Cardinal Gantin, when they stated:
“On the other hand, we have never wished to belong to this system which calls itself the Conciliar Church, and defines itself with the Novus Ordo Missæ, an ecumenism which leads to indifferentism and the laicization of all society. Yes, we have no part, nullam partem habemus,with the pantheon of the religions of Assisi; our own excommunication by a decree of Your Eminence or of another Roman Congregation would only be the irrefutable proof of this. We ask for nothing better than to be declared out of communion with this adulterous spirit which has been blowing in the Church for the last 25 years; we …More
Tom Morelli
Lisi Sterndorfer shares from
This letter, dated June 19, is from the Superior of the Society for France. "[The bishops consecrated by Abp. Lefebvre], who were quite young at the time, are obviously less so thirty-six years later.…More
This letter, dated June 19, is from the Superior of the Society for France.
"[The bishops consecrated by Abp. Lefebvre], who were quite young at the time, are obviously less so thirty-six years later. Since the ecclesiastical situation has not improved since 1988, it has become necessary to consider giving them assistants, who will one day become their replacements."

PiusX: New Announcement

Abbé Benoît de Jorna, Superior of the French District of PiusX, has indicated that PiusX will announce the consecration of new bishops. In his "Lettre aux Amis & Bienfaiteurs N° 95" he writes that the …More
Abbé Benoît de Jorna, Superior of the French District of PiusX, has indicated that PiusX will announce the consecration of new bishops.
In his "Lettre aux Amis & Bienfaiteurs N° 95" he writes that the four bishops consecrated in June 1988 are no longer young: "Since the situation in the Church has not improved since 1988, it is necessary to consider giving them assistants who will one day replace them".
He foresees an outburst in the oligarchic media "when such a decision is announced by the Superior General".
At that moment, "the virtue of strength will be very necessary for us on this decisive occasion" and "we must all demonstrate our absolute fidelity to the unadulterated Catholic faith".
Picture: Benoît de Jorna, #newsNvckipmkyb
@philosopher Well said!....and I agree wholeheartedly. Archbishop Lefebvre surely did no less, and those who have succeeded him in leadership of the …More
@philosopher Well said!....and I agree wholeheartedly. Archbishop Lefebvre surely did no less, and those who have succeeded him in leadership of the Priestly Fraternity must follow his example.
philosopher your philosophy didn't help you to comprehend the covid operation - biggest hoax perpetrated on humanity - and it won't help you to make …More
philosopher your philosophy didn't help you to comprehend the covid operation - biggest hoax perpetrated on humanity - and it won't help you to make distinct the difference between the legitimate pope John Paul II and usurper (destroyer) "Francis" unless your philosphy will be supplied by God's gift of wisdom and the truth.
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