Liberals HOWL as USCCB Cuts Staff of Scandal-Plagued Social Justice Operation

Liberals HOWL as USCCB Cuts Staff of Scandal-Plagued Social Justice Operation

Catholic News Agency reported this week that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has laid-off staff members from …

Parents say NO to gender ideology

Dr. James Lindsay on radical gender ideology and the social credit mafia."Parents do what ever you can, to make sure this toxic ideology isn't in your local public school …
Fred Alan Medforth

Bloody attack on European Championship fans in Stuttgart, Germany: Syrian stabs three fans!

A fight broke out at a public viewing event in the fan area in Stuttgart on Wednesday evening, which resulted …
Tom Morelli
GREAT Trump ad just released prior to first debate. 🇺🇲👍More
GREAT Trump ad just released prior to first debate. 🇺🇲👍

Famous British Opposition Politician Asked Francis To Save the Holy Mass

The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion". On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway …More
The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion".
On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway told (26 June).
Describing himself as "a big fan of this Pope", Galloway believes that Francis "has a lot of enemies, so he has to rely on different factions. It's a very backstabbing place, rather like parliament." In other words, he has no idea what is going on in Francis' Vatican.
A brilliant rhetorician, Galloway is one of the few members of the British parliament who does not belong to the regime and war parties. He created his own party, the Workers' Party of Britain, and made international headlines when he won his seat in the Rochdale by-election with a significant majority from the Labour Party, which had held it for 14 years.
Galloway describes himself as a practising Roman Catholic. He goes to church every Sunday. His mother receives Holy Communion daily.
His …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Tucho, Roche,Grillo etc. probably had a good laugh at Galloway's expense when Pope Francis told them this one. The laughter probably could have been …More
Tucho, Roche,Grillo etc. probably had a good laugh at Galloway's expense when Pope Francis told them this one. The laughter probably could have been heard thru the walls of the Vatican outside.
Galloway is naive to try to paint Francis as a victim of many enemies. I'm only 22 and know something about the Church from my senior year in college last year, when we had to read Church history and about recent Popes. I took an interest and read about Vatican news on the internet 3-4x a week. Taking a break now after graduation, but job search time in the Fall is looming. As a business admin./finance major, it shouldn't be hard.
Liam Ronan
As Evelyn Waugh, Lanzo Del Vasto, F.R. Leavis, Nancy Mitford, Agatha Christie, Seán Ó Faoláin, Malcolm Muggeridge, Yehudi Menuhin, René Girard, Franco …More
As Evelyn Waugh, Lanzo Del Vasto, F.R. Leavis, Nancy Mitford, Agatha Christie, Seán Ó Faoláin, Malcolm Muggeridge, Yehudi Menuhin, René Girard, Franco Zeffirelli, Ralph Richardson, William Rees-Mogg and many such so pleaded with Pope Paul VI. Resulting in the 'Agatha Christie Indult' granted by Paul VI in 1971 for the Traditional Latin Maas to be celebrated in England and Wales.
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thegoldenprayer shares from thegoldenprayer
Luminous Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary narrated by Sam Michael Nardone.
De Profundis
lol!! Sad that it has come to thisMore
Sad that it has come to this
Hard to interpret this. Either the driver was a foreigner who didn't know how to speak English properly (likely) and meant "Is the customer a man?" so …More
Hard to interpret this. Either the driver was a foreigner who didn't know how to speak English properly (likely) and meant "Is the customer a man?" so he'd know who to expect to pick up. OR The driver was old school and was asking if the customer had a man servant to help with the luggage, etc. Why someone like that would use an Uber shared car service is beyond me! 😂 🤪 Just hire a limo!
Pierre Henri
Alex Jones @RealAlexJones BREAKING: Biden Internment Camps For Americans Exposed By Border Patrol WhistleblowersMore
Alex Jones
BREAKING: Biden Internment Camps For Americans Exposed By Border Patrol Whistleblowers
Info Krieger Krieger
🚨🇬🇧 Blade Runner schneidet die ULEZ-Kamera in London ab. Sie war erst am Tag zuvor installiert worden.... Quelle:…More
🚨🇬🇧 Blade Runner schneidet die ULEZ-Kamera in London ab.
Sie war erst am Tag zuvor installiert worden.... Quelle:
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🔥 Antiilluminaten TV

Dissident religious sisters flout Church teaching with blasphemous ‘Pride month prayer service’ - …

(LifeSiteNews) – A group of dissident religious Catholic sisters hosted a blasphemous pro-LGBT “prayer …
Sad to say, many "sisters" are lesbians - the queer priests just get more press due to abuse crimes. I have first hand knowledge of this when I visited …More
Sad to say, many "sisters" are lesbians - the queer priests just get more press due to abuse crimes. I have first hand knowledge of this when I visited an elderly liberal - albeit fairly nice - nun I'm acquainted with ans was SHOCKED that the gift shop attached to the convent was full of LGBT stuff - such as rainbow flags & 'pronoun pins'! Plus they were flying both the gay flag & the trans flag!!! The saddest part was the museum they had about the life of their founder and one could see she was a real Catholic and person of deep faith in Christ. She must be sorrowing over her spiritual daughters. 😭 🙏
Denis Efimov
For they are in the church of Satan. They still have a chance to turn away from sin and confess while they are still alive.
Billy F
Controlled Global Degenerate!
Chris Muniee

Are you Deathly Afraid of the Internet?

