The WEF recommends children be implanted with brain chips.

The World Economic Forum Recommends Humans Become Cyborgs, Implant Brain Chips: There Are ‘Solid, Rational’ Reasons For Children To Be Microchipped.
The World Economic Forum is promoting “augmentation technology” to morph humans into cyborgs and recommends children be implanted with brain chips.

Related: THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING - The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World …

The brain chips will not only improve health by eradicating impairments like learning disabilities and depression, but pave the way for humans to attain superhuman capacities, contends an August 16 article published on the WEF website.

“Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there’s a subtle change happening. Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves. These expectations may sound unattainable, but we’re already making the first strides towards an “augmented society,” writes WEF “agenda contributor” Kathleen Phillips in the blog post titled, “Augmented tech can change the way we live, but only with the right support and vision.”

While brain chips or augmentation, like “cochlear implants” or “prosthetics” are used to remedy cognitive impairments, the technology will be used to enhance everyday life, particularly for children who would benefit from developing ultra sensory perception, the article argues.

“The augmenting technology will help in all stages of life: children in a learning environment, professionals at work and ambitious senior citizens. There are many possibilities,” Phillips notes.

“Should you implant a tracking chip in your child? There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety,” the scientist writes. “Many children with attention deficit struggle in school. In the best case, they get special education services or classroom accommodations. However, with extra visual and audio guidance that blocks off excess stimuli, an otherwise-enabled child can cope with a standard school environment. And when class is over and playtime begins, they can just take the aids off.”

Brain implants will provide health benefits “equivalent of a dog’s nose” in a gadget “that can be handy to sniff out COVID-19,” the WEF agenda contributor assures. But unlike phones that “might feel like part of your body,” the augmentation technology “will become more intertwined with the body in the form of implants.”

Phillips surmises an “augmented society” is inevitable and points to global elites who are are establishing a monopoly over brain implants to “ethically” regulate the technology that soon be pervasive across the globe.

“The Council of Europe recently launched a strategic action plan tackling issues raised by the application of neurotechnologies. Another example, Rathenau Institute founded by the Dutch government, operates as an independent institution to reflect on questions related to the impact of technology on our lives,” Phillips writes. “Chile is already a step ahead. Last year, the country pioneered a bill to amend its constitution to protect personal brain data. Several countries are now exploring how to address these issues surrounding (brain) implants. The task is daunting as ethicists will not only need to scrutinize blooming technology but also potential future applications.”

“Technology has always had the potential to transform society and improve our daily and professional lives. So does augmentation technology,” the WEF article concludes. “It goes hand in hand with an evolution from health care to ‘well care’, where it’s not just about solving an impairment anymore. It’s about technology that supports you and improves your overall quality of life.”

WEF chief Klaus Schwab contends transhumanism, or merging man with machine, is imperative to achieving the “The Great Reset” or “fourth industrial revolution.”

“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2019.

As the WEF publishes propaganda to mull support for implantable microchips that can read the recipients’ thoughts, the pandemic is providing an opportunity for proponents of the Great Reset to implement the technology.

During a Davos meeting in May, Pfizer CEO Alberta Bourla boasted about developing “ingestible pills,” which contain a tiny microchip notify authorities using a wireless signal when the pharmaceutical is digested.

Source: World Economic Forum Recommends Humans Become Cyborgs, Implant Brain Chips: There Are 'Solid, Rational' Reasons For Children To Be Microchipped

Related: 1. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 2. "Covid vaccines and the forthcoming mark of the beast" - Covid "vaccin… - 3. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko telling some truths about the plandemic, universa… - 4. "Netherlands MEP Robert Roos tells Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission some … - 5. Vacunas, tecnocracia y transhumanismo - Para más información: 1. "Diec… - 6. "El verdadero propósito del pasaporte de vacunas" - Relacionado: 1. Th… - 7. "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" - The day does not seem very far away when digita… - 8. The true purpose of the vaccine passeport and the plandemic manipulati… - 9. Die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, ste… - 10. "Why human microchipping is so popular in Sweden" - Pastors and academ… - 11. "This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1" - The proposed global rollout of Vac… - 12. "HACIA EL CONTROL TOTAL" - Cristian Terheș, miembro del Parlamento Eur… - 13. "VACCINATE, VACCINATE, VACCINATE": Another criminal psychopath spreadi… - 14. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 15. "La necesidad europea de chips se duplicará en la próxima década" - Pr… - 16. Little by little, we are going towards the mark of the Beast - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1.… - 17. "Microchip implantable para el pase sanitario" - Relacionado: 1. "Swed… - 18. THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING - The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World …

