Super Omnia Veritas


Drop College COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates.

Almost 100 colleges and universities in the U.S. are still mandating COVID-19 vaccines for students returning to their campuses for the 2023-2024 school year. Let’s make that number zero.

Currently, approximately 95 colleges and universities in the U.S. are still mandating COVID-19 vaccines for students returning to their campuses for the 2023-2024 school year. Let’s make that number zero by showing our support for students by informing the presidents of these unrelenting institutions that this unnecessary mandate jeopardizes the health and well-being of their students.

Drop the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

There is no community benefit to COVID-19 vaccination. It is an undisputed scientific fact that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. The risk of severe COVID-19 in the college-aged population is near zero, and the vast majority of the population now has protective immunity to the virus.

There is no rationale for imposing a mandate on college students. Most colleges and universities dropped their COVID-19 requirements this year based on current science.

We must remind those at the top of university administrations that COVID-19 vaccines have serious potential for harm, including myocarditis, pericarditis, multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS), pulmonary embolism, sudden cardiac death, and neuropathic and autonomic disorders.

Please insist that all remaining U.S. colleges and universities remove this barrier from individuals seeking higher education. Students deserve a long overdue sense of normalcy, which, for some, has yet to be a part of their college experience.

President Biden officially ended the public health emergency on May 11, 2023. These mandates are unreasonable and unwarranted, and we need these colleges to drop their COVID-19 vaccine mandates TODAY.


Take Action Now to:

Send an email to the president of each college and university that still has a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place.

Call them to express your concerns about these unnecessary and harmful mandates.

Post to these presidents’ social media.

If you are a student at one of these schools, please find information on vaccine exemptions (under “Resources”).

Share this information with your family and friends and encourage them to educate themselves and take action.

Go to No College Mandates for more information and see the updated list of colleges with COVID-19 mandates.

Sources: Drop College COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates - Drop College COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

The so called corona pandemic: 1. How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing? - 2. "Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History" - Dr. Vernon Coleman. - 3. "Recent events show that the enemy, the conspirato… - 4. Vernon Coleman, "The Old Man in the Chair": London… - 5. Dr. Vernon Coleman: Don't Let Them Kill The Kids -… - 6. Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century? - 7. THE SO-CALLED "CORONA PANDEMIC" - In this episode … - 8. "PANDEMIC: A MANUFACTURED CRISIS" - DR. ANDREW KAU… - 9. THE GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY IN HISTORY - N… - 10. THREE YEARS OF FALSE PANDEMIC. - 11. "Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - 12. "Compulsory Vaccination" - 13. PLANDEMIC: MONEY & MURDER IN HOSPITALS - Real life… - 14. Dr. Vernon Coleman: Los devastadores efectos secun… - 15. "Covid-19: El mayor engaño de la historia" - 16. Coronavirus: ¿El engaño del siglo? - 17. THE SO-CALLED "CORONA PANDEMIC" - In this episode …

About Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day' - 6. Disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon - 7. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 8. Pfizers Chief Scientific Officer Philip Dormitzer Questioned by Projec… - 9. Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman Runs Away … - 10. PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germa… - 11. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Vice President of Pfizer, on Vaccine Passpo… - 12. VACCINE IS TROJAN FOR TOTALITARIAN TAKEOVER - 13. Pfizer’s CEO on the need for endless boosters: "I think we're going to… - 14. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - 15. La malicia de Big Pharma es infinita. - 16. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 16. "PFIZERGATE" - 17. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 18. Vacunas experimentales inseguras e ineficaces: el caso Pfizer. - 19. Documento oficial de 90 páginas detallando los efectos adversos de la … - 20. "How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's co… - 21. "PFIZERGATE II" - 22. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the cont… - 23. "Pfizer should have been closed down in 2009" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's … - 24. Some deaths of children vaccinated with PFIZER in the US. - 25. "Pfizer crimes against children continues: three doses for children un… - 26. Los dueños de las "vacunas" contra el Covid19 son los grandes grupos f… - 27. "La historia criminal de Pfizer" - 28. Dr. Robert Malone: "Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical … - 29. VATICAN GRANTS PFIZER ‘ABORTION ABSOLUTION’ - 30. "¿Quiénes financian la plandemia?" - Relacionado: 1. "La historia crim… - 31. BIG PHARMA CRIMINALS BLOCK COVID RECOVERY - 32. "PFIZER OCULTA EFECTOS ADVERSOS" - 33. "Graves irregularidades en los ensayos de Pfizer en Argentina" - 34. Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots … - 35. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 36. "VACUNA PFIZER Y DESPOBLACIÓN MUNDIAL" - 37. PFIZER OCULTÓ EFECTOS ADVERSOS EN ARGENTINA - El Dr. Claudio Zin (Claudio Zin - Wikipedia, la … - 38. "PFIZER VACCINE AND WORLD DEPOPULATION" - 39. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 40. Flagrant collusion of the E. U. with Pfizer - 41. In COVID hearing Pfizer director admits that the covid vaccine was nev… - 42. "PFIZER ES UNA ORGANIZACIÓN CRIMINAL" - Sobre la asociación delictiva … - 43. CRIMINAL PFIZER - 44. "Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, interrogated at Davos during the World Economic… - 45. "Albert Bourla, CEO de Pfizer, interrogado en Davos durante la reunión… - 46. THE GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY IN HISTORY - N… - 47. ABOUT THE PLANDEMIC CRIME.

