CLIMATE: THE COLD TRUTH - Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam - Sources: CLIMATE - THE COLD TRUTH / Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam - How "climate change" is used to remove …More
CLIMATE: THE COLD TRUTH - Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam - Sources: CLIMATE - THE COLD TRUTH / Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam - How "climate change" is used to remove all your rights and freedoms - David Kurten and Iain Davis discuss "Climate: the Movie." - How can a worldwide network of billionaires further increase their power, wealth and control over the rest of humanity? By scaring the heck out of us, so we would obey their every command, to save ourselves. What are they using to terrify us into obedience? Lies, hoaxes, and scams. Pure deception. They project a terrible threat into our mind, repeat it over and over again, until we believe it is true. Then we will dance to their every tune, and become the perfect slaves. That’s how a small group of astronomically wealthy criminals are able to control billions of other people, all around the world.

The current scare scam is called climate change. First they said the world was cooling down and we were headed for an ice age. Horrible! Get your wintercoats out! Build igloos! Save yourselves!

That proved to be such bullshit, that they changed it to global warming. We are all going to be boiled alive! The ice is melting from the poles, and our countries will drown like Atlantis. Get your swimming suits on! Prepare the life boats!

That proved to be wrong too. No such thing. So they changed it again to “climate change”. This way they can go any direction. Is there a sudden cold spell, somewhere in the world? “See??? It’s climate change! We are all going to die!” Is there a heat wave elsewhere on Earth? “Yes! It’s happening. We will burn alive. Climate change!”

Any weather event can now be used to push their fear onto the population.

It is silly and insane, but nevertheless extremely dangerous and destructive. Because this insanity is used to impose suffocating tyranny on humanity, of the likes which this world has never seen before. Forget China communism. What they are preparing for the entire world is China on steroids. In other words, hell on earth.

All meat production must be destroyed and humanity must be forced to eat genetically modified bugs, bred in factories. Farms must be eradicated from the face of the earth, and replaced with labs and factories, where artificial food is created. If one eats meat, it must come from a lab, where synthetic “plastic” meat is grown in tubes. That this will cause cancers to become more commonplace than a simple cold, is not important to them. As long as we all eat their plastic stuff from the labs.

All finances must become fully controlled, by making it 100% digital, so the tyrants can block any bank account at will, if they determine that our spending is “dangerous for the climate”. Or… if we dare to say one word against this craziness.

In Europe people can already go to jail, for spending more than 1,000 USD in cash. “Cash is bad for the climate, you moron! Do you want us all killed? Here, think about your silly behavior in prison for a few weeks, maybe that’ll teach you some common sense.” No more cash. Everything must be digital and controlled. That’s what will stop climate change! It’s no joke.

It doesn’t end there. People must be vaccinated on an ongoing basis with injections that will somehow, magically help prevent climate change. And we must all pay more, more, more and even more, and still more taxes, to “save the planet”.

Nobody is allowed to own anything, as that is bad for the climate. We must share homes, kitchens, cars, clothes, tools with everybody else in the neighborhood. Owning anything is bad for the climate!

Travel is no longer allowed, but hey, the solution is that we can all travel to exotic locations from our coach, by wearing virtual reality headsets. Fake travel! Awesome! Meanwhile we are locked inside our homes, because these climate alarmists are already announcing worldwide climate lockdowns, to “save the planet”. Destroy millions of small businesses, and make sure everyone buys only from Amazon and Ebay, which they own. Splendid businessmodel. Destroy all small businesses through lockdowns and make the entire world dependent on our own mega corporations. Hurray!

When there are no lockdowns, we will all be imprisoned in our neighborhoods anyway, as 15-minute cities are being installed worldwide, which prevents us from going more than fifteen minutes away from our homes. After all, any type of movement is bad for the climate…

The level of madness these criminals are busy implementing in our world is too much for words. Some who read this, may not even believe it, as it is so ridiculous. Wait until you end up in jail for visiting your mother, who lives 16 minutes from your home…. You went one minute too far without a permit. That is what is being prepared, literally. A permit will be required for moving beyond our designated perimeter. In some cities of the UK it is a reality already!

And all this is based on one single thing: CLIMATE CHANGE!

Plastic meat, GMO bugs, destruction of framing, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, travel ban, no more private ownership, renting and sharing everything, being limited in your movement, being tracked and monitored wherever you and go whatever you do, being arrested or losing all your finances because you said something on social media against this insanity, …. all this - and much more - to save the planet from becoming too cold, or too hot, or too dry, or too wet, or whatever. It doesn’t matter, just call it climate change and the masses will follow you.