This might be less of a concern for users, but am I the only one who has detected a cowardice or fear of the Internet, particularly among somewhat traditional clergy and laity.
Frank Walker of Canon 212 has called out all those conservative Catholic Inc. pundits who warn people of looking at specifically Church & other news …More
Frank Walker of Canon 212 has called out all those conservative Catholic Inc. pundits who warn people of looking at specifically Church & other news online. They recommend a "fast" from social media, etc. to maintain one's "peace of mind". Granted the Internet provides a lot of temptation and occasions to sin; but it also gives information that is being actively suppressed by bad actors. It's no wonder why governments and others are calling for more censorship of it. They want to keep us ignorant of any alternatives to their narrative or the "party line"!
Sally Dorman shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
Msgr. Charles Fink: Why is it that the Church, with its multiple liturgical rites, cannot show compassion to Catholics who love the traditional Latin Mass?

No Mercy for Latin Mass Lovers? - The Catholic Thing

Let me be perfectly clear, as the politicians like to say: I have no vested interest in promoting the traditional Latin Mass. In fact, I was brought …
Simon North
There is only ONE legitimate Roman Rite: the one that Pius V, instituting the decrees of the Council of Trent, made clear coupled never be replaced. …More
There is only ONE legitimate Roman Rite: the one that Pius V, instituting the decrees of the Council of Trent, made clear coupled never be replaced. This essay is misleading - and not in conformity with the Catholic Faith.
Canon 212
June 26, 2024: Is Abp. Vigano Caught Up In Some Mass-Crushing Campaign?
Sean Johnson
Lefebvre never refused a priori to consider the possibility that the conciliar popes were nopes. He simply, as a prudential judgment, thought it best …More
Lefebvre never refused a priori to consider the possibility that the conciliar popes were nopes. He simply, as a prudential judgment, thought it best at the time not to go down that road, while admitting on several occasions that the day could come when they’d have to acknowledge these were not real popes. 38 years later, Vigano seems simply to be saying that day has now come.
Circumstantial evidence is not sufficient to support the Viganò declaration, he may very well be right but we cannot know with certainty the state of …More
Circumstantial evidence is not sufficient to support the Viganò declaration, he may very well be right but we cannot know with certainty the state of mind of Betgolio when he accepted. It is clear however that Viganò has good reason for believing what he does. Would love to see a public trial but that would limit the vaticans ability to deceive so it will never happen.
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Be Reconciled With Your Neighbor Before Approaching the Altar For more on these religious & to support them, please visit Transalpine Redemptorists at home 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴More
Be Reconciled With Your Neighbor Before Approaching the Altar
For more on these religious & to support them, please visit Transalpine Redemptorists at home
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Normand Thomas

200. God needs evangelizers

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gathers the sheep of Israel and the whole world. Every lost sheep, he wants to bring back to the Father. He doesn’t want any of them to be lost. He continues to send …More
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gathers the sheep of Israel and the whole world. Every lost sheep, he wants to bring back to the Father. He doesn’t want any of them to be lost. He continues to send prophets today. He wants to get his message of freedom and salvation to us.
Today, where we are, we’re called to share the Good News of our salvation in Jesus Christ. We are the people Jesus needs for our time. His Spirit will guide us to share his message so that the world hears it.
Jesus is there for everyone, but not everyone gives himself the means to meet with Jesus. When we cannot evangelize people near us, let’s look elsewhere for other sheep. May we work full time, continuously.
We often hear that in families and with their own children that it’s not always easy to keep up with faith. This isn’t the time to become stationary and discouraged. It opens the door for other people. If we join other people, they may join the children of the families someday. Meanwhile, our faith supports our …More

The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 66 — THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CREATION AND DISTINCTION 1. Did a formless state of created matter precede in time the distinction of this matter? - 2. Is there only one matter for all corporeal …More
1. Did a formless state of created matter precede in time the distinction of this matter? -
2. Is there only one matter for all corporeal beings? -
3. Was the empyrean sky created with formless matter? -
4. Was time created with her?
Article 1 - Did a formless state of created matter precede in time its distinction?
It seems that an unformed state of matter preceded its formation in time. It is said in fact in Genesis (1,2): "The earth was desert and empty" or, according to another version, "invisible and uncomposed"; according to S. Augustine, this designates a formless state of matter. At a certain moment, before being formed, matter would therefore have been formless. 2 . In its operation nature imitates the operation of God, as the second cause imitates the first cause. Now, in the operation of nature, the formless state precedes formation. This therefore also applies to the divine operation. 3 . Matter …More

Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

The feisty nuns of Belorado, Spain, have kicked out the self-styled 'bishop' Pablo Rojas and his assistant José Ceacero. According to Spanish media, the move was recommended by the convent's lawyers.…More
The feisty nuns of Belorado, Spain, have kicked out the self-styled 'bishop' Pablo Rojas and his assistant José Ceacero.
According to Spanish media, the move was recommended by the convent's lawyers. This information was leaked by the nuns themselves, who are discussing the events with their families through phone calls and WhatsApp messages.
Rojas and Ceacero left the convent on Tuesday.
Christopher Shahrazade
Very good. But if they don't like the Catholic Church as it is under heretic homo-loving Francis, they could affiliate themselves to the SSPX. Sedevacantism …More
Very good. But if they don't like the Catholic Church as it is under heretic homo-loving Francis, they could affiliate themselves to the SSPX. Sedevacantism is always the last option anyone should choose who is alienated from the Catholic Church as it is today. I know of Catholics who have quit the Church over Bergoglio, and have attended (but not joined), the Presbyterian "church" and others joined our neighboring Greek Orthodox Church. But most, like me and most of my family, have remained Catholic but go to Mass very rarely. The TLM is too far. s. Our house is closer to the Jersey Shore than it is to the nearest TLM parish. So driving to it would be ridiculous.
I think that the nuns should affiliate to the SSPX. It's obvious that the VAtican would not allow them to remain a traditionalist cloister of Poor Clares with the TLM. But going independant with no affiliation to anything would be bad.
Well done, Sisters….well done, indeed! Kick out that sedevacantist poison.More
Well done, Sisters….well done, indeed! Kick out that sedevacantist poison.
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Bishop of Regensburg "Forbids" FSSPX Ordinations

Monsignor Rudolf Voderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, who is considered a "conservative", has "forbidden" the "unauthorised ordinations" at the Priestly Society of St Pius X seminary in Zaitzkofen …More
Monsignor Rudolf Voderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, who is considered a "conservative", has "forbidden" the "unauthorised ordinations" at the Priestly Society of St Pius X seminary in Zaitzkofen near Regensburg.
As reported by on 26 June, Voderholzer had nothing better to do than to write a letter to the seminary's rector, Father Pascal Schreiber, stating that the ordinations were "not permitted".
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, who is based in Ecône, Switzerland, will ordain a Hungarian and a Czech candidate to the priesthood in Zaitzkofen.
Monsignor Voderholzer expressed his hope that in the future the Priestly Society of St Pius X will make an honest effort "to return to full communion with the Catholic Church".
"Once again I feel obliged to protect the order of the Church and, as Ordinarius loci, to prohibit the unauthorised ordinations for the area of the Diocese of Regensburg, as in previous years," Voderholzer wrote in his letter.
Voderholzer has been …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't think I am, but Rudolf Voderholzer has no authority to forbid anything of the SSPX. They are not subject to a …More
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't think I am, but Rudolf Voderholzer has no authority to forbid anything of the SSPX. They are not subject to a Vatican II bishop. THey have their own.
Sean Johnson
😉 Must be +Williamson’s fault 😉

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

There are groups ready to do "anything" against him, Tucho Fernández told the oligarchs (24 June) presenting himself as a victim. The controversial newspaper reveals that Tucho went …More
There are groups ready to do "anything" against him, Tucho Fernández told the oligarchs (24 June) presenting himself as a victim.
The controversial newspaper reveals that Tucho went to Pope Francis with concerns that he was being watched.
The source of this information is an anonymous person [= likely Fernández himself, since he spoke to the newspaper].
These alleged fears were based on an innocent night-time photograph published in November by a Spanish-language Catholic blog, showing Tucho talking on the phone at a distance through a window of his home on the Vatican grounds, where many people have access, all owning mobile phones with cameras. The photo identifies the location of his well-known private quarters, about which Tucho has spoken extensively in public.
Now Tucho Fernández is trying to sell this harmless photo as an "invasion of privacy" and a "veiled threat".
Asked about Francis' use of the very vulgar Italian slur "frociaggine" for homosexual acts, …More
Is the same pope who said cardinal Kasper theology should be studied on one knees. We still call this guy pope what a blasphemy
Denis Efimov
"One may watch other people's actions or inquire into them, with a good intent" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 2, 2, 167, 2, 3).
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