BIG PHARMA CRIMES: 1. "La misteriosa muerte de Kary Mullis, el más notab… (English with Spanish subtitles) - 2. "PCR: Positive Count Rising" - Basics of the PCR t… - 3. The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaugha… - 4. Entrevista a Kary Mullis por el Dr. Gary Null en 1996. Cuando hablan d… - 5. Sobre Kary Mullis, inventor de la prueba PCR utilizada fraudulentamente. - Mysterious death of Brandy Vaughan dedicated to exposing drug lab crimes (English with Spanish subtitles): - Muerte misteriosa de Brandy Vaughan dedicada a den… - The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office is investigating the sudden death of Brandy Vaughan, a well-known drug industry whistleblower and advocate for vaccine safety, who died on December 7, 2020. Related: 1. "The truth about the Spanish flu" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Would you… - 2. "Vaccination: The Hidden Truth" - Australian documentary about the dan… - 3. JOHN ROCKEFELLER AND MODERN MEDICINE - How the Rockefellers eliminated… - 4. The Rockefeller Foundation foresaw the pandemic and mass lockdowns in … - 5. The New Normal: the dystopian world that the elite prepares under the pretext of a pandemic. - 6. ADDRESS ON WORLD POPULATION CONTROL AT THE UN BY DAVID ROCKEFELLER IN … - 7. John D. Rockefeller y el apoderamiento de la medicina moderna. - John … - 7. "Stanley Plotkin, consultant to the laboratories in the manufacture of… - 8. "BIG PHARMA: Poniendo al descubierto la criminal industria farmacéutic… - 9. The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan - Source: youtube.… 10. Mysterious death of Brandy Vaughan dedicated to exposing drug lab crim… - 11. "WHO's video on vaccine insecurity is leaked" - 12/03/2019 - THESE CRI… - 12. Documental de 2018: "OMS, ¿en quién confiar?" - Corrupción detrás de u… - 13. "Jane Burgermeister, the journalist who revealed the swine flu lie in … - 14. Dr. Robert Malone: "Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical … - 15. "Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines" - Related (most o… - 16. Polio, as Covid, is a man-made disease. - 17. Tedros and the WHO: Who are the ones who pretend to "take care of us" … - 17. THE PANDEMIC GREAT DECEIT: THE COVID VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. - 18. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 19. Interview with journalist Jane Burgermeister in 2009 about the fake "I… - 20. PLANDEMIC DOCUMENTARY: THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND COVID-19 - 21. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 22. COVIDLAND - EPISODE 1: THE LOCKDOWN - Covidland: The Lockdown is part … - 23. Horrors of Vaccination: The True Story of the Smallpox Vaccine - Relat… - 24. "BIG PHARMA: Exposing the Criminal Pharmaceutical Industry" - Related:… - 25. Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - 2016 - English with Spanish Subtitles - 26. Scandale chez Merck: une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout - … - 27. What is the World Health Organization. - 27. Rosa Koire Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset … - 28. THE GREAT AWAKENING - Plandemic Series Part 3 - Wi… - 29. Reiner Fuellmich on the Covid Plandemic and the Ge… - 30. A TRES AÑOS DEL INICIO DE LA PLANDEMIA - Juicio y …

For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical … - 11. Freedom Alliance Ireland against Plandemic. Lockdowns Are Quietly Imp… - 12. COVIDLAND - EPISODE 1: THE LOCKDOWN - Covidland: The Lockdown is part … - 13. "MONOPOLY: WHO OWNS THE WORLD" - Stop World Control: stopworldcontrol.… - 14. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 15. "THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT" - EVIDENCE OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS AND HUNDRE… - 16. CLAIRE EDWARDS: THE COVID-19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 (See below the full tran… - 17. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 18. CONSTRUCTION OF PANIC for World Governance - 19. MONOPOLY: AN OVERVIEW OF THE GREAT RESET - This informative video give… - 20. "BIG PHARMA: Exposing the Criminal Pharmaceutical Industry" - English … - 21. Documentary: "The new normality" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES. - 22. "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used" - With Spanish… - 23. The Price of Panic Breakout Session from Freedom Summit 2020 - Jay Ric… - 24. CORONA WORLD ORDER - What we are witnessing with this "global health c… - 25. Vernon Coleman, "The Old Man in the Chair": London Speech July 24, 202… - 26. UK Plandemic Brainwashing - Miles Christi - 03/25/2021 - 27. THE NEW NORMAL - A DOCUMENTARY BY HAPPEN.NETWORK - 28. "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - With Spanish Subtitles - Source: WATCH THE FILM – Planet Lockdown Documenta… - 29. "PSEUDOPANDEMIC: New Normal Technocracy" - By Iain Davis - 2021 - Sources: 1. "Pseudopandemic" - … - 30. THE PANDEMIC GREAT DECEIT: THE COVID VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED - 31. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 32."PLANDEMIC: GRAND JURY EVIDENCE" - Lawyers and top experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship. … - 33. “The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis” - 34. "Miles - Christi - English 2021" - 35. 20 Years After 9/11 - 36. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 37. EL GRAN REINICIO (English with Spanish subtitles) - 38. Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - 39. 2020-2023: Three Years of Miles Christi. - 40. THE GREAT AWAKENING - Plandemic Series Part 3 - Wi… - 41.

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2. La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII. - 11. "El relato pandémico" - Nicolás Ponsiglione - Este es un libro muy rec… - 12. "INFORME DE MUERTES POR VACUNAS" - 13. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 14. NO a la vacunación obligatoria. - 15. PLANDEMIA: El objetivo que persigue la élite. - 16. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 17. LA CONSTRUCCION DEL PANICO para la Gobernanza Mundial - 18. PLANDEMIA: CRONOLOGÍA DE UN GENOCIDIO PROGRAMADO - 19. "BIG PHARMA: Poniendo al descubierto la criminal industria farmacéutic… - 20. ASESINADOS: EL DOCUMENTAL. En este documental, brillantemente conducid… - 21. Documental: "La nueva normalidad". - 22. "Event 201" - Simulacro de pandemia de coronavirus organizado por la F… - 23. "Miles Christi 2021" - 24. "HISTORIA Y OBJETIVOS DE LA FALSA PANDEMIA" - El abogado Reiner Fuellmich entrevista a la investiga… - 25. El ABC de la plandemia - 26. "PLANETA CONFINADO" / "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - Valioso documental acerca del atentado terrorista … - 27. "Covid: el engaño más grande en la historia de la salud" - 28. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 29. "¡Despierta! Cómo las élites están controlando el mundo" - 30. EL GRAN REINICIO - 31. A 20 años del atentado terrorista del 11-S - 32. 2020-2022: Dos años de Miles Christi - 33. "Dos años de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - 34. 2020-2023: Tres años de Miles Christi. - 35. A TRES AÑOS DEL INICIO DE LA PLANDEMIA - Juicio y castigo para los aut…

Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. "PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - Suite du documentaire "HOLD UP" (1. HOLD-UP - Re… - 13. "30 faits que vous devez savoir : Une fiche d’information sur le COVID." - 14. Comité d'investigation de Reiner Fuellmich - 15. LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA PANIQUE pour la Gouvernance Mondiale - 16. Des signaux de fréquences Bluetooth ou analogue chez les personnes aya… - 17. SPORTIFS PROFESSIONNELS ET OLYMPIQUES DÉCÉDÉS OU GRAVEMENT BLESSÉS AU … - 18. "VACCINS: UN PLAN MONDIAL" - Transcription audio de l’article du magaz… - 19. Scandale chez Merck: une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout - … - 21. Documentaire "Planet Lockdown" - Version doublée en français - Partie 1/4 - Source, avec les trois … - 22. Vaccins et virus – Nouveau Monde - 23. Une épidémie de mensonges - 24. "2013-2022: Neuf ans avec François" - 25. Marie-Estelle Dupont : Le contrôle des masses par la peur. - 26. PLANDÉMIE COVID: "Ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels." Source: "Co… - 27. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 28. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi. - 29. 2020-2023 : Trois ans de Miles Christi.
Rand Miller
Time to switch schools.