How do we end this madness? By revealing the truth. A great way to do this is a newly published film, called CLIMATE, THE COLD TRUTH. It features scientists and experts who expose how this is an incredibly ridiculous scam, designed to enrich the rich and enslave the rest.

We may be busy and distracted, occupied and bound to all kinds of obligations, but at some point this film is a must watch, and especially something we should all share far and wide.

On the same page you find documentaries that show how these entities are manipulating the weather and causing natural disasters, in order to further push the narrative of climate change on the population. Weather warfare has been around for decades and is used to cause earthquakes, floods, droughts, hurricanes, snowstorms, wildfires and every other imaginable weather catastrophe, which is then blamed on climate change.

It’s simple: strike a match, lit a tree on fire, cause a forest fire and shout to the world how climate change is burning our world down! Or open a faucet, let the water run out on the streets, and holler how we will all drown, because of climate change. That’s the principle. Of course they have much bigger faucets to open and DEW or Direct Energy Weapons to play with.

Humanity is being threatened by a level of evil this world hasn’t seen before, in its entire existence. If we don’t stand up and start spreading truth, there is no telling what will happen.

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For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical … - 11. Freedom Alliance Ireland against Plandemic. Lockdowns Are Quietly Imp… - 12. COVIDLAND - EPISODE 1: THE LOCKDOWN - Covidland: The Lockdown is part … - 13. "MONOPOLY: WHO OWNS THE WORLD" - Stop World Control: stopworldcontrol.… - 14. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 15. "THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT" - EVIDENCE OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS AND HUNDRE… - 16. CLAIRE EDWARDS: THE COVID-19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 (See below the full tran… - 17. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 18. CONSTRUCTION OF PANIC for World Governance - 19. MONOPOLY: AN OVERVIEW OF THE GREAT RESET - This informative video give… - 20. "BIG PHARMA: Exposing the Criminal Pharmaceutical Industry" - English … - 21. Documentary: "The new normality" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES. - 22. "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used" - With Spanish… - 23. The Price of Panic Breakout Session from Freedom Summit 2020 - Jay Ric… - 24. CORONA WORLD ORDER - What we are witnessing with this "global health c… - 25. Vernon Coleman, "The Old Man in the Chair": London Speech July 24, 202… - 26. UK Plandemic Brainwashing - Miles Christi - 03/25/2021 - 27. THE NEW NORMAL - A DOCUMENTARY BY HAPPEN.NETWORK - 28. "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - With Spanish Subtitles - Source: WATCH THE FILM – Planet Lockdown Documenta… - 29. "PSEUDOPANDEMIC: New Normal Technocracy" - By Iain Davis - 2021 - Sources: 1. "Pseudopandemic" - … - 30. THE PANDEMIC GREAT DECEIT: THE COVID VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED - 31. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 32."PLANDEMIC: GRAND JURY EVIDENCE" - Lawyers and top experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship. … - 33. “The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis” - 34. "Miles - Christi - English 2021" - 35. 20 Years After 9/11 - 36. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 37. EL GRAN REINICIO (English with Spanish subtitles) - 38. Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - 39. 2020-2023: Three Years of Miles Christi. - 40. THE GREAT AWAKENING - Plandemic Series Part 3 - Wi… - 41. childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/ - 42. THREE YEARS OF FALSE PANDEMIC.

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2. La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII. - 11. "El relato pandémico" - Nicolás Ponsiglione - Este es un libro muy rec… - 12. "INFORME DE MUERTES POR VACUNAS" - 13. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 14. NO a la vacunación obligatoria. - 15. PLANDEMIA: El objetivo que persigue la élite. - 16. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 17. LA CONSTRUCCION DEL PANICO para la Gobernanza Mundial - 18. PLANDEMIA: CRONOLOGÍA DE UN GENOCIDIO PROGRAMADO - 19. "BIG PHARMA: Poniendo al descubierto la criminal industria farmacéutic… - 20. ASESINADOS: EL DOCUMENTAL. En este documental, brillantemente conducid… - 21. Documental: "La nueva normalidad". - 22. "Event 201" - Simulacro de pandemia de coronavirus organizado por la F… - 23. "Miles Christi 2021" - 24. "HISTORIA Y OBJETIVOS DE LA FALSA PANDEMIA" - El abogado Reiner Fuellmich entrevista a la investiga… - 25. El ABC de la plandemia - 26. "PLANETA CONFINADO" / "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - Valioso documental acerca del atentado terrorista … - 27. "Covid: el engaño más grande en la historia de la salud" - 28. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 29. "¡Despierta! Cómo las élites están controlando el mundo" - 30. EL GRAN REINICIO - 31. A 20 años del atentado terrorista del 11-S - 32. 2020-2022: Dos años de Miles Christi - 33. "Dos años de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - 34. 2020-2023: Tres años de Miles Christi. - 35. "Plandemia, Agenda 2030 y calentamiento global: pa… - 36. A TRES AÑOS DEL INICIO DE LA PLANDEMIA - Juicio y castigo para los aut… - 37. CUATRO AÑOS CON MILES CHRISTI.

Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. "PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - Suite du documentaire "HOLD UP" (1. HOLD-UP - Re… - 13. "30 faits que vous devez savoir : Une fiche d’information sur le COVID." - 14. Comité d'investigation de Reiner Fuellmich - 15. LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA PANIQUE pour la Gouvernance Mondiale - 16. Des signaux de fréquences Bluetooth ou analogue chez les personnes aya… - 17. SPORTIFS PROFESSIONNELS ET OLYMPIQUES DÉCÉDÉS OU GRAVEMENT BLESSÉS AU … - 18. "VACCINS: UN PLAN MONDIAL" - Transcription audio de l’article du magaz… - 19. Scandale chez Merck: une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout - … - 21. Documentaire "Planet Lockdown" - Version doublée en français - Partie 1/4 - Source, avec les trois … - 22. Vaccins et virus – Nouveau Monde - 23. Une épidémie de mensonges - 24. "2013-2022: Neuf ans avec François" - 25. Marie-Estelle Dupont : Le contrôle des masses par la peur. - 26. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 27. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi. - 28. 2020-2023 : Trois ans de Miles Christi.
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RELATED: 1. "THE GREAT CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD" - The Great Globa… - 2. UN - Agenda 2030: "We can no longer ignore the cli… - 3. AFTER THE "PLANDEMIC" CLIMATE IS NEXT - Related: 1… - 4. CNN says that after the pandemic climate change wi… - 5. The Pandemic is a Test Run. - 6. Rosa Koire - "UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset: Dr… - 7. Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that cl… - 8. THE …More
RELATED: 1. "THE GREAT CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD" - The Great Globa… - 2. UN - Agenda 2030: "We can no longer ignore the cli… - 3. AFTER THE "PLANDEMIC" CLIMATE IS NEXT - Related: 1… - 4. CNN says that after the pandemic climate change wi… - 5. The Pandemic is a Test Run. - 6. Rosa Koire - "UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset: Dr… - 7. Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that cl… - 8. THE TRUTH IS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - WITH SPANISH … - 9. World Economic Forum To “Freeze Bank Accounts” of … - 10. "Francis, the Pontiff of Earth Worship" - Fr. Will… - 11. "Socialists are using hysteria over COVID as a wea… - 12. Behind the Green Mask:Un Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire. A… - 13. The elite of psychopaths that rule the world, unde… - 14. ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’: War… - 15. LA FARSA DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO - Piers Corbyn - 201… - 16. "LA FARSA DEL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL" - Relacionado:… - 17. "EL GRAN FRAUDE DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO" - Relacionad… - 18. El Gran Reinicio continúa: próxima etapa, el confi… - 19. Senador australiano Alex Antic habla en el congres… - 20. "Lo que se oculta tras la Agenda 2030" - Ver tambi… - 21. "El desarrollo sustentable. La nueva ética interna… - 22. "Plandemia, Agenda 2030 y calentamiento global: pa… - 23. World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency - 24. Clima, il Prof. Battaglia chiarisce “tutti gli errori di Papa Francesco” nell’ultima esortazione - 25. Aumentano ancora i firmatari della World Climate Declaration: per oltre 1800 scienziati "non c'è alcuna emergenza climatica" - 26. THE VATICAN PROMOTES THE UN CLIMATE CATASTROPHISM … - 27. EL VATICANO PROMUEVE LA AGENDA CLIMÁTICA DE LA ONU… - 28. La eco-encíclica Laudato Si’ - 29. El ecologismo como religión global: ¿ Un caballo de Troya para la Iglesia Católica? - Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo - 29. LAUDATE DEUM PROMEUT LE PANTHÉISME. - 30. LAUDATE DEUM: EL NUEVO DOGMA CLIMÁTICO. - 31. LA REALIDAD DE LAS ESTELAS QUÍMICAS. - 32. EL GRANO DEL SISTEMA ESPECIAL: CHEMTRAILS, DE LO Q…
here again its about controling the people