About Klaus Schwab ant the WEF: 1. KLAUS SCHWAB: "What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries … - 2. "Klaus Schwab and the WEF building the New World Order" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. "… - 3. Klaus Schwab, author of "Covid19: The Great Reset" and promoter of the "Fourth Industrial Revolutio… - 4. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 5. Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities | World Economic Forum Deleted Tweet & Video #wef21 - 6. The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved - 7. What is the Great Reset? - Davos Agenda 2021 - "The pandemic has radically changed the world as we … - 8. The speech of fear is the strategy of the Satanist elite to control us: Klaus Schwab evokes the … - 9. "CYBER POLYGON: A simulation of a cyber attack with COVID like characteristics" - Soon a Cyber … - 10. "What the Great Reset could bring about by the year 2030?" - By now, I'm sure you've heard of the … - 11. World Economic Forum proposes psychological plan to overcome ‘vaccine hesitancy’ - 12. WEF: Here's how we can vaccinate the world - 13. "The 4th Industrial Revolution of Klaus Schwab and the WEF" - RELATED: 1. The Great Reset - Klauss … - 14. The Great Reset: A Critical Review - 15. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 16. "Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - 17. "Event 201" - Simulacro de pandemia de coronavirus organizado por la Fundación Bill y Melinda … - 18. Voici comment nous pouvons vacciner le monde - 19. "Dos años de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - 20. Bienvenido al 2030. No tengo nada, no tengo privacidad y la vida nunca ha sido mejor - 21. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 22. El presidente de Argentina adhiere públicamente al "Gran Reinicio" del Foro Económico Mundial. … - 23. VIGILANCIA BIOMÉTRICA TOTAL - Yuval Harari, asesor del Foro Económico Mundial - Relacionado: 1. … - 24. El discurso del miedo es la estrategia de la élite satanista para controlarnos: Klaus Schwab evoca … - 25. PLANDEMIA: El objetivo que persigue la élite - 26. "Let's also be clear, the future is not just happening: it is built by us, by a powerful community,… - 27. "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance” - … - 28. Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about the development … - 29. Australian Safety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a recalibra… - 30. “L’élite de Davos veut un gouvernement mondial, ce n’est pas une théorie complotiste“ - Sénateur … - 31. TRANSHUMANISME ET NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL - Les livres de Yuval Noah Harari, l'intellectuel de … - 32. WEF 2022 AT DAVOS - Recorded in a private jet airport near Davos where the WEF attendees arrive … - 33. Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla speaking at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 34. "KLAUS SCHWAB AND YUVAL HARARI: GREAT RESET & TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA" - About Klaus Schwab … - 35. TOTAL BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE - “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, … - 36. Chilling Video from World Economic Forum Head Makes His Plans Clear - Dave Rubin of “The Rubin … - 37. Foro Económico Mundial: Los beneficios del confinamiento - 38. World Economic Forum's Head Makes His Plans Clear - Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to the … - 39. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts Exposes Klaus Schwab's Great Reset - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - …

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Miles - Christi
Related: 1. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 2. "Covid vaccines and the forthcoming mark of the beast" - Covid "vaccin… - 3. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko telling some truths about the plandemic, universa… - 4. "Netherlands MEP Robert Roos tells Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission some … - 5. Vacunas, tecnocracia y …More
Related: 1. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 2. "Covid vaccines and the forthcoming mark of the beast" - Covid "vaccin… - 3. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko telling some truths about the plandemic, universa… - 4. "Netherlands MEP Robert Roos tells Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission some … - 5. Vacunas, tecnocracia y transhumanismo - Para más información: 1. "Diec… - 6. "El verdadero propósito del pasaporte de vacunas" - Relacionado: 1. Th… - 7. "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" - The day does not seem very far away when digita… - 8. The true purpose of the vaccine passeport and the plandemic manipulati… - 9. Die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, ste… - 10. "Why human microchipping is so popular in Sweden" - Pastors and academ… - 11. "This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1" - The proposed global rollout of Vac… - 12. "HACIA EL CONTROL TOTAL" - Cristian Terheș, miembro del Parlamento Eur… - 13. "VACCINATE, VACCINATE, VACCINATE": Another criminal psychopath spreadi… - 14. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 15. "La necesidad europea de chips se duplicará en la próxima década" - Pr… - 16. Little by little, we are going towards the mark of the Beast - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1.… - 17. "Microchip implantable para el pase sanitario" - Relacionado: 1. "Swed… - 18. THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING - The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World …
Miles - Christi
About Klaus Schwab ant the WEF: 1. KLAUS SCHWAB: "What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries … - 2. "Klaus Schwab and the WEF building the New World Order" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. "… - 3. Klaus Schwab, author of "Covid19: The Great Reset" and promoter of the "Fourth Industrial Revolutio… - 4. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen …More
About Klaus Schwab ant the WEF: 1. KLAUS SCHWAB: "What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries … - 2. "Klaus Schwab and the WEF building the New World Order" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. "… - 3. Klaus Schwab, author of "Covid19: The Great Reset" and promoter of the "Fourth Industrial Revolutio… - 4. Klaus Schwab discusses with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the UE, the European Chip Act and … - 5. Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities | World Economic Forum Deleted Tweet & Video #wef21 - 6. The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved - 7. What is the Great Reset? - Davos Agenda 2021 - "The pandemic has radically changed the world as we … - 8. The speech of fear is the strategy of the Satanist elite to control us: Klaus Schwab evokes the … - 9. "CYBER POLYGON: A simulation of a cyber attack with COVID like characteristics" - Soon a Cyber … - 10. "What the Great Reset could bring about by the year 2030?" - By now, I'm sure you've heard of the … - 11. World Economic Forum proposes psychological plan to overcome ‘vaccine hesitancy’ - 12. WEF: Here's how we can vaccinate the world - 13. "The 4th Industrial Revolution of Klaus Schwab and the WEF" - RELATED: 1. The Great Reset - Klauss … - 14. The Great Reset: A Critical Review - 15. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 16. "Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - 17. "Event 201" - Simulacro de pandemia de coronavirus organizado por la Fundación Bill y Melinda … - 18. Voici comment nous pouvons vacciner le monde - 19. "Dos años de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - 20. Bienvenido al 2030. No tengo nada, no tengo privacidad y la vida nunca ha sido mejor - 21. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 22. El presidente de Argentina adhiere públicamente al "Gran Reinicio" del Foro Económico Mundial. … - 23. VIGILANCIA BIOMÉTRICA TOTAL - Yuval Harari, asesor del Foro Económico Mundial - Relacionado: 1. … - 24. El discurso del miedo es la estrategia de la élite satanista para controlarnos: Klaus Schwab evoca … - 25. PLANDEMIA: El objetivo que persigue la élite - 26. "Let's also be clear, the future is not just happening: it is built by us, by a powerful community,… - 27. "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance” - … - 28. Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about the development … - 29. Australian Safety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a recalibra… - 30. “L’élite de Davos veut un gouvernement mondial, ce n’est pas une théorie complotiste“ - Sénateur … - 31. TRANSHUMANISME ET NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL - Les livres de Yuval Noah Harari, l'intellectuel de … - 32. WEF 2022 AT DAVOS - Recorded in a private jet airport near Davos where the WEF attendees arrive … - 33. Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla speaking at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 34. "KLAUS SCHWAB AND YUVAL HARARI: GREAT RESET & TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA" - About Klaus Schwab … - 35. TOTAL BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE - “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, … - 36. Chilling Video from World Economic Forum Head Makes His Plans Clear - Dave Rubin of “The Rubin … - 37. Foro Económico Mundial: Los beneficios del confinamiento - 38. World Economic Forum's Head Makes His Plans Clear - Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to the … - 39. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts Exposes Klaus Schwab's Great Reset - